  • Ministry for Alien Incursions and Ontological Wonders
  • Iris worked for MIAOW in the 1960s, during "that business with the robot Guru and the holiday camp in Wales" when she met the Beatles. Also, the time the cast of Crossroads was transported to the Moon by Samurai Jelly Fish. (AUDIO: The Land of Wonder) A branch of MIAOW was set up in Darlington in 1965 to deal with the alien flotsam and jetsam from a time rift called the Dreadful Flap. Iris' former companion Jenny became the head of the Darlington branch of MIAOW. (PROSE: The Dreadful Flap)
  • Ministry for Alien Incursions and Ontological Wonders
  • Iris worked for MIAOW in the 1960s, during "that business with the robot Guru and the holiday camp in Wales" when she met the Beatles. Also, the time the cast of Crossroads was transported to the Moon by Samurai Jelly Fish. (AUDIO: The Land of Wonder) A branch of MIAOW was set up in Darlington in 1965 to deal with the alien flotsam and jetsam from a time rift called the Dreadful Flap. Iris' former companion Jenny became the head of the Darlington branch of MIAOW. (PROSE: The Dreadful Flap) In 2011, Iris helped the Darlington branch recover alien artefacts that had fallen from the sky after a spaceship exploded above Earth. (PROSE: Enter Wildthyme) MIAOW once encountered the Silurians at the Earth's core, and Iris Wildthyme spent some time trying to convince them not to commit genocide. (PROSE: From Wildthyme with Love)