  • The lights of London
  • From: [[]] Gaslight blooms in windows as you wait. The streets grow empty. A raven lifts its voice in song. A hissing squall of rain passes. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Flurries in the fog
Failure title
  • If not tonight...
  • 97
Failure description
  • ...then some night soon. You've come this far. You hope it's soon. Your monkey's fallen asleep on your hat.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Ambition: Heart's Desire - the Topsy King 11
Success description
  • Your monkey[…]'s staring at […] the park. Is someone there? Yes: a figure […] quite invisible from the house. […] It's Cora all right: no red headscarf, but you recognise the face from the daguerreotype. She stiffens when she sees the monkey.
  • Gaslight blooms in windows as you wait. The streets grow empty. A raven lifts its voice in song. A hissing squall of rain passes.
  • From: [[]] Gaslight blooms in windows as you wait. The streets grow empty. A raven lifts its voice in song. A hissing squall of rain passes. [Find the rest of the story at ]