  • Avatar: The Last Airbender (Season 1)
  • The following is a list of episodes chapters of the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, referred to as Book One: Water.
Next Season
  • Book 2: Earth
Season name
  • Book One: Water
  • The cover to The Complete Book 1 Collection DVD set
  • 5599
  • #5599DF
Num episodes
  • 20
  • 2005-02-21
  • 2005-02-25
  • 2005-03-04
  • 2005-03-18
  • 2005-03-25
  • 2005-04-08
  • 2005-04-15
  • 2005-04-29
  • 2005-05-06
  • 2005-05-20
  • 2005-06-03
  • 2005-06-17
  • 2005-09-23
  • 2005-10-07
  • 2005-10-21
  • 2005-11-04
  • 2005-11-18
  • 2005-12-02
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  • 3.15576E9
  • Sokka, Aang, and Katara find a seemingly abandoned Water Tribe fleet ship. Camping out by the boat, the kids discover that it belongs to Bato, an old friend of Katara, Sokka, and their father from back at the Southern Water Tribe. While they reminisce about the old days, Aang feels left out, and when talk arrives of Katara and Sokka's father, Aang fears his friends may leave him. When a messenger arrives with a message from Katara and Sokka's father, Aang intercepts it, and keeps it to himself. Later he comes clean about the message, but Sokka is insistent on leaving Aang to find his father. Meanwhile, Zuko finds a bounty hunter named June to help him track down the Avatar. This leads to a skirmish, with Aang, Katara and Sokka winning and continuing on their journey to the North Pole together.
  • 5.184E7
  • Looking for a short break from their travels, Aang brings the gang to Kyoshi Island, where he seeks to ride the Elephant Koi, a large fish who inhabits the surrounding waters. Before they are able to leave, the gang are captured by a group of female warriors who live on the island. Aang is able to convince them to trust him, for Kyoshi was a past Avatar and he is the current Avatar. While there, Sokka is trained by the Kyoshi Warrior Suki who manages to change his sexist attitude, and Aang lets the village's reverence of him go to his head. Meanwhile, Zuko catches up to them and begins to burn the village until the group leaves the village, knowing that Zuko will follow them.
  • When Zuko locates the Southern Water Tribe village where Aang had been, he demands the Avatar be surrendered to him. Aang returns into the village, after previously being banished, to surrender himself to Zuko as long as he agrees to leave the village alone. Aboard Zuko's ship, Aang is at Zuko's mercy, but he eventually manages to maneuver away from the guards and to battle Zuko. Katara and Sokka take the flying bison Appa to go after Aang. Aang and his friends manage to defeat Zuko and his subordinates. Katara and Sokka decide to travel with Aang to the North Pole so that Aang can learn Waterbending.
  • The group is in need of money, so Sokka decides to help out a fisherman who is willing to pay him to help him on his next fishing trip, even though a storm seems imminent. The fisherman recognizes Aang as the Avatar "who turned his back on the world." Aang runs away in guilt, but Katara manages to track him down. Aang reveals to Katara that the monks at the Southern Air Temple wanted to send him away to the Eastern Air Temple to separate him from Monk Gyatso, leading to his eventual escape and his accidental trapping of himself in an iceberg. Meanwhile on Zuko's ship, Zuko's own crew begin to question his leadership, until Iroh enlightens them on how the prince received his scar and was banished from the Fire Nation by his own father.
  • Sokka suffers from an illness due to his exposure to the elements during the storm. When Katara begins to contract the illness as well, Aang goes to a nearby herbalist institute in hopes of finding a cure for his friends. The herbalist tells Aang to find frozen wood frogs from the valley swamp. On his way to collect frogs and head back to the hideout, Aang is caught by a group of Yuu Yan archers from the Fire Nation. However, a masked Zuko rescues Aang from Zhao, only to allow Aang to escape after he is knocked unconscious during the escape.
