  • Anthopie
  • Anthopies are a race native to the twin worlds of Anthope, which have been colonised by Lingons. They are gargantuan, six-legged reptilian creatures with a span of about 30m from head to tail that are purple in colour, with neon green, glowing markings, which differ with each individual. They also have spines along their backs which are also neon and green and glowy. They have blue teeth and blue blood.
  • Anthopie
  • Anthopies are a race native to the twin worlds of Anthope, which have been colonised by Lingons. They are gargantuan, six-legged reptilian creatures with a span of about 30m from head to tail that are purple in colour, with neon green, glowing markings, which differ with each individual. They also have spines along their backs which are also neon and green and glowy. They have blue teeth and blue blood. Anthopies are vicious, solitary hunters and are fiercely territorial. They are, however, merely beasts, and are hunted sometimes by the sentient Cyber Orteks or, rarely, Lingons, who come to Anthope for supplies. Other than that, not much is known about them.