  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic (also known as Titanic 2005) is an unlicensed NES/Famicom game made by Nice Code/Dragon Co. and published by Shenzhen Nanjing Technology in 2005. It can also be found on certain plug & play systems, under a different name.
  • Titanic is a 1997 epic romance and disaster film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, and Gloria Stewart. The film was, at the time, the most expensive film ever made, with an estimated budget of $200 million. It more than recouped this cost, however, with a worldwide gross of over $1.8 billion (the first film to break the billion-dollar mark), making it the highest-grossing film of all time—a record it held for twelve years before Cameron's next directorial effort, Avatar, surpassed it in 2010.
  • es un alien de la serie Cheliz 10: el dia de la maestria
  • RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in the early morning of 15 April, 1912 after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, UK, to New York City, US. Upon examining the X-302 hyperspace fighter, Colonel Jack O'Neill compared the X-302 to the Titanic. (SG1: "Redemption, Part 1")
  • The Titanic (also known as RMS Titanic) was a famous ocean liner engineered in Britain during the early 1900s, which sank on her maiden voyage en route from Southampton, England to New York City, killing 1500 people.
  • Titanic is a special encounter in Fallout Tactics. The Warrior will come across a dead civilian with a large life ring next to him. Beside the life ring is a crudely drawn sketch of a naked woman and a necklace with a very large gemstone. There is nothing in the civilian's inventory and the life ring can't be picked up. Next to the ring lies a gemstone, the "Heart of the Ocean". The value of the gem depends on the Barter skill of the seller but its base value is $20,000.
  • ==I'm cool==
  • Titanic - 99. odcinek serialu Świat według Kiepskich.
  • Titanic är en populär film på Jorden. När Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill och Major Samantha Carter var i Area 51 om se att X-302 hyperspace fighter var färdig tidigare beräknat. Carter berättade för O'Neill att X-302 var helt människa byggd och O'Neill skämtade att Titanic också var helt människa byggd. (SG1: "Redemption, Part 1")
  • Die reiche, verwöhnte Rose DeWitt Bukater und der mittellose Jack Dawson lernen sich während der Jungfernfahrt der Titanic, dem größten und luxuriösesten Schiff der Welt, kennen und verlieben sich in einander. Als das Schiff gegen einen Eisberg prallt, beginnt für das junge Paar nicht nur der Kampf um ihre Liebe, sondern auch der Kampf ums Überleben.
  • This model of the R.M.S. Titanic was created by the late SteerPike. The Titanic will make the norns creatures feel less crowded and less angry. It will also make them slightly cold and tired. The Titanic COB uses the C1 class numbers: * 2 12 104
  • Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Hollywood-Schinken Titanic. ~ die Belfaster über ihr Schiff und ihre Unschuld ~ Kapitän Edward John Smith über den Untergang von gutem Kaviar in schlechtem Champagner ~ Angela Lansbury über den letzten Akt ~ Nina Einstein über den letzten Akt ~ Nina Einstein über ihre Champagnerdusche ~ Angela Lansbury über den Untergang ihrer Badewanne ~ Fidel Castro über die Unglücksursache
  • Il Titanic era la nave più bella, più grande, più lunga e più resistente che fosse mai stata varata e lo dimostra semplicemente il fatto che sia affondata.
  • thumb Titanic es una película dirigida por James Cameron y protagonizada por Leonardo DiCaprio y Kate Winslet. Hasta ahora es la película más conocida del famoso RMS Titanic, el transatlántico mas grande y lujoso en su momento, el cual se hundió en su viaje inaugural chocando un iceberg la noche del 14 de abril de 1912.
  • This wikia is about everything to do with the infamous ship RMS Titanic. This includes the sinking, the legacy, the movie and other movies, and other stuff.
  • Titanic was a luxourious ocean liner made by the White Star Line which sank on Sunday the 10th of april 1912 and claimed the lives of 1,514 passengers because there where not enough lifeboats to seat all of the passengers. The Titanic was designed by an experinced ship builder from Comber,Northern Ireland Thomas Andrews who was a passenger on board the ship when it sank and perished on board during the sinking.
