  • The Iron Way
  • From: [[]] The mountains of rusted metal rival St. Fiacre's in size. They say it took seven years to transport here. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • The future
  • the odds are strongly against you here.
Failure title
  • You and a hill of rusted iron
Failure description
  • The rusted iron creaks and clinks in the fog. A link from every chain in Hell, so they say.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Sights of Wilmot's End
Success description
  • A flash of fang about a lit pipe. Yellow eyes in the fog. He speaks, 'Soon the chains of London will lie on this pile. Every last one. Some gifts cannot be denied.'
  • The mountains of rusted metal rival St. Fiacre's in size. They say it took seven years to transport here.
  • From: [[]] The mountains of rusted metal rival St. Fiacre's in size. They say it took seven years to transport here. [Find the rest of the story at ]