  • Aidoann t'Khnialmnae
  • Antecenturion Aidoann t'Khnialmnae was a Romulan. In 2276, Aidoann was third in command of the ChR Bloodwing. Her brother was Llhran tr'Khnialmnae. (TOS novel: The Romulan Way). After Tafv's betrayal she replaced him as second-in-command of Bloodwing, as was also science officer. She was referred to as "cousin" by her commanding officer Ael t'Rllaillieu, due to their close companionship. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: Swordhunt)
  • Antecenturion Aidoann t'Khnialmnae was a Romulan. In 2276, Aidoann was third in command of the ChR Bloodwing. Her brother was Llhran tr'Khnialmnae. (TOS novel: The Romulan Way). After Tafv's betrayal she replaced him as second-in-command of Bloodwing, as was also science officer. She was referred to as "cousin" by her commanding officer Ael t'Rllaillieu, due to their close companionship. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: Swordhunt)