  • Numble
  • Numble is a 4th-level Blue Element in Chrono Cross. After assisting the sailors on the S.S. Invincible defeat the Ghost Ship, Numble, and several other strong elements, Traps, Buffs and Debuffs are purchasable from the Demi-human merchants in Guldove and Marbule. Specifically, Numble minimizes a single opponent's Evasion, regardless of level allocation. Because of this, it is wasteful to set Numble and other Buff/Debuff Elements any higher than the level 1 allocation spot. Although this will depict the Element as being -3, no quality difference is depicted; the character with Numble cast on them will still receive the same impediments for several turns. As the counterpart to Nimble, Numble sells for 430 G.
  • 4
  • Numble
  • Kid uses Numble on Googhoul.
  • Temporarily decreases physical Evade%
  • Any
  • One Enemy
  • 4
  • Numble is a 4th-level Blue Element in Chrono Cross. After assisting the sailors on the S.S. Invincible defeat the Ghost Ship, Numble, and several other strong elements, Traps, Buffs and Debuffs are purchasable from the Demi-human merchants in Guldove and Marbule. Specifically, Numble minimizes a single opponent's Evasion, regardless of level allocation. Because of this, it is wasteful to set Numble and other Buff/Debuff Elements any higher than the level 1 allocation spot. Although this will depict the Element as being -3, no quality difference is depicted; the character with Numble cast on them will still receive the same impediments for several turns. As the counterpart to Nimble, Numble sells for 430 G. Commonly, Numble is stolen from Highwayman and dropped by YellowBelly. Rarely, Numble is stolen from Swamp Bug, while on rare occasions, it is dropped by Gloop. Additionally, Porre PVTs cast it as level 4 Elements and Mantarrey cast it as level 2 Elements (Numble -2).
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