  • ladies and gentleman danger Image:PD-icon.svg Public domain
  • Titanic is a blockbuster, multiple Academy Award-winning 1997 film based on the 1912 sinking of the liner RMS Titanic. The film spent fifteen weeks at the number one spot on the box office, getting bumped by the release of Lost in Space. The film is currently the second highest grossing movie of all time.
  • The decks of the Titanic resemble those of the real ship which sank in 1912, except the fiesta deck. Rooms, such as the grand staircase, are modelled on the original ship.
  • Titanic is the seventh installment to the Research Guides collection.
  • Shortly before midnight on 14 April 1912, four days into her maiden voyage, Titanic hit an iceberg and sank two hours and forty-eight minutes later, early on the morning of 15 April. The sinking resulted in the deaths of 1,517 passengers, making it one of the deadliest maritime disasters in history. Helen Magnus was one of the passengers aboard the ship, and was saved from the water by Molly Brown. There are also hints given in the opening credits that merfolk were present at the sinking of the ship.
  • Titanic is an unreleased song by The Dresden Dolls.
  • Le Titanic est un paquebot transatlantique qui a sombré au fond de l'Océan Atlantique en 1912.
  • Titanic – amerykański film w reżyserii Jamesa Camerona z 1997 roku. Akcja filmu rozgrywa się na Titanicu, film obszernie ukazuje zatonięcie statku. Film zdobył aż jedenaście Oscarów, w tym za najlepszy film. Produkcja odniosła także ogromny sukces finansowy - film zarobił ponad 1,8 mld dolarów stając się najbardziej dochodowym filmem w historii kina (obecnie wyprzedził go pod tym względem Avatar).
  • L'histoire du Titanic est l'une des plus intéressantes que l'homme ait imaginé. L'homme en question étant James Cameron. Le même qui écrit et réalisa le film de robot avec le jeune garçon cute avec une coupe de cheveux que seul un californien peut porter sans se faire traiter de fifi, le musclé Arnold Chouarzanezguerre qui signe du destin est maintenant le chef surprême de cet état et finalement, la merveilleuse Linda Hamilton (à ne pas confondre avec Kevin Sorbo). Cette même Linda qui, dans une entrevue avec l'hebdomadaire "La Semaine", déclarait: "Arnold est dur comme du métal, mais Pierce Brosnan est chaud comme un volcan".
  • The Titanic was a ship which sank and was referenced by Marcos as he attempted to blow up the Morse X4.
  • Titanic var et kjempeskip på vei mot Nova Scotia. I baren satt en nordmann som likte sjøen på denne årstida. Og mannen spurte kelner'n med en stemme lys og fin: «Var det mulig å få en smule is i whisky' n sin?» Men akkurat da, med et kjempefint smell gikk Titanic på et kjempe-isfjell. Og kelner'n sa: «De får ta ta Dem is selv!» og for som ei rotte ut det vanntette skottet, du så bare hæla på' n, mens nordmann' sto og vræla på'n: Jeg sa en smule, ikke et helt brød! Jeg ba om litt is i drinken, ikke en båt full av snø. Å kle seg naken er'kke saken, bare for å gå og strø. Jeg sa en smule, ikke et helt brød!
  • Theme: None can withstand the titanic might of your minions.
  • Initially, the Titanic had no known connections to the supernatural. However, its fate was temporarily altered by the angel Balthazar. At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, lookouts in the crows nest spotted an iceberg. The ship started a turn to the left but the ship struck the iceberg. While The Titanic could stay afloat if only four of her water-tight compartments were flooded, unfortunately five were flooded, dooming the ship. There were not enough lifeboats for the 2,200 souls on board. Only 705 survived the sinking, with over 1,500 drowning. The Titanic broke in two and sank beneath the waves.
