  • Jedi Archives
  • The Jedi Archives was a big mobile library that contained a bunch of crap. But some of the good books are there too. It was owned by the Jedi, which explains why it was so crappy. It also contained the names of everything in the galaxy except for Kamino, Kamino was accidentally erased by a stupid Jedi. This caused the Boring Era on Kamino.
  • The Jedi Archives were a libary of information stored in holobooks. They were used by the Jedi and were then destroyed by the 501st Legion during the Rise of the Empire. The Jedi Archives were later restored by Tionne Solusar.
  • The Jedi Archives was the Jedi Order's repository of knowledge on Coruscant, rumored to hold the sum total of all galactic knowledge. The Archives were overseen by the Council of First Knowledge.
  • After the Sacking of Coruscant and the relocating of the Jedi order from Coruscant to Tython, the remaining Jedi Council tasked Master Gnost-Dural with recounting the records lost on Coruscant and also to include the rise of the Sith Empire and the Jedi Order's loss of control.
  • *Jedi Order **Council of First Knowledge
  • Jedi Archives
  • Архив джедаев/Канон
  • ジェダイ・アーカイブ
  • Cânon:Arquivos Jedi
  • The Jedi Archives was a big mobile library that contained a bunch of crap. But some of the good books are there too. It was owned by the Jedi, which explains why it was so crappy. It also contained the names of everything in the galaxy except for Kamino, Kamino was accidentally erased by a stupid Jedi. This caused the Boring Era on Kamino.
  • The Jedi Archives were a libary of information stored in holobooks. They were used by the Jedi and were then destroyed by the 501st Legion during the Rise of the Empire. The Jedi Archives were later restored by Tionne Solusar.
  • The Jedi Archives was the Jedi Order's repository of knowledge on Coruscant, rumored to hold the sum total of all galactic knowledge. The Archives were overseen by the Council of First Knowledge.
  • After the Sacking of Coruscant and the relocating of the Jedi order from Coruscant to Tython, the remaining Jedi Council tasked Master Gnost-Dural with recounting the records lost on Coruscant and also to include the rise of the Sith Empire and the Jedi Order's loss of control.
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