  • Haruirrin
  • The City of Haruirrin (Eiharish: Lə Poli də Haruirin, Anasic: l'Iraș do Jaruirin, Celmetish: Il Sid di Jaruirin, Reyshi: þier Stat won Jauririn, Lohtish: dzhe ßtayeetéknn üw Jaurreerreekn, Vrankish: ile Cidiña dú Jaruirrin), called the Shadow City is one of the Eight States, due southwest of Eiharu and sat above the Anasic Great-Sea. Haruirrin is ruled by an oligarchy composed of elders, mages, and priests belonging to Guildhalls, Temples, and Sacred Orders. The city is sprawling but sparse, with most of its population being peasants, and foreign refugees. Haruirrin is home to a Death Guild, a Poisoner's Guild, and a Magickal Guild. Haruirrin seems to be the origin of the word "assassin." The city is walled-off, usually overcast, and is made up of dull grey version of the Rainbow City's ar
  • Shadowslayers' Standard
  • Shadowslayers' Standard.png
  • - Faith o' Nine - Faith of Calthoss the Shadow & the Shine
  • - Shadow City - Shining City - Slayers' City - Assassins' City - New Thulk - New Hocktone
  • Haruirrin Pargram - ₲ - Gramsign
  • - Haruirrinisians - Garlenners - Thousandtowerers
  • 500000
notable people
  • - Varraqua
  • Shadow City of Haurirrin
  • "Grand & Beautiful"
  • River Har, Eight States, Western Parthalenn
finding date
  • CC: 1,889
  • The City of Haruirrin (Eiharish: Lə Poli də Haruirin, Anasic: l'Iraș do Jaruirin, Celmetish: Il Sid di Jaruirin, Reyshi: þier Stat won Jauririn, Lohtish: dzhe ßtayeetéknn üw Jaurreerreekn, Vrankish: ile Cidiña dú Jaruirrin), called the Shadow City is one of the Eight States, due southwest of Eiharu and sat above the Anasic Great-Sea. Haruirrin is ruled by an oligarchy composed of elders, mages, and priests belonging to Guildhalls, Temples, and Sacred Orders. The city is sprawling but sparse, with most of its population being peasants, and foreign refugees. Haruirrin is home to a Death Guild, a Poisoner's Guild, and a Magickal Guild. Haruirrin seems to be the origin of the word "assassin." The city is walled-off, usually overcast, and is made up of dull grey version of the Rainbow City's architecture, and so it is often called the Shadowy City. On its easternmost bay lie the Parthaginian Ruins, the final vestiges of Parthage the Shining City. These are made up of redstone minarets, eight trapezoidal plazas, an outermost clay wall, the redwood Kaþar (whose roots snake through the rest of the ruins), and a headless statue in the likeness of Aye the Queen.