  • Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T.
  • Summary: Sector V infiltrates a villain barbecue but had to escape to the M.E.G.A.R.A.G.E. when they realize there were too many villains to handle. They are pursued and eventually shot down by Stickybeard and his crew when trying to escape. As they recover from the crash landing Numbuh 4 thinks he is drowning only to realize that it is just asparagus. Numbuh 1 negates the idea of it being asparagus only to see for himself it was true. Numbuh 2 informs the rest of the team that it will take hours to get the gum outta the engines. Numbuh 5 seems okay with relaxing while Numbuh 4 dislikes the idea of not being able to eat anything.
  • 3
  • 54
  • A.F.L.O.A.T.
Pre Op
  • Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E.
Nex Op
  • Operation: L.E.A.D.E.R.
  • 52
  • Guy Moore
  • Quack Leard
  • 18
  • June
  • 302
  • Agents Feared Lost On Awful Tide
  • 53
  • 28
  • A
  • 2004
  • Summary: Sector V infiltrates a villain barbecue but had to escape to the M.E.G.A.R.A.G.E. when they realize there were too many villains to handle. They are pursued and eventually shot down by Stickybeard and his crew when trying to escape. As they recover from the crash landing Numbuh 4 thinks he is drowning only to realize that it is just asparagus. Numbuh 1 negates the idea of it being asparagus only to see for himself it was true. Numbuh 2 informs the rest of the team that it will take hours to get the gum outta the engines. Numbuh 5 seems okay with relaxing while Numbuh 4 dislikes the idea of not being able to eat anything. Time passes and after Numbuh 4 mentions all the food he wants to eat, Numbuh 1 snaps at Numbuh 2 about how much longer it will take. Numbuh 2 reiterates the fact that getting the gum out of the engines is harder than getting out of peoples hair. The ship begins to rock and Numbuh 2 assumes the others did it. Numbuh 1 once again snaps at Numbuh 2 to finish only to witness the second deck flood with asparagus with Numbuh 2 in it. Numbuh 1 tries to save him only to be stopped by Numbuh 5 who states that he is gone. Numbuh 1 begins blaming himself for the incident and tries to open the hatch to save him, but is once again stopped by Numbuh 5. Numbuh 4 hallucinates and starts to see Numbuh 3's rainbow monkey as a giant cheeseburger. He starts to chase Numbuh 3, who eventually escapes only to be eaten by the Great White Asparagus afterwards. Numbuhs 1 and 5 show great concern over their lost teammate while Numbuh 4's only concern is the "cheeseburger" left by Numbuh 3. Numbuh 4 spots it and jumps on broken pieces of the boat to retrieve it, only for the rest of the team to see the sea monster coming back. The Great White Asparagus then charges at Numbuh 4 only to disappear in the sea. Numbuh 4 reaches the rainbow monkey and Numbuh 1 starts ordering Numbuh 4 to return to the safety of the ship, only to be eaten in mid sentence. Numbuh 4 is about to eat the rainbow monkey when the monster jumps in the air and eats it itself. Numbuh 4 demands the return of his "cheeseburger" by jumping in the sea only to realize, water or not, he cannot swim and seemingly drowns. Numbuh 5 then starts to panic about the loss of Numbuh 4 and the rest of her team only to see that the monster is coming back. The monster disappears in the water and then surfaces to attack Numbuh 5 only to be shot by gum wads from a unknown source and then she seemingly drowns. As Numbuh 5 awakens to see the beast captured, her teammates freed unharmed, and her unlikeliest of allies Stickybeard and his crew, who had saved her and her friends,they also take care of Numbah 5 and her teammates on the way back to shore and Sitckybeard says he's not gonna let a "blasted vegetable do anyone in" and asks that Numbuh 5 not mention this to the other villains or else they wouldn't invite him to the next villain's cookout. * Allies * Stickybeard (if you consider the act at the end as an act of allies) * Starring: * Sector V * Cameos: * Many Villains * 2x4 Tech: * M.E.G.A.R.A.G.E.