  • In "Death Is a Bitch", Jack is used as an example of what would happen if there was no death. In "The King Is Dead", Peter quotes Jack Dawson's line "I'm the king of the world!" twice, resulting in him falling both times. When Peter and Lois Griffin were on their cruise in "Stewie Kills Lois", Lois felt like "the British chick from Titanic", referring to Winslet. Peter corrects her, believing the role was played by Philip Seymour Hoffman. Brian notes that he disliked Titanic in "Excellence in Broadcasting". File:SethTitanic.png
  • Titanic (pre najväčší národ sveta známy aj ako 泰坦尼克號) bola nepotopiteľná loď, ktorá sa preslávila okrem iného aj tým, že počas svojej prvej veľkej oficiálnej plavby v noci zo 14. na 15. apríla 1912 spracovala z pôvodného osadenstva lode v počte 2 223 ľudov až 1 517 z nich na vychladené krmivo pre morských živočíchov. Túto plavbu teda prežilo 32% pasažierov, z ktorých posledný umrel dňa 31. mája, 2009.
  • thumbSäveltäjä: Jori Sivonen Sanoittaja: Raul Reiman Esittäjä: Frederik Titanic on Jori Sivosen säveltämä ja sovittama sekä Raul Reimanin sanoittama kappale, joka sai ensiesityksensä Suomen euroviisukarsinnoissa 1981. Kappaleen esitti Frederik ja taustakuorossa esiintyivät Meiju Suvas, Kaija Koo, Helena Lindgren, Tuire Pentikäinen ja Kari Kuusamo.
  • The RMS Titanic was a ship that sank a long ass time 1912. It was 882' 9" long. That's makes it a wittle kitty compared to modern boats (Yes I mean BOATS). It only sank because it was British and not American. It took 73 years to find it underwater; but it was found by an AMERICAN. Suck on that one USSR. It had approximately 2,200 people on board and only 706 survived. All of them are dead now so NO you can't interview any of them. The last one to kick the bucket was the youngest on board anyway at about 9 months old.
  • thumb|253px Titanic es una película estadounidense de 1997 dirigida, escrita, coproducida y coeditada por James Cameron y protagonizada por Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates, Gloria Stuart y Bill Paxton. La trama, una epopeya4 romántica, relata la relación de Jack Dawson y Rose DeWitt Bukater, dos jóvenes que se conocen y se enamoran a bordo del transatlántico RMS Titanic en su viaje inaugural desde Southampton, Inglaterra a Nueva York, EE. UU., en abril de 1912. Pertenecientes a diferentes clases sociales, intentan salir adelante pese a las adversidades que los separarían de forma definitiva, entre ellas el prometido de Rose, Caledon «Cal» Hockley (un adinerado del cual ella no está enamorada, pero su madre la ha obligado a permanecer con él para garantizar un futur
  • The RMS Titanic was a British ocean liner. Built for the White Star Line, its construction was overseen by Thomas Andrews, and the ship, the largest of its kind at the time, was described as "unsinkable". Indiana Jones and Helen Margaret Seymour had been passengers aboard the vessel, and were caught up in an adventure surrounding the Shalimar Diamond that Miss Seymour had brought aboard. On its maiden transatlantic voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people.
  • On board the Titanic on this doomed voyage was Nicholas de Brabant, better known to viewers of Forever Knight as Det. Nick Knight. As told in the flashback scenes in the episode "Black Buddha, Pt. Two", Nick is approached during the voyage by another passenger, Claire Gibson, who flirtatiously reveals that she knows he is a vampire. She takes him back to her well-appointed stateroom, where she tells him the history of a reputedly magical statuette of the Buddha that grants its owner's dearest wish. She offers to give it to him if he brings her over.
  • thumb|270px|right|Die RMS Titanic Die RMS Titanic war ein Passagierschiff der britischen Reederei White Star Line. Sie wurde in Belfast auf der Werft von Harland & Wolff gebaut und war bei der Indienststellung am 02. April 1912 das größte Schiff der Welt. Der Neunte Doctor hielt die Familie Daniels aus South Hampton davon ab, die Jungfernfahrt des Schiffes zu begleiten (Rose) . Laut eigener Aussage war er jedoch an Bord der Titanic (The End of the World). Der Vierter Doctor meint in der Episode The Invasion of Time, er hätte mit dem Untergang des Schiffes nichts zu tun.
