  • Slouch of Villainy
  • Evil Is Cool. So cool, in fact, it's too cool for good posture. A trend for newer villains is to forego the egg-chairs and thrones of their forefathers in favor of more comfortable and casual lounge chairs, draping themselves over them in a Slouch of Villainy. If it's The Starscream doing it, expect them to slouch in their former boss's throne as a way of posthumously insulting them. Examples of Slouch of Villainy include:
  • Evil Is Cool. So cool, in fact, it's too cool for good posture. A trend for newer villains is to forego the egg-chairs and thrones of their forefathers in favor of more comfortable and casual lounge chairs, draping themselves over them in a Slouch of Villainy. If it's The Starscream doing it, expect them to slouch in their former boss's throne as a way of posthumously insulting them. This is usually done to show how blasé and Badass a character is; they're so bored and nonchalant that they aren't even bothering with conventional posture and look insanely cool in the process. This has the down side of making them less able to react if someone attacks, but that's not a problem if they are Badass enough. Of course, this could very well be a calculated effort to look insanely cool in the first place, but are you going to say that to the Magnificent Bastard's face? Villains are inordinately fond of doing this in chairs that aren't theirs as well. Villains will surprise you by draping themselves on The Hero's chair, with an ambush, an Enemy Mine offer or An Offer You Can't Refuse, or to prove how badass they are prior to joining up more permanently. Bonus points if they're drinking A Glass of Chianti. Compare with Leaning on the Furniture. Related to Rebel Relaxation and is often a case of Orcus on His Throne. A neutral (non-villain) variant is Reclining Reigner. Contrast Kingpin in His Gym, when the villain prefers to do something a bit more active than lounge around on furniture. Examples of Slouch of Villainy include: