  • Battle Royale
  • Battle Royale
  • Battle Royale
  • Battle Royale
  • Battle Royale
  • A story of a pro sport, fighters and prouder gentlemens and ladies to train themselves to conquer the royal of Destiny and Demons. About fighters to fight good and using all kung fu and fencing moves and Destiny and Demons are evil and using combo moves, two eyeballs kung fu moves and super invisible to control the master of evil Kung Fu master.
  • There are 3 modes, and the king will automatically set up them: Town Race - Only a true hero will save a town! Liberate a town first to win. Kill Race - Let the death match begin! Kill a person a number of times to win. Shopping Race - Get ready to put your shopping shoes on! First to bring items wins. The CPU sucks at this.
  • Battle Royale is the second episode in the VHS of Robotech Wars. It is in no way canon, an uses mainly old stock footage to construct a loose narrative.
  • "Battawe Woyawe" is a legendary education system from 1970s Nobunaga Dynasty Japan. The ruthless ruler Kitsuto Nobunaga passed the Battle Royale act to help prevent the student population from skipping school. The program eventually came to a halt as the government realised they had killed all of japan's youth. National reproduction week ensued soon after.
  • Battle Royale is a mission in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition.
  • Battle Royale is a japanese film, novel and manga. Auther of novel - - - Director/s of film - - Kinji Fukasaka, Kenja Fukasaka
  • Battle Royale is an annual Pay Per View held by TWOStars and is one of their big four Pay Per Views along with Wrestlenova, Midsummers Night Destruction and World War .To date there has been 3 of these events held. At this PPV we see a Royal Rumble style match were the winner of it goes on to face the champion at Wrestlenova.
  • In a Japan where Teenagers are rebelling and roaming wild, the Japanese government signs the BR act. Which would pick a class of ninth graders from an impartial lottery and send them to a secluded island. These students would be given food, water, and a randomly selected weapon then be sent off into the wild. To win this game, the students must kill their classmates. The last student alive at the end would win. Win what? Why a chance to live, of course! However, if there is no winner within three days time the metal collars around their neck explode and kill everyone. Or if they chose not to fight and no one died in the past 24 hours then everyone, again, dies.
  • Similiar to The Hunger Games, Battle Royale is a game of pure survival with one rule, only one can survive.
  • Battle Royale (バトル・ロワイアル Batoru rowaiaru) is a 2000 Japanese film based on the 1999 novel by the same name and directed by the late Kinji Fukasaku.
  • Battle Royale is 2015 remake of 2000 Japanese thriller film. This films stars
  • Battle Royale was the second section of Queensland. It served as the pathway between the Royal Rage and Ascension.
  • Battle Royale was a crew on the Sage Ocean, captained by Shiina. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Battle Royale (also known as the Imperial Battle Royale) was the fortieth mission in the mode, Commander's Challenge.
  • Battle Royale 「バトル・ロワイアル Batoru Rowaiaru?」 es un manga japonés escrito por Kōshun Takami e ilustrado por Masayuki Taguchi y publicado en la Young Champion de 2000 a 2005, contando con 15 volúmenes.
  • Battle Royale is a Pokémon one-on-one combat game.
  • A sequel, Battle Royale II: Requiem, followed. The music soundtracks for both movies were composed, arranged and conducted by Masamichi Amano, performed by the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra and features pieces of real classical music with some original composition. Fukasaku has stated that the novel reminded him of his time as a 15-year old munitions factory worker, so he decided to create the film adaptation.
  • Battle Royale (jap. バトル・ロワイアル Batoru rowaiaru) ist ein japanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2000, der auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Kōshun Takami basiert. Regie bei dem kontrovers aufgenommenen Drama führte Kinji Fukasaku, sein Sohn Kenta verfasste das Drehbuch.
  • Battle Royale è un chiaro esempio di come i giapponesi siano molto simpatici e scherzosi. Nato inizialmente come romanzo, diventerà poi anche Manga e film. Ma il vero successo, arriverà col rifacimento americano meglio noto come Hunger Games. Eh sì, cosa c'è di meglio di una gita scolastica in un'isola in cui gli abitanti hanno gentilmente offerto la loro collaborazione per farla evacuare, allo scopo di fare un simpaticissimo giuoco? Certo, a parte budella che fuoriescono, cervella che saltano come popcorn, sangue sangue e sangue, questo gioco è divertentissimo. Le regole? Sono molto semplici.