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tytuł filmu
  • Titanic
gatunek filmu
  • 11
  • poca
  • Eldrazi Leveler
  • Eldrazi Siege-Breaker
  • Eldrazi World-Crusher
  • vibal volans
nombre solicitado
  • es.peliculatitanic
  • es.titanic
  • es.titanicpedia
  • piccis de agua dulce
  • 2001
  • titanic
  • Titanic
map marker
  • Titanic
  • 1997
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • fuerte
  • 5
  • 6
  • 8
  • veloz
  • Wiersz
  • respirar en el agua
  • USA
  • Englisch
  • Conrad Buff James Cameron Richard A. Harris
  • 1986
Nom Original
  • Titanic
  • 11640.0
  • gray
  • Rare
  • FSK 12
  • Famicom
  • The first and biggest Titanic
  • Titanic-poster-8.jpg
  • Titanic
  • titanic
  • Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Gloria Stuart
  • FOT
  • Titanic-wiki-wordmark.png
  • 2005
  • unreleased
  • Dead civilian
  • Best Actress
  • Best Cinematography
  • Best Director
  • Best Film Editing
  • Best Original Score
  • Best Picture
  • Best Costume Design
  • Best Original Song
  • Best Supporting Actress
  • Best Art Direction
  • Best Visual Effects
  • Best Makeup
  • Best Sound
  • Best Sound Effects Editing
  • Best Original Score, Dramatic
  • Pistas de la banda sonora de Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Titanic
  • Indiana Jones' Marshall College entry
  • Trample
  • First strike
  • Whenever combat damage from this isn't blocked, you may destroy that many of defending player's lands.
  • special
  • 11
  • Titanic's title screen
Oryginalny Tytuł
  • Titanic
situation actuelle
  • Au fond de l'Océan Arctique
  • Titanic movie
  • crear torbellinos
  • La seule période de la vie de Picsou où l'on croisa le Titanic.
  • Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska
  • Titanicpedia es un Wiki sobre el RMS Titanic y los hechos historicos que rodean su hundimiento.
  • Wiki Titanic es un proyecto de Fandom sobre la famosa película Titanic.
  • RMS Titanic Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom que trata de reunir información sobre la la famosa película Titanic.
  • 12
  • 19
  • 20
  • dbkwik:resource/mBXtJCVQY70_84eAykT-_Q==
  • Titanic
  • Rose
  • Distant Memories
  • A Life So Changed
  • A Promise Kept
  • An Ocean of Memories
  • Death of Titanic
  • Hard to Starboard
  • Hymn to the Sea
  • Leaving Port
  • Never an Absolution
  • Southampton
  • Take Her to Sea, Mr. Murdoch
  • The Sinking
  • Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave
  • James Horner
  • si
  • Icon FoT special_encounter.png
  • 70
Image size
  • 225
  • Picsou renfloue le Titanic
  • letra escrita por Will Jennings e interpretación por Céline Dion
  • Bateau à vapeur
  • EdBrownstone
  • NachoO
  • Trashing
  • Titanic 2005
  • Titanic
  • titanic.png
  • Abandonada
  • Well, better late than never
  • 14
  • marshall/character/indianajones/
  • Dragon Co's engine
  • Titanic
  • RMS Titanic Wiki
  • Wiki Titanic
  • Creature - Eldrazi
Song name
  • Titanic
  • 1997
  • TL
wikipage disambiguates
  • Travel
  • Titanicreal.jpg
  • Get the "bloody enormous gemstone"!
  • 50
  • More than 500
Názov filmu
  • Titanic
Popis filmu
  • katastrofický film na motíve skutočnej udalosti
  • plávanie, potápanie
Filmová spoločnosť
  • Líška z 20. storočia
Rok natočenia
  • 1912
Od lat
  • 25
Vedľajšie postavy
  • veľa: ďalších 2 221 ľudov...