  • While fishing, Sokka and Katara discover Aang and his flying bison Appa icebound floating on the sea. After freeing him, they discover that Aang is an Airbender, a race of people assumed to have died out a hundred years before. Later, he reluctantly reveals that he is also the Avatar, the only person with the power to manipulate all four elements. The Avatar is reincarnated generation after generation and would be the only one who could prevent the Fire Nation from conquering all the nations, which is the reason why the Fire Nation started the war. Meanwhile, Zuko, the banished Prince of the Fire Nation, is patrolling the seas in search of the Avatar. While exploring an abandoned Fire Nation ship, Katara tells Aang about the war that had been going on for the past hundred years. They accidentally set off an explosion in the ship, which alerts Zuko to the village.
  • Aang has to travel to the Fire Temple to receive the message from Avatar Roku on the Winter Solstice. They are chased by Zuko and attacked by a Fire Nation blockade led by Zhao on the way there. When Aang gets to the temple he is shocked to learn the five Fire Sages there are no longer the Avatar's allies. However, a friendly sage helps Aang get to the sanctuary where he can talk to Roku. Avatar Roku then informs Aang about "Sozin's Comet," which will return in just under a year and give the Fire Nation the power to finish the war. When Aang leaves the sanctuary, he is attacked by Zhao and the Sages. Aang defeats them when he manifests the spirit of Roku, who destroys the temple.
  • As the Fire Nation's forces close in on the Northern Water Tribe, the leaders and citizens scramble to find a way to defend against the armada. As night begins to fall, Admiral Zhao decides to heed Iroh's advice and halt the attack since waterbenders are stronger under the moonlight. Zuko leaves Zhao's ship and infiltrates the tribe on his own, seeking to capture Aang. Aang believes going into the spirit world and speaking to the moon and ocean spirits could give him the wisdom to defeat the Fire Nation. However, after Aang's spirit leaves for the spirit world, Zuko manages to kidnap his body.
  • The protagnonists travel into a Fire Nation town, which is hosting a festival of Fire Nation culture. Unfortunately, Aang's identity is discovered, but a strange man helps the gang escape. This man, named Chey, tells the trio about "the deserter", a man named Jeong Jeong who is the first man to desert the Fire Nation army and live. More importantly, he is a firebending master that is not allied with the Fire Nation. Chey convinces the three to come and meet Jeong Jeong. Unfortunately, Jeong Jeong refuses to teach Aang, though Aang is persistent and eventually is helped by Avatar Roku, who tells Jeong Jeong to teach Aang. During his instruction, Aang is playing carelessly, and accidentally burns Katara, who discovers her healing powers and quickly heals herself. Still, Aang regards firebending as dangerous and vows never to firebend again. Meanwhile, Zhao finds Aang, and the episode ends in a skirmish, which Aang wins.
  • After the journey to the Northern Air Temple, the group lurks around the waters surrounding the North Pole, seeking out the Northern Water Tribe. They are found by a group of waterbenders from the tribe, who show them the way. Upon arriving, the gang is welcomed warmly by the citizens of the Northern Water Tribe. The chief of the tribe throws a huge party in celebration of the Avatar's arrival to the North Pole. Sokka meets Yue, an attractive princess whom he falls for. Aang and Katara seek to learn waterbending from a master named Pakku, but he refuses to teach Katara due to sexist customs. Katara proves herself worthy, and Pakku eventually teaches both. Meanwhile, Admiral Zhao hires pirates to assassinate Zuko. But Zuko survives and sneaks aboard Zhao's lead ship as the Fire Nation readies for an attack on the North Pole.
  • The next stop on the group's trip around the world is the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu. There, Aang shows Katara and Sokka the Omashu chute mail delivery system, which he and his friend Bumi used to ride for fun a hundred years ago. The trio gives the chutes a try but runs into trouble after it destroys a cabbage merchant's cart. Put in front of the crazy King of the city, the gang is given a feast. The King suspects that Aang is the Avatar and puts him through three deadly challenges to test his skills. After the last challenge, Aang is forced to figure out the King's name, and based on the nature of the challenges, he realizes that the King is his old friend Bumi. Bumi informs Aang of what his task as the current Avatar entails.
