  • Imago
  • Imago
  • Imago
  • The Imago race makes its first appearance their larva form called Kiru Giru, being the fifth boss Samus faces in the game on her journey through Nofair. Samus later encounters three more of these larva-staged bosses. The last one of this trio is ensnared in a family of vines, and Samus cuts it down. However, the fall through the ground instantly kills it on impact. In Ridley's Lair, Samus watches the evolution of the third and final Imago as she becomes a bee-like monster, and a final battle erupts.
  • thumb|200px Imago est le quatrième et dernier stade d'évolution des Kiru Giru. Contrairement aux autres formes