Hlavné postavy
  • Leonárdo Dyk Cáprio, dáka ženská...
  • Jano Nakamere
Krajina pôvodu
  • Titanic (pre najväčší národ sveta známy aj ako 泰坦尼克號) bola nepotopiteľná loď, ktorá sa preslávila okrem iného aj tým, že počas svojej prvej veľkej oficiálnej plavby v noci zo 14. na 15. apríla 1912 spracovala z pôvodného osadenstva lode v počte 2 223 ľudov až 1 517 z nich na vychladené krmivo pre morských živočíchov. Túto plavbu teda prežilo 32% pasažierov, z ktorých posledný umrel dňa 31. mája, 2009. Titanic je aj film, v ktorom hral Leonardo Dyk Caprio a dáka ženská. Aj ten Dyk Cáprio napriek tomu, že je známy herec a hrdina aj v tomto filme umrel. Utopil sa. A už nenakrútil žiadny film okrem Veľkého Gatsbyho, ktorý je tiež mŕtvy.
  • Titanic (also known as Titanic 2005) is an unlicensed NES/Famicom game made by Nice Code/Dragon Co. and published by Shenzhen Nanjing Technology in 2005. It can also be found on certain plug & play systems, under a different name.
  • Titanic is a 1997 epic romance and disaster film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, and Gloria Stewart. The film was, at the time, the most expensive film ever made, with an estimated budget of $200 million. It more than recouped this cost, however, with a worldwide gross of over $1.8 billion (the first film to break the billion-dollar mark), making it the highest-grossing film of all time—a record it held for twelve years before Cameron's next directorial effort, Avatar, surpassed it in 2010.
  • es un alien de la serie Cheliz 10: el dia de la maestria
  • RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in the early morning of 15 April, 1912 after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, UK, to New York City, US. Upon examining the X-302 hyperspace fighter, Colonel Jack O'Neill compared the X-302 to the Titanic. (SG1: "Redemption, Part 1")
  • The Titanic (also known as RMS Titanic) was a famous ocean liner engineered in Britain during the early 1900s, which sank on her maiden voyage en route from Southampton, England to New York City, killing 1500 people.
  • Titanic is a special encounter in Fallout Tactics. The Warrior will come across a dead civilian with a large life ring next to him. Beside the life ring is a crudely drawn sketch of a naked woman and a necklace with a very large gemstone. There is nothing in the civilian's inventory and the life ring can't be picked up. Next to the ring lies a gemstone, the "Heart of the Ocean". The value of the gem depends on the Barter skill of the seller but its base value is $20,000.
  • ==I'm cool==
  • Titanic - 99. odcinek serialu Świat według Kiepskich.
  • thumb|253px Titanic es una película estadounidense de 1997 dirigida, escrita, coproducida y coeditada por James Cameron y protagonizada por Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates, Gloria Stuart y Bill Paxton. La trama, una epopeya4 romántica, relata la relación de Jack Dawson y Rose DeWitt Bukater, dos jóvenes que se conocen y se enamoran a bordo del transatlántico RMS Titanic en su viaje inaugural desde Southampton, Inglaterra a Nueva York, EE. UU., en abril de 1912. Pertenecientes a diferentes clases sociales, intentan salir adelante pese a las adversidades que los separarían de forma definitiva, entre ellas el prometido de Rose, Caledon «Cal» Hockley (un adinerado del cual ella no está enamorada, pero su madre la ha obligado a permanecer con él para garantizar un futuro económico próspero) y el hundimiento del lujoso barco tras chocar con un iceberg.
  • The RMS Titanic was a ship that sank a long ass time 1912. It was 882' 9" long. That's makes it a wittle kitty compared to modern boats (Yes I mean BOATS). It only sank because it was British and not American. It took 73 years to find it underwater; but it was found by an AMERICAN. Suck on that one USSR. It had approximately 2,200 people on board and only 706 survived. All of them are dead now so NO you can't interview any of them. The last one to kick the bucket was the youngest on board anyway at about 9 months old. They claimed it was unsinkable but knew better. This was also the time when they could advertise their product as able to do ANYTHING, without the liability for being sued by them there rich folk.
