  • Kanakirigoe Clan
  • Shortly after orochimaru founded otogakure, shinobi from the Kanakirigoe clan approached orochimaru, and offered to be the villages first kekkei genkai holders, and the first clan in the village. Considering the idea, Orochimaru asked if he could use members of the clan for his experiments. With some hesitation, they agreed, and the clan members joined the village. The younger boys of the clan would be given a test curse mark. Most of them died due to not having perfect chakra control, which made orochimaru frustrated. One boy, Sakebu Kanakirigoe, was given a Cursed Seal, called the Curse Seal of Hell, and it did not kill him. Orochimaru figured this boy was special, so he took him under his wing, away from his clan/family members. The clan was furious at the idea, and some considered leav
Kekkei Genkai
  • Sound Release ,
unnamed clan
  • No
  • Anime, Manga, Game, Movie
  • Otogakure,
  • Screeching Clan
  • Shortly after orochimaru founded otogakure, shinobi from the Kanakirigoe clan approached orochimaru, and offered to be the villages first kekkei genkai holders, and the first clan in the village. Considering the idea, Orochimaru asked if he could use members of the clan for his experiments. With some hesitation, they agreed, and the clan members joined the village. The younger boys of the clan would be given a test curse mark. Most of them died due to not having perfect chakra control, which made orochimaru frustrated. One boy, Sakebu Kanakirigoe, was given a Cursed Seal, called the Curse Seal of Hell, and it did not kill him. Orochimaru figured this boy was special, so he took him under his wing, away from his clan/family members. The clan was furious at the idea, and some considered leaving the village, or turning on orochimaru, but the leaders and elder members of the clan did not agree with this idea and thought it was reckless, and let it play out.