  • Ashwick
  • Ashwick is a town in the ruins of East Memphis, occupying a local elementary and some residential blocks near it. It maintains good relations with New Memphis to the west and is a close ally of Covington to the north. Due to the volatile potential of Ashwick, settlements in Jackson and Nashville have been wary of the town, maintaining minimal contact directly, but frequenting New Memphis for information on the town. The two factions in Ashwick, the CLF, and AGl are divided over the notable Ghoul population in the town. The main building in the town, the elementary, serves as a government building on the second floor and as a shopping area on the first.
  • alive
  • Ashwick
  • 118
  • 2209-10-19
  • Western Tennessee
  • Ashwick is a town in the ruins of East Memphis, occupying a local elementary and some residential blocks near it. It maintains good relations with New Memphis to the west and is a close ally of Covington to the north. Due to the volatile potential of Ashwick, settlements in Jackson and Nashville have been wary of the town, maintaining minimal contact directly, but frequenting New Memphis for information on the town. The two factions in Ashwick, the CLF, and AGl are divided over the notable Ghoul population in the town. The main building in the town, the elementary, serves as a government building on the second floor and as a shopping area on the first.