  • Titanic är en populär film på Jorden. När Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill och Major Samantha Carter var i Area 51 om se att X-302 hyperspace fighter var färdig tidigare beräknat. Carter berättade för O'Neill att X-302 var helt människa byggd och O'Neill skämtade att Titanic också var helt människa byggd. (SG1: "Redemption, Part 1")
  • Die reiche, verwöhnte Rose DeWitt Bukater und der mittellose Jack Dawson lernen sich während der Jungfernfahrt der Titanic, dem größten und luxuriösesten Schiff der Welt, kennen und verlieben sich in einander. Als das Schiff gegen einen Eisberg prallt, beginnt für das junge Paar nicht nur der Kampf um ihre Liebe, sondern auch der Kampf ums Überleben.
  • This model of the R.M.S. Titanic was created by the late SteerPike. The Titanic will make the norns creatures feel less crowded and less angry. It will also make them slightly cold and tired. The Titanic COB uses the C1 class numbers: * 2 12 104
  • Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem Hollywood-Schinken Titanic. ~ die Belfaster über ihr Schiff und ihre Unschuld ~ Kapitän Edward John Smith über den Untergang von gutem Kaviar in schlechtem Champagner ~ Angela Lansbury über den letzten Akt ~ Nina Einstein über den letzten Akt ~ Nina Einstein über ihre Champagnerdusche ~ Angela Lansbury über den Untergang ihrer Badewanne ~ Fidel Castro über die Unglücksursache
  • On board the Titanic on this doomed voyage was Nicholas de Brabant, better known to viewers of Forever Knight as Det. Nick Knight. As told in the flashback scenes in the episode "Black Buddha, Pt. Two", Nick is approached during the voyage by another passenger, Claire Gibson, who flirtatiously reveals that she knows he is a vampire. She takes him back to her well-appointed stateroom, where she tells him the history of a reputedly magical statuette of the Buddha that grants its owner's dearest wish. She offers to give it to him if he brings her over. However, the "Black Buddha" is supposed to have a curse on it. When the Titanic hits an iceberg and starts to sink, Claire is sure that this is the curse at work. When she is told that there are not enough lifeboats to save more than half the people on board, she feels that this disaster is her fault for making a wish on the Buddha. She therefore changes her mind and asks Nick to kill her instead.
  • thumb|270px|right|Die RMS Titanic Die RMS Titanic war ein Passagierschiff der britischen Reederei White Star Line. Sie wurde in Belfast auf der Werft von Harland & Wolff gebaut und war bei der Indienststellung am 02. April 1912 das größte Schiff der Welt. Der Neunte Doctor hielt die Familie Daniels aus South Hampton davon ab, die Jungfernfahrt des Schiffes zu begleiten (Rose) . Laut eigener Aussage war er jedoch an Bord der Titanic (The End of the World). Der Vierter Doctor meint in der Episode The Invasion of Time, er hätte mit dem Untergang des Schiffes nichts zu tun. Dies bewahrheitet sich in dem Comic Follow That TARDIS! - der Siebte Doctor landet während der Jagd nach dem Mönch mit El Ape und Deadbeat an Bord der Titanic. Die beiden Brüder kapern das Steuerdeck und rammen einen Eisberg, da sie diesen für die TARDIS des Mönchs halten. So kommt es zum legendären Untergang des Luxusliners. Es bleibt jedoch unklar, woher der Vierte Doctor davon wissen konnte ... Zu Weihnachten des Jahres 2008 droht ein Raumschiff vom Planeten Sto namens Titanic auf die Erde zu stürzen, was der Zehnte Doctor jedoch verhindern kann (Voyage of the Damned). In der Schule von Leadworth behauptet Mels, die Titanic sei nur untergegangen, weil der Doctor nicht zur Stelle war, um sie zu retten (Let's Kill Hitler). Da der Doctor aber anwesend war, kann es sein, dass der Untergang ein Fixpunkt der Zeit ist. In dem Hörspiel The Wreck of the Titan besuchen der Sechste Doctor und Jamie McCrimmon eine nicht reale Version der Titanic im Land der Fiktionen.