  • The final stage of the Summer 2006 Contest will be a six-character Battle Royale. The winning male character (Solid Snake) and winning female character (Samus Aran) will join the members of last year's Tournament of Champions (Link, Cloud, Sephiroth and Mario) for five extra matches. On the first day, voters will have to choose between all six. Whichever character has the lowest vote total at the end will be eliminated, and the following day the process is repeated with the remaining five. On the final day, the last two characters will battle it out for the ultimate prize.
  • En el amanecer del nuevo milenio la nación colapsó en una grave crisis social con millones de personas desempleadas, y la violencia se transmite a las aulas donde los alumnos rebeldes forman boicots masivos. La solución es Battle Royale, un brutal juego donde cada año, una clase de noveno grado es elegida de forma aleatoria para participar en el juego. Se concentra a la clase en un lugar aislado (una zona industrial, una isla), y los estudiantes son obligados a luchar a muerte hasta que sólo quede uno. El superviviente es el "ganador" oficial del juego. Para asegurarse de que los estudiantes cumplen las reglas, se les pone un collar metálico en el cuello. Este collar explotará, matando al estudiante, si intentan quitárselo, escapar o romper las reglas del juego. A los estudiantes les dan t
  • Egy alternatív valóságban, az ezredforduló totalitárius Nagy Kelet-ázsiai Köztársaságban egy program keretében minden évben kiválasztanak egy középiskolai osztályt. Az osztály diákjait titokban egy elzárt helyre - egy szigetre vagy körbezárt területre - viszik. Itt a program keretében minden diák kap egy fegyvert - az UZI-tól a bambuszrúdig - egy kis csomagot élelemmel és hasonlókkal, nyakára tesznek egy nyomkövető szerkezetet, majd szabadon eresztik a területen. A cél: az a diák győz, aki utoljára életben marad. A diákok ugyan megpróbálhatnak szervezkedni, de az időkorlát és a nyakukban hordott bomba miatt hamarosan megindul az öldöklés. A regényben egy ilyen programba kapcsolódunk be.
  • No
  • 5005262
Row 1 info
  • Koushun Takami
  • 2007
  • Even
  • No
  • 6
  • Sage
  • Yes
  • Seinen
  • Battle Royale
  • 2014-10-29
  • 750
  • 391
Row 2 info
  • TokyoPop
  • Akita
  • 5
Row 1 title
  • Author
jmdb url
  • Acción, Aventura, Horror
  • 27
Row 2 title
  • Publisher
  • Ja
  • 2008
  • 20
  • 2
Box Title
  • Battle Royale
  • Disbanded
  • Thriller, Survival,
  • 2009
  • American McGee's Alice
  • 7320.0
  • 6840.0
  • Director's Cut:
  • Theatrical Cut:
  • 13
  • Japan
  • Battle Royale
  • Battle Royale
  • Imperial Battle Royale
  • Action, Horror
  • no
  • 1986
  • Special Edition DVD cover
  • English
  • Japanese
  • no
  • 2012-04-23
  • Battle Royale
  • yes
  • Manga
  • Manga, Novel, Film, Live Action
  • Da weapons ya selcted
  • Autocratic
  • Shiina
amg id
  • 1
  • 2006-09-25
  • Battle_Royale.jpg
  • 266308
  • 2012-04-19
  • 266308
  • battle_royale
  • Mahogany Door in Orakelkammer
  • 2000-12-16
  • --12-16
Wiki name
  • Battle Royale Wiki
  • Kill Oscar and de Wolf
  • 3
  • battleroyale
  • 4500000.0
  • $4,500,000 USD
Followed By
  • Battle Royale II: Requiem
  • yes
  • Northern hemisphere
  • There is no map :
  • A story of a pro sport, fighters and prouder gentlemens and ladies to train themselves to conquer the royal of Destiny and Demons. About fighters to fight good and using all kung fu and fencing moves and Destiny and Demons are evil and using combo moves, two eyeballs kung fu moves and super invisible to control the master of evil Kung Fu master.
