  • Reforms in the Reign of Aurelia the Great
  • As explained in The Eighteenth Century, Part III: 1750-1775, The Eighteenth Century, Part IV: 1775-1785, and The Eighteenth Century, Part V: 1785-1800, the reign of the Laurasian Empress Aurelia the Great (1758-1803) was the Golden Age of the Laurasian Empire. During the Empress's 44-year reign over the Laurasian Empire, the Empire's economy, territory, military power, and political influence all expanded considerably, so that it became transformed into the leading power of extra-galactic civilization. The Empire's territory arose from forty-five million to seventy million star systems; it incorporated more than 100,000 light years span of territory, encompassing the Galactic Borderlands, the Angelina Spiral, and the Great Tesmanian Cloud; and its economy expanded sevenfold. Making much of
  • As explained in The Eighteenth Century, Part III: 1750-1775, The Eighteenth Century, Part IV: 1775-1785, and The Eighteenth Century, Part V: 1785-1800, the reign of the Laurasian Empress Aurelia the Great (1758-1803) was the Golden Age of the Laurasian Empire. During the Empress's 44-year reign over the Laurasian Empire, the Empire's economy, territory, military power, and political influence all expanded considerably, so that it became transformed into the leading power of extra-galactic civilization. The Empire's territory arose from forty-five million to seventy million star systems; it incorporated more than 100,000 light years span of territory, encompassing the Galactic Borderlands, the Angelina Spiral, and the Great Tesmanian Cloud; and its economy expanded sevenfold. Making much of this possible was a series of administrative, legal, religious, economic, military, and cultural reforms, which considerably strengthened the Empire and solidified the authority of the Imperial Laurasian Government. These reforms will be described below.