  • Il Titanic era la nave più bella, più grande, più lunga e più resistente che fosse mai stata varata e lo dimostra semplicemente il fatto che sia affondata.
  • thumb Titanic es una película dirigida por James Cameron y protagonizada por Leonardo DiCaprio y Kate Winslet. Hasta ahora es la película más conocida del famoso RMS Titanic, el transatlántico mas grande y lujoso en su momento, el cual se hundió en su viaje inaugural chocando un iceberg la noche del 14 de abril de 1912.
  • This wikia is about everything to do with the infamous ship RMS Titanic. This includes the sinking, the legacy, the movie and other movies, and other stuff.
  • Titanic was a luxourious ocean liner made by the White Star Line which sank on Sunday the 10th of april 1912 and claimed the lives of 1,514 passengers because there where not enough lifeboats to seat all of the passengers. The Titanic was designed by an experinced ship builder from Comber,Northern Ireland Thomas Andrews who was a passenger on board the ship when it sank and perished on board during the sinking.
  • ladies and gentleman danger Image:PD-icon.svg Public domain
  • In "Death Is a Bitch", Jack is used as an example of what would happen if there was no death. In "The King Is Dead", Peter quotes Jack Dawson's line "I'm the king of the world!" twice, resulting in him falling both times. When Peter and Lois Griffin were on their cruise in "Stewie Kills Lois", Lois felt like "the British chick from Titanic", referring to Winslet. Peter corrects her, believing the role was played by Philip Seymour Hoffman. Brian notes that he disliked Titanic in "Excellence in Broadcasting". Brian's blind girlfriend Kate in "The Blind Side" tells him that her brain is trained to decipher the sounds she hears at the movies and tells how she loved Titanic. The cutaway shows a king sitting on top of the world surrounded by spaceships. Two of Stewie & Brian's Children in "Stewie Is Enceinte" are named Jack and Rose, suggesting that they are named after the main characters of Titanic. File:SethTitanic.png
  • Titanic is a blockbuster, multiple Academy Award-winning 1997 film based on the 1912 sinking of the liner RMS Titanic. The film spent fifteen weeks at the number one spot on the box office, getting bumped by the release of Lost in Space. The film is currently the second highest grossing movie of all time.
  • The decks of the Titanic resemble those of the real ship which sank in 1912, except the fiesta deck. Rooms, such as the grand staircase, are modelled on the original ship.
  • Titanic is the seventh installment to the Research Guides collection.
  • thumbSäveltäjä: Jori Sivonen Sanoittaja: Raul Reiman Esittäjä: Frederik Titanic on Jori Sivosen säveltämä ja sovittama sekä Raul Reimanin sanoittama kappale, joka sai ensiesityksensä Suomen euroviisukarsinnoissa 1981. Kappaleen esitti Frederik ja taustakuorossa esiintyivät Meiju Suvas, Kaija Koo, Helena Lindgren, Tuire Pentikäinen ja Kari Kuusamo. Suomen euroviisukarsinta 1981 oli Yleisradion järjestämä kutsukilpailu, jossa mukaan kutsuttiin 15 suomalaista säveltäjää. Ennen Suomen loppukilpailua järjestettiin alkukarsinta, josta Suomen kansa äänesti kahdeksan suosikkiaan loppukilpailuun. Iltapäivälehtien tekemien kyselyiden mukaan Frederikin ”Titanic” oli ylivoimainen kansansuosikki. Lopullisen valinnan karsinnan finaalissa teki ammattilaisraati, jonka mielestä kappale oli kolmen pisteen arvoinen eli toiseksi huonoin. Kappale julkaistiin singlenä ja Frederikin lp-levyllä ”Alta pois”, joka myi kultaa eli yli 25.000 kpl. Luokka:Kappaleet
  • Shortly before midnight on 14 April 1912, four days into her maiden voyage, Titanic hit an iceberg and sank two hours and forty-eight minutes later, early on the morning of 15 April. The sinking resulted in the deaths of 1,517 passengers, making it one of the deadliest maritime disasters in history. Helen Magnus was one of the passengers aboard the ship, and was saved from the water by Molly Brown. There are also hints given in the opening credits that merfolk were present at the sinking of the ship.
