  • Item World (Disgaea 3)
  • To enter the Item World in this installment, you must talk to the Thief standing parallel to Geoffrey. The Item World works just as it does in previous installments, each floor completed (Either by clearing the stage in question or entering the Exit Portal) increases the Item's level by 1. Be aware that Normal Items have 30 floors, Rare Items have 60 floors, and Legendary Items have 100 floors, with an Item God or Item God 2 on the final floor. (Rank 40 Items only for Item God 2) Also of interest is the fact that the Mystery Gates from Disgaea 2 return, albeit with different rooms and features.
  • To enter the Item World in this installment, you must talk to the Thief standing parallel to Geoffrey. The Item World works just as it does in previous installments, each floor completed (Either by clearing the stage in question or entering the Exit Portal) increases the Item's level by 1. Be aware that Normal Items have 30 floors, Rare Items have 60 floors, and Legendary Items have 100 floors, with an Item God or Item God 2 on the final floor. (Rank 40 Items only for Item God 2) Also of interest is the fact that the Mystery Gates from Disgaea 2 return, albeit with different rooms and features. In this installment, players can perform another unique feature: Reverse Pirating. Reverse Pirating is when the player raids Item as a Pirate, attempting to kidnap as many Innocents (Or Specialists to some) as they can. Resistance can come in the form of Notorious Residents, Other Pirates, the Prism Rangers, and the Space Police. They appear in the same way that Pirates would appear if playing in a Normal Item World campaign, just as randomly. Reverse Pirating is achieved by entering the Item World of an Item like usual. Once you choose which Item you wish to Pirate, you will be asked to choose a Pirate Ship to use. Each Pirate Ship has a certain amount of Innocents it can hold. Once inside the Item World, the amount of Innocents that can be taken is determined by the Rarity of the Item (Rare and Legendary Items mean a higher Population amount, possibly meaning more Innocents that can be taken.) the Ship you choose, and your own power and patience. Also, in order to enter the Land of Carnage in this installment, You must acquire Illegal Tickets from Pirates (Much in the way of Treasure Maps in Disgaea 2 and Dark Hero Days.) Once they are all received, You must talk to the X-Dimensional Guide and complete 25 X-Dimension stages, access being granted upon completion. No special characters can be recruited in the Land of Carnage in this installment, but there are Pirates that can only be fought here, as well as Rank 35 Items being available here. Here is the Thief's official description of the Item World in Disgaea 3: The item world is an alternative world that exists inside an item. There are many residents in the item world and most are bad residents called Notorious so you can defeat them. But they can be very strong. Raise your level a good amount before you challenge them or they'll kill you. By the way, if you want to go into the item world of an equipment you have equipped, you need to take it off. Basically, you're entering the world of that item so you can't take it with you. Have extra equipment ready.