  • Gosei Clan
  • More details about the history of the Gosei Clan are not known, but it is a warrior clan with an ancient tradition in Japan's history. As of yet unknown means, the Gosei acquired the mystical ability to pass on the spiritual heritage of their clan to a designated successor, usually the next son. As a result, this meant that - when this transfer was completed - every new generation leader of the Gosei could access the entire skills and the overall knowledge of the martial arts of his ancestors, to become an even more invincible warrior.
  • More details about the history of the Gosei Clan are not known, but it is a warrior clan with an ancient tradition in Japan's history. As of yet unknown means, the Gosei acquired the mystical ability to pass on the spiritual heritage of their clan to a designated successor, usually the next son. As a result, this meant that - when this transfer was completed - every new generation leader of the Gosei could access the entire skills and the overall knowledge of the martial arts of his ancestors, to become an even more invincible warrior. This mystical transfer ability (and certainly others such experiments with the fabric of space) have also attracted the attention of the Keepers of Time. Perhaps these tests are also the inspiration for the Herald character of the clan: an infinity symbol (∞), which is flanked by two half-circles or crescents on the narrow sides.
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