  • Titanic is an unreleased song by The Dresden Dolls.
  • Le Titanic est un paquebot transatlantique qui a sombré au fond de l'Océan Atlantique en 1912.
  • Titanic – amerykański film w reżyserii Jamesa Camerona z 1997 roku. Akcja filmu rozgrywa się na Titanicu, film obszernie ukazuje zatonięcie statku. Film zdobył aż jedenaście Oscarów, w tym za najlepszy film. Produkcja odniosła także ogromny sukces finansowy - film zarobił ponad 1,8 mld dolarów stając się najbardziej dochodowym filmem w historii kina (obecnie wyprzedził go pod tym względem Avatar).
  • L'histoire du Titanic est l'une des plus intéressantes que l'homme ait imaginé. L'homme en question étant James Cameron. Le même qui écrit et réalisa le film de robot avec le jeune garçon cute avec une coupe de cheveux que seul un californien peut porter sans se faire traiter de fifi, le musclé Arnold Chouarzanezguerre qui signe du destin est maintenant le chef surprême de cet état et finalement, la merveilleuse Linda Hamilton (à ne pas confondre avec Kevin Sorbo). Cette même Linda qui, dans une entrevue avec l'hebdomadaire "La Semaine", déclarait: "Arnold est dur comme du métal, mais Pierce Brosnan est chaud comme un volcan".
  • The Titanic was a ship which sank and was referenced by Marcos as he attempted to blow up the Morse X4.
  • Titanic var et kjempeskip på vei mot Nova Scotia. I baren satt en nordmann som likte sjøen på denne årstida. Og mannen spurte kelner'n med en stemme lys og fin: «Var det mulig å få en smule is i whisky' n sin?» Men akkurat da, med et kjempefint smell gikk Titanic på et kjempe-isfjell. Og kelner'n sa: «De får ta ta Dem is selv!» og for som ei rotte ut det vanntette skottet, du så bare hæla på' n, mens nordmann' sto og vræla på'n: Jeg sa en smule, ikke et helt brød! Jeg ba om litt is i drinken, ikke en båt full av snø. Å kle seg naken er'kke saken, bare for å gå og strø. Jeg sa en smule, ikke et helt brød!
  • Theme: None can withstand the titanic might of your minions.
  • The RMS Titanic was a British ocean liner. Built for the White Star Line, its construction was overseen by Thomas Andrews, and the ship, the largest of its kind at the time, was described as "unsinkable". Indiana Jones and Helen Margaret Seymour had been passengers aboard the vessel, and were caught up in an adventure surrounding the Shalimar Diamond that Miss Seymour had brought aboard. On its maiden transatlantic voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people. Jones and Seymour were among the survivors as well as Codirolli, a colleague of Professor Henry Jones who eventually met up with him in America. Among those who did not survive the disaster were the wealthy parents of Minna and Wilfred Frobisher.
  • Initially, the Titanic had no known connections to the supernatural. However, its fate was temporarily altered by the angel Balthazar. At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, lookouts in the crows nest spotted an iceberg. The ship started a turn to the left but the ship struck the iceberg. While The Titanic could stay afloat if only four of her water-tight compartments were flooded, unfortunately five were flooded, dooming the ship. There were not enough lifeboats for the 2,200 souls on board. Only 705 survived the sinking, with over 1,500 drowning. The Titanic broke in two and sank beneath the waves.
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