  • Confidentialaccess (deleted 26 Aug 2008 at 12:50)
  • Confidentialaccess (often abbreviated CA) is a global website that serves as an online document company and financial help community. It bills itself as "the building blocks of life". Initially established in 1995 as The 5th Dimension ( from a residential household in in Kent by its founder Jason Place, England the concept of duplicate documentation soon grew. In 1998 Jason Place partnered with Gary Wilson and the business was renamed ( a company called J&G Corporation Ltd was formed in 2001. The business quickly expanded and J&G was overwhelmed with orders for duplicate documents on a daily basis. The services offered by quickly became very controversial and it wasn't long before the UK tabloid press began to investigate the products and services supplied. In
  • Confidentialaccess (often abbreviated CA) is a global website that serves as an online document company and financial help community. It bills itself as "the building blocks of life". Initially established in 1995 as The 5th Dimension ( from a residential household in in Kent by its founder Jason Place, England the concept of duplicate documentation soon grew. In 1998 Jason Place partnered with Gary Wilson and the business was renamed ( a company called J&G Corporation Ltd was formed in 2001. The business quickly expanded and J&G was overwhelmed with orders for duplicate documents on a daily basis. The services offered by quickly became very controversial and it wasn't long before the UK tabloid press began to investigate the products and services supplied. In August 2002 The Sunday Mirror (Suzie Boniface reporter) published a centre page story on how they obtained duplicate payslips and employment documents that could be used by fraudsters to defraud UK banking institutions. The story was hype in order to force JG4U to cease business because the report cited that Jason Place & Gary Wilson were convicted criminals pointing out that Jason Place was reknowned counterfeiter and fraudster who served several years in prison whilst Gary Wilson was a reknowned Armed Robber famous for the Woolwich Bejam robbery in 1988 where his co-defendent Tony Ash was shot and killed by UK armed police.[1] [2] This news report accelerated J&G Corporation Ltd ( into the public arena and shortly afterwards the UK government via the Department of Trade & Industry (DTi) issued a winding up order which said the business was not in the public interest. There were never any arrests as the business was never declared illegal. The order effectively forced to cease trading in the UK and with more than 5 million hits per month it was quickly realised by offshore investors the vast expanse of this business. Jason Place the co founder signed a deal to put the website names in a secure offshore trust with global domain company Katz. Gary Wilson left the business and on 2nd January 2003 was launched the servers were out of UK reach and all CA domain names including JG4U were trusted. Jason continued to consult the ongoing activities of CA. Confidentialaccess spent 100's of thousands on website development and thanks to a dedicated programming team the site became unique with over 5 million lines of code and web modules that to date have never been copied. CA also invested heavily in website security in order to stop the constant daily attacks on its servers by banking securiy personnel. CA has grown at an alarming rate according to UK banking institutions and is responsible for some £4 Billion of un-audited credit. The directors of CA say they simply re-create a person financially and enable them to renew their lives. Below is an extract from corporate wealth management who currently represent CA:- CA is a global legal entity with a 10,000+ membership who has dared to take on the banking industry. They receive constant daily pressure because their legal system and loophole creates a new identity for people. The CA systems and services allow people to jump off radar and away from big brother. CA has saved people from suicide, victims of domestic violence and people who have no other chance financially... ... to repair their lives for the better. Read posts in their community, their services can be used for good or bad just like any other business, you can walk into Walmart buy a hammer to fix a door, or buy a hammer to make a robbery. CA does not have to justify their services and they don't want the do-gooders amongst you condemning them, google and see! CA has helped Judges, Barristers, Senior Police, they have supplied work to the security agencies as their products and services are 100% the best. Nobody can make someone vanish like CA fact! Now the banks have their claws into them and it is becoming all to polictical someone with massive resources needs to take them on otherwise our world will be ruined. The CA owners are now at a stage where they have snow balled into a massive community of all people thinking likewise and not many people like it! Basically CA took on the UK System and won and they know there will be a price to pay for that so the highest bidder is welcome to all the help they need to keep this ship floating. The UK banks are estimating that CA has created 1000's and 1000's new legal credit identities and billions in new finance that cannot be audited, what they don't say is the millions they receive in monthly interest. The banks now realise that with CA about they cannot simply write off an old customer and send them to ruin as our system is proven to legally put them back on the ladder. CA has been on TV for all the wrong reasons of course, we have a massive following however and carry respect within the financial community even if it is not openly admitted! Ideally CA now needs to be placed under an umbrella organisation that is not afraid of the financial world and men behind the global zeitgeist that is affecting us all....You need balls of steel to take this baby on their servers remain defiant to any type of pressure their domain is trusted. The current CA business and it's marketplace is worth in excess of $200 million dollars. Recent news reports certainly suggest that CA are the best in the business contentious though it is. 28th May 2008 Arrests of CA UK Agents[3] [4] [5] CA continues to grow and grow and is becoming a way of life for many people who were considered financially ruined it is an institution in it's own right and has created new credit life for 1000's and 1000's of people, credit that the banks said those people could never have again. The business value is priceless because its products and services are far reaching and unique. The CA community continues to expand and they have been quoted on national TV as being "the freemasons of tomorrow". CA hold the ability to ruin anyone financially as reported by Fox News Aug 2007[6] Membership of this community seems to earn you respect from the very people who want to see you fail in life, the CA community rules "Freedom Not Fear" and is very powerful when combined as a single entity, their ability to undo credit as well as create credit seems to keep all their enemies at bay, CA continues to march on creating more and more members and a global army of freedom seekers!