  • Attilan
  • Attilan
  • Attilan
  • Attilan
  • Attilan
  • thumb|right|314px Główne miasto Inhumans, zbudowane na wyspie w pobliżu Atlantydy około 24000 lat p.n.e. Dzięki zaawansowanej technologii, wyspa została wyrwana z posad świata, a samo miasto zmieniało położenie na przestrzeni wieków. Przez długi czas znajdowało się w Himalajach, aż zostało odkryte w połowie XX wieku. Kilkakrotnie zostało zniszczone i odbudowane. Ostatnio znajduje się w tzw. Błękitnej Strefie Księżyca.
  • Originally Attilan was located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It was at one point relocated to the South American Andes and became known as, "The Great Refuge". The Great Refuge was ruled by Maximus, the mad brother of the rightful leader of the Inhumans, Black Bolt. After living in exile for many years, Black Bolt and the Royal Family returned to the Great Refuge, and forced Maximus to relinquish the throne. In an insane attempt to strike back against humanity, Maximus activated a device called the Atmo-Gun. By reversing the Atmo-Gun's polarity, he generated a null barrier that completely surrounded the Great Refuge, cutting them off from the rest of the humanity.
  • Attilan
  • Monarchy
  • Unknown
  • 30000
  • Kree Empire
  • Originally Attilan was located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It was at one point relocated to the South American Andes and became known as, "The Great Refuge". The Great Refuge was ruled by Maximus, the mad brother of the rightful leader of the Inhumans, Black Bolt. After living in exile for many years, Black Bolt and the Royal Family returned to the Great Refuge, and forced Maximus to relinquish the throne. In an insane attempt to strike back against humanity, Maximus activated a device called the Atmo-Gun. By reversing the Atmo-Gun's polarity, he generated a null barrier that completely surrounded the Great Refuge, cutting them off from the rest of the humanity. With humanity's technological advancement, the Inhumans began to worry their city may be found and so they used anti-gravity generators to move it to a valley in the Himalayas. The Great Refuge (as it came to be known) came to the attention of world leaders after being discovered by the Fantastic Four. With the Inhumans growing ill from pollution caused by humanity, the city was moved again. This time to the Blue Area of the Moon. It eventually returned to Earth and again moved to the Blue Area of the Moon, with permission of Uatu the Watcher. Following Black Bolt's capture and an attack on Attilan by Skrulls, a machine developed by Maximus was utilized to send Attilan into space, powered by Black Bolt's words. Once in space, the Inhumans destroyed numerous fleeing Skrull ships before arriving at Hala. There, an assault was launched, leading to Black Bolt being declared ruler of the Kree. Attilan then settled on Hala, hovering above the Kree capitol city for a time before returning to Earth after the Inhumans returned the governing of the Kree Empire to the Kree.
  • thumb|right|314px Główne miasto Inhumans, zbudowane na wyspie w pobliżu Atlantydy około 24000 lat p.n.e. Dzięki zaawansowanej technologii, wyspa została wyrwana z posad świata, a samo miasto zmieniało położenie na przestrzeni wieków. Przez długi czas znajdowało się w Himalajach, aż zostało odkryte w połowie XX wieku. Kilkakrotnie zostało zniszczone i odbudowane. Ostatnio znajduje się w tzw. Błękitnej Strefie Księżyca.