  • A band of guerrilla fighters, led by the rogue Jet, rescue Aang, Katara, and Sokka from a small group of Fire Nation soldiers. Jet invites the team back to the Freedom Fighters' hideout, where the group plots out its attacks. Sokka has suspicions about Jet, however, which leads the young rebel to tempt Sokka with missions. His plan fails, making Sokka more skeptical of Jet's motives. Aang and Katara decide to help Jet "save" a nearby Earth Kingdom town, but Jet's real intent is to drown the village. However, Sokka manages to evacuate the city in time to avoid Jet's plot.
  • Zuko struggles to find shelter in the freezing temperatures of the North Pole, while Sokka, Katara and Yue search for him and Aang. At the Northern Water Tribe, firebenders and Fire Nation tanks manage to infiltrate the city. Admiral Zhao slays the moon spirit, Tui, and the waterbenders lose their ability to waterbend. In anger, Aang, who along with Zuko was rescued by Sokka, Katara and Yue, goes into the Avatar State and destroys the entire Fire Nation armada and army, with the exceptions of Iroh and Zuko. Yue, who was imbued with some of the energy of the Moon spirit when she was a baby, sacrifices her life to revive it, and becomes the Moon spirit.
  • Katara, Aang, and Sokka go into a village that relies solely on the predictions of a fortuneteller, "Aunt Wu". Sokka is skeptical and refuses to believe anything the fortuneteller says, and tries to disprove all the predictions she makes. Katara, on the other hand, is obsessed, and keeps returning to the fortuneteller for more predictions. Aang keeps an open mind, but his opinion quickly changes when he and Sokka fly to the top of the nearby volcano which is filled almost to the brim with lava, disproving one of Aunt Wu's predictions. Katara and Aang use bending to manipulate the clouds as a warning to the villagers, and the group manages to evacuate the village before the volcano erupts.
  • Aang, Katara, and Sokka camp near a small Earth Kingdom town that is controlled by the Fire Nation, which bans Earthbending. Katara convinces a young Earthbender named Haru to save an old man with Earthbending, only to have Haru captured by the soldiers. Katara then devises a plan to get herself arrested so Aang and Sokka can follow her to where Haru was taken and liberate him. While at the prison, a metal sea fortress, Aang and Katara incite a rebellion with an inspiring speech and coal that the Earthbenders could use. This starts a riot in which the imprisoned Earthbenders manage to liberate themselves and head to free their occupied cities.
  • Due to an interest in reliving his old memories, Aang suggests a visit to the Southern Air Temple. He tells stories of his old mentor, Monk Gyatso, as well as sports and games that Airbenders used to play. At the temple, Aang finds a flying lemur, whom he names Momo. When he learns the truth about how the Fire Nation had raided his home, Aang becomes angry and enters the Avatar State. Meanwhile, because his ship was damaged by Aang in the previous episode, Zuko needs to stop at a docking area to have it repaired. There, he and his uncle run into Commander Zhao, who manages to learn that the Avatar has been found. Zuko then challenges Zhao to a duel over the right to track the Avatar, which Zuko wins. Zhao tries to kill Zuko after Zuko turns his back on Zhou, though Iroh stops the attack in time.
  • Katara begins teaching Aang waterbending, but Aang accidentally washes away their supplies while practicing. When they go in town to buy more supplies, Katara finds a waterbending scroll at a store run by pirates. After Katara steals the scroll, the pirates chase the group, who manage to escape. Aang and Katara start practicing waterbending, but Katara becomes frustrated when Aang more easily learns the techniques. Meanwhile, Zuko runs into the pirates and agrees to help them find Aang and the scroll that Katara stole. Zuko proceeds to capture Katara and the pirates capture Aang and Sokka. A fight breaks out between Zuko's crew and the pirates. During the commotion, the group escapes with the waterbending scroll.
Last Aired
  • 2005-12-02
  • The following is a list of episodes chapters of the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, referred to as Book One: Water.