  • Gong's Trial
  • After fleeing without even fighting you and your army, Gong reappears. The Rain Miracle is required in this mission. If you don't have it he will tell you to go to Nyokiri Swamp to get it, and the mission will automatically fail. Once you get it, equip it and start. When you enter the mission you'll see your army as usual. March forward and you'll see a tombstone. Destroy it and you'll get the Don Drum, Drum of Miracles. It is bound to the X button of your PSP and makes a "Don" sound. The screen brightens, revealing Gong as the speaker. He continues with, PON PON PON PON PON PON PON PON PON-PON
Row 4 info
  • Gangoro Wasteland
Row 1 info
  • None
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  • Map
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  • Enemies
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  • Next Level
Row 5 title
  • Background Music
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  • Previous Level
Box Title
  • Level Info
Image size
  • 200
Image File
  • PCT200656.jpg
  • After fleeing without even fighting you and your army, Gong reappears. The Rain Miracle is required in this mission. If you don't have it he will tell you to go to Nyokiri Swamp to get it, and the mission will automatically fail. Once you get it, equip it and start. When you enter the mission you'll see your army as usual. March forward and you'll see a tombstone. Destroy it and you'll get the Don Drum, Drum of Miracles. It is bound to the X button of your PSP and makes a "Don" sound. The screen will turn black and you'll hear a prayer just like last time, except that this time it's in a speech balloon. The screen brightens, revealing Gong as the speaker. He continues with, He will then instruct you to build up into Fever Mode and do "Don Do-Don Do-Don" to activate the Miracle. You will then see blue wave-like patterns and black figures in the background. Your army will dance along to the beats that are being sang and shown on the screen. You must press the buttons as shown and match the rhythm. The beats are as shown below: PON PON PON PON PON PON PON PON PON-PON PON PON PON-PON PONPON PON PON PON PON PON-PON-PON PON-PON-PATA-PON-PON-PON-PON Once you successfully perform the miracle Gong warns you about an invisible monster (Centura) whose weakness is rain, and retreats. Follow him until you come across a building. Destroy it to get an Ice Shield and finish the mission.
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