  • Uminooya Clan
  • During the time of the Warring States Period, the Uminooya were considered very weak and poor. Due to their conditions they remained neutral and were a migrant clan. During a battle between the Senju and Uchiha, most of the clan had been killed in the crossfire. After countless deaths the members decided to become a mercenary clan and created the Joukai Heiki. the clan head, Mochizuki Uminooya created Kamiyaiba a Joukai that could summon and control Daikonran, a demon of incredible power. After gaining Daikonran and the Joukai the clan was able to rise to fame along with the Senju and Uchiha, however most members felt that they were beginning to loose themselves and left for the Land of Scorch, before doing so they sealed Daikonran in a labyrinthine under the Silver Mountain.
unnamed clan
  • No
  • Uminooya Ichizoku
  • 生みの親一族
  • Anime, Manga
  • Land of Fire, Land of Scorch
  • Uuminooya Clan
  • During the time of the Warring States Period, the Uminooya were considered very weak and poor. Due to their conditions they remained neutral and were a migrant clan. During a battle between the Senju and Uchiha, most of the clan had been killed in the crossfire. After countless deaths the members decided to become a mercenary clan and created the Joukai Heiki. the clan head, Mochizuki Uminooya created Kamiyaiba a Joukai that could summon and control Daikonran, a demon of incredible power. After gaining Daikonran and the Joukai the clan was able to rise to fame along with the Senju and Uchiha, however most members felt that they were beginning to loose themselves and left for the Land of Scorch, before doing so they sealed Daikonran in a labyrinthine under the Silver Mountain.