  • Egy alternatív valóságban, az ezredforduló totalitárius Nagy Kelet-ázsiai Köztársaságban egy program keretében minden évben kiválasztanak egy középiskolai osztályt. Az osztály diákjait titokban egy elzárt helyre - egy szigetre vagy körbezárt területre - viszik. Itt a program keretében minden diák kap egy fegyvert - az UZI-tól a bambuszrúdig - egy kis csomagot élelemmel és hasonlókkal, nyakára tesznek egy nyomkövető szerkezetet, majd szabadon eresztik a területen. A cél: az a diák győz, aki utoljára életben marad. A diákok ugyan megpróbálhatnak szervezkedni, de az időkorlát és a nyakukban hordott bomba miatt hamarosan megindul az öldöklés. A regényben egy ilyen programba kapcsolódunk be. A főhős, Nanahara Suja mindenáron meg akar szökni a program helyszínéül szolgáló szigetről, azonban pár diák belemegy a játékba, így ez nehezebb lesz számára, mint gondolta. Terve megvalósításában segítségére van Kavada Sóga, aki feltűnően jól bánik a fegyverekkel és jól alkalmazkodik a helyzethez, és a kissé gyámoltalan lány, Nakagava Norikó. A könyvben egy iskolás osztály belső világa tárul fel titkolt szerelmekkel, elfojtott sérelmekkel és magával a megfoghatatlan gyűlölettel és gyilkolási vággyal.
  • There are 3 modes, and the king will automatically set up them: Town Race - Only a true hero will save a town! Liberate a town first to win. Kill Race - Let the death match begin! Kill a person a number of times to win. Shopping Race - Get ready to put your shopping shoes on! First to bring items wins. The CPU sucks at this.
  • Battle Royale (jap. バトル・ロワイアル Batoru rowaiaru) ist ein japanischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2000, der auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Kōshun Takami basiert. Regie bei dem kontrovers aufgenommenen Drama führte Kinji Fukasaku, sein Sohn Kenta verfasste das Drehbuch. Der Film spielt in einem dystopischen alternativen Japan der Zukunft, in dem jährlich Schulklassen von Mittelschülern ausgewählt werden, um sich in einem Todesspiel gegenseitig zu töten, nachdem die Regierung den BR Act erlassen hat, eine Schulreform anlässlich des Millenniums, steigender Arbeitslosigkeit und rebellischer Oberschul-Dropouts. Der Film behandelt die Durchführung eines solchen Spiels.
  • The final stage of the Summer 2006 Contest will be a six-character Battle Royale. The winning male character (Solid Snake) and winning female character (Samus Aran) will join the members of last year's Tournament of Champions (Link, Cloud, Sephiroth and Mario) for five extra matches. On the first day, voters will have to choose between all six. Whichever character has the lowest vote total at the end will be eliminated, and the following day the process is repeated with the remaining five. On the final day, the last two characters will battle it out for the ultimate prize. Yes, it's probably going to be Link and Cloud. Again. Battle Royale is also the title of a Japanese novel, adapted into a film and manga series, which is moderately popular on Board 8. Set in an overpopulated future Japan where gangs of unruly teenagers terrorise the populace, it involves a class of students who are kidnapped, taken to an island, and forced to kill each other off until only one remains. It's rather violent, and bloody brilliant.
  • Battle Royale is the second episode in the VHS of Robotech Wars. It is in no way canon, an uses mainly old stock footage to construct a loose narrative.
  • "Battawe Woyawe" is a legendary education system from 1970s Nobunaga Dynasty Japan. The ruthless ruler Kitsuto Nobunaga passed the Battle Royale act to help prevent the student population from skipping school. The program eventually came to a halt as the government realised they had killed all of japan's youth. National reproduction week ensued soon after.
  • Battle Royale è un chiaro esempio di come i giapponesi siano molto simpatici e scherzosi. Nato inizialmente come romanzo, diventerà poi anche Manga e film. Ma il vero successo, arriverà col rifacimento americano meglio noto come Hunger Games. Eh sì, cosa c'è di meglio di una gita scolastica in un'isola in cui gli abitanti hanno gentilmente offerto la loro collaborazione per farla evacuare, allo scopo di fare un simpaticissimo giuoco? Certo, a parte budella che fuoriescono, cervella che saltano come popcorn, sangue sangue e sangue, questo gioco è divertentissimo. Le regole? Sono molto semplici. Si prende un cesto della tombola e si sorteggia una classe a caso. Si narcotizzano gli alunni di tale classe illudendoli di fare una gita scolastica, e li si deportano in un'isola. Si mette loro un simpatico collare della Breil, che, come dice la pubblicità "Don't touch my Breil", se viene toccato esplode. Fatto questo, si dà un'arma a ciascuno. Tale arma va da una corazzata interplanetaria a uno stuzzicadenti; Spiegate le regole si mandano gli studenti in giro per l'isola con un solo scopo. Arrivare primi al traguardo? Cercare caramelle? Giocare a nascondino? Ma no!! Li si fa ammazzare tra di loro finché non ne rimane solo uno! Troppo simpatici questi giapponesi!
