  • Kujinshi
  • Kujinshi (クジンシー ) is first of The Seven Heroes the players face off against. There are a total of four versions of Kujinshi that the players fight over the course of three encounters. The first time the players will face off against him as Emperor Leon in a two stage battle, and gives his life as a gambit to learn the secret of Kujinshi's ultimate technique: the Soul Steal. He then passes this knowledge onto his surviving son Gerard through the ritual of succession, and endows the players with the Soul Steal evasion tech.
  • Kujinshi
  • Male
  • 1
First Form
Second Form
  • File:266.gif
  • Kujinshi (クジンシー ) is first of The Seven Heroes the players face off against. There are a total of four versions of Kujinshi that the players fight over the course of three encounters. The first time the players will face off against him as Emperor Leon in a two stage battle, and gives his life as a gambit to learn the secret of Kujinshi's ultimate technique: the Soul Steal. He then passes this knowledge onto his surviving son Gerard through the ritual of succession, and endows the players with the Soul Steal evasion tech. The second time is when the player returns as Gellard. This is the first time the players will defeat one of the Seven Heroes. The last encounter happens during one of the Final Emperor's scenarios, where the Final Emperor must face off against Kujinshi in the Sealed Dungeon.