  • French 75
  • The French 75 is a cocktail of gin and champagne flavoured with lemon. Named after the powerful French 75-millimeter howitzer cannon, this potent cocktail is made by combining gin or brandy, lemon juice and cracked ice in a glass and filling it with champagne. * French 75 from the Wikibooks Bartending Guide—original source of recipe, licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License * Serves: 1
  • The French 75 is a cocktail of gin and champagne flavoured with lemon. Named after the powerful French 75-millimeter howitzer cannon, this potent cocktail is made by combining gin or brandy, lemon juice and cracked ice in a glass and filling it with champagne. * French 75 from the Wikibooks Bartending Guide—original source of recipe, licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License * Serves: 1