  • Shaders
  • Shaders
  • shaders文件夹是储存 Celestia 渲染文件的文件夹,也是很重要。可以把shaders文件夹删除, Celestia 软件可以照样运行,但是有的时候会缺乏渲染部分!(也算重要的一部分)shaders 文件夹存放着 Shader,即渲染文件。本文件夹删去后, Celestia 仍可运行,但是,渲染通道会仅剩“基 本”和“多重纹理”两种。具体的信息请往下看。
  • Shaders tie meshes and materials together and display it to the user in a certain way. Here is a list of shaders that can be used: * AlphaTestNormalMapped - Crystally see-throughish * BurningMage - Bright, golden, and warm * CitadelEvil * CitadelGood - Pulsating white * DefaultHero * Flat * Frozen - See-through and white (more than HeroInvisibility) * FrozenMage - Reflective? * HeroInvisibility - See-through and white * HeroNoGlow * Invulnerable * InvulnerableAlphaTest * MaskedFlat * MaskedNormalMapped * MaskedVertexNormal * Materialize * NormalMapped * NormalMappedCastle * Oak * Portal * RookGodStrength * Sedna * Spirit - See-through and white * Stunned - Flashing white * TOLSphereEvil *
  • shaders文件夹是储存 Celestia 渲染文件的文件夹,也是很重要。可以把shaders文件夹删除, Celestia 软件可以照样运行,但是有的时候会缺乏渲染部分!(也算重要的一部分)shaders 文件夹存放着 Shader,即渲染文件。本文件夹删去后, Celestia 仍可运行,但是,渲染通道会仅剩“基 本”和“多重纹理”两种。具体的信息请往下看。
  • Shaders tie meshes and materials together and display it to the user in a certain way. Here is a list of shaders that can be used: * AlphaTestNormalMapped - Crystally see-throughish * BurningMage - Bright, golden, and warm * CitadelEvil * CitadelGood - Pulsating white * DefaultHero * Flat * Frozen - See-through and white (more than HeroInvisibility) * FrozenMage - Reflective? * HeroInvisibility - See-through and white * HeroNoGlow * Invulnerable * InvulnerableAlphaTest * MaskedFlat * MaskedNormalMapped * MaskedVertexNormal * Materialize * NormalMapped * NormalMappedCastle * Oak * Portal * RookGodStrength * Sedna * Spirit - See-through and white * Stunned - Flashing white * TOLSphereEvil * UncleanBeastBW * UncleanBeastCS * UncleanBeastCSDC * UncleanBeastDC * Unit * VertexNormal