  • En el amanecer del nuevo milenio la nación colapsó en una grave crisis social con millones de personas desempleadas, y la violencia se transmite a las aulas donde los alumnos rebeldes forman boicots masivos. La solución es Battle Royale, un brutal juego donde cada año, una clase de noveno grado es elegida de forma aleatoria para participar en el juego. Se concentra a la clase en un lugar aislado (una zona industrial, una isla), y los estudiantes son obligados a luchar a muerte hasta que sólo quede uno. El superviviente es el "ganador" oficial del juego. Para asegurarse de que los estudiantes cumplen las reglas, se les pone un collar metálico en el cuello. Este collar explotará, matando al estudiante, si intentan quitárselo, escapar o romper las reglas del juego. A los estudiantes les dan también un límite de tiempo. Cada veinticuatro horas debe morir alguien, no existe límite de días. Si al pasar veinticuatro horas no ha habido bajas, entonces todos los collares explotarán simultáneamente y no habrá ganador. Un supervisor del juego anuncia las bajas del día cada seis horas. A cada alumno se le otorga un kit donde tienen: comida, una linterna, un bolígrafo, un mapa, una brújula, y arma aleatoria. Después de darles los accesorios se les saca de la clase uno por uno a la isla. Las armas son distintas en cada alumno. Bajo la excusa de "un viaje cultural". Los estudiantes del instituto de Shiroiwa, un instituto público que está situado en la ciudad ficticia de Shiroiwa, en la prefectura de Kagawa, son adormecidos mediante gases en el autobús en el que viajaban y son secuestrados y llevados a un instituto en una isla que ha sido evacuada, la isla de Okishima, y se les coloca unos collares en el cuello para tenerlos controlados. Nanahara Shuya (Fujiwara Tatsuya ) es un joven con un trágico pasado debido a que su madre lo abandonó y su padre se suicidó. Él resto de su familia le rechazó y fue acogido en un orfanato. Pero cuando empezó el juego, se empezó a preocupar al ver como sus compañeros morían. El juego le quitó a sus compañeros, pero no podrán arrebatar su alma, ni mucho menos su amistad con Nakagawa Noriko (Maeda Aki), aún con las diabólicas amenazas del profesor Kitano ( "Beat" Kitano Takeshi ). Pero ahora, Shuya y Noriko tratarán de escapar con vida, a como de lugar.
  • Battle Royale is a mission in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition.
  • Battle Royale is a japanese film, novel and manga. Auther of novel - - - Director/s of film - - Kinji Fukasaka, Kenja Fukasaka
  • Battle Royale is an annual Pay Per View held by TWOStars and is one of their big four Pay Per Views along with Wrestlenova, Midsummers Night Destruction and World War .To date there has been 3 of these events held. At this PPV we see a Royal Rumble style match were the winner of it goes on to face the champion at Wrestlenova.
  • In a Japan where Teenagers are rebelling and roaming wild, the Japanese government signs the BR act. Which would pick a class of ninth graders from an impartial lottery and send them to a secluded island. These students would be given food, water, and a randomly selected weapon then be sent off into the wild. To win this game, the students must kill their classmates. The last student alive at the end would win. Win what? Why a chance to live, of course! However, if there is no winner within three days time the metal collars around their neck explode and kill everyone. Or if they chose not to fight and no one died in the past 24 hours then everyone, again, dies.
  • Similiar to The Hunger Games, Battle Royale is a game of pure survival with one rule, only one can survive.
  • Battle Royale (バトル・ロワイアル Batoru rowaiaru) is a 2000 Japanese film based on the 1999 novel by the same name and directed by the late Kinji Fukasaku.
  • Battle Royale is 2015 remake of 2000 Japanese thriller film. This films stars
  • Battle Royale was the second section of Queensland. It served as the pathway between the Royal Rage and Ascension.
  • Battle Royale was a crew on the Sage Ocean, captained by Shiina. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Battle Royale (also known as the Imperial Battle Royale) was the fortieth mission in the mode, Commander's Challenge.
  • Battle Royale 「バトル・ロワイアル Batoru Rowaiaru?」 es un manga japonés escrito por Kōshun Takami e ilustrado por Masayuki Taguchi y publicado en la Young Champion de 2000 a 2005, contando con 15 volúmenes.
  • Battle Royale is a Pokémon one-on-one combat game.
  • A sequel, Battle Royale II: Requiem, followed. The music soundtracks for both movies were composed, arranged and conducted by Masamichi Amano, performed by the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra and features pieces of real classical music with some original composition. Fukasaku has stated that the novel reminded him of his time as a 15-year old munitions factory worker, so he decided to create the film adaptation.
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