  • Vikagh
  • Vikagh was a male Klingon who served as captain of the IKS Ditagh. In 2376, Vikagh was one of several captains assigned to explore the Kavrot sector. During that mission, he found three uninhabited class M worlds which were claimed for the Klingon Empire. (KE novel: A Burning House) In 2380, Vikagh and the Ditagh were dispatched to Federation Outpost 22, ordered to take charge of a ship full of Reman refugees claiming to seek political asylum in the Federation. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
  • Vikagh was a male Klingon who served as captain of the IKS Ditagh. In 2376, Vikagh was one of several captains assigned to explore the Kavrot sector. During that mission, he found three uninhabited class M worlds which were claimed for the Klingon Empire. (KE novel: A Burning House) In 2379, Vikagh was ordered to report to Chancellor Martok where he was given instructions to travel alongside the USS Enterprise-E and take Emperor Kahless anywhere that he wished to go to begin his "retirement". The trip was delayed slightly and Vikagh and the Ditagh ended up traveling with the USS Cerberus to bring Kahless to Cygnet IV. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace) In 2380, Vikagh and the Ditagh were dispatched to Federation Outpost 22, ordered to take charge of a ship full of Reman refugees claiming to seek political asylum in the Federation. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)