  • SAID Principle
  • SAID is a training principle that explains that a certain exercise or type of training produces adaptations specific to the activity performed and only in the muscles (and energy systems) that are stressed by the activity. It stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. To go one step further, according to the SAID Principle, the body adapts in a specific fashion to the specific demands that are placed on it. For example, if one does figure skating a lot, one will adapt to the specific skill and strength demands of figure skating (he or she will develop lower body hypertrophy, strength, explosiveness, agility, etc.). In short, to develop a better golf swing, one should train the golf swing; to develop endurance for a marathon, one must train by running long distances.
  • SAID is a training principle that explains that a certain exercise or type of training produces adaptations specific to the activity performed and only in the muscles (and energy systems) that are stressed by the activity. It stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. To go one step further, according to the SAID Principle, the body adapts in a specific fashion to the specific demands that are placed on it. For example, if one does figure skating a lot, one will adapt to the specific skill and strength demands of figure skating (he or she will develop lower body hypertrophy, strength, explosiveness, agility, etc.). In short, to develop a better golf swing, one should train the golf swing; to develop endurance for a marathon, one must train by running long distances. In some instances there is a varying degree of "cross-over," whereby adaptation from one activity will enhance traits needed to perform in another activity. An example of this would be in training to improve grip strength directly corrolates to other activities where grip strength is a requisite (pullups, deadlift, etc.). This cross-over is the reason many athletes incorporate cross-training into their programs. This is also the same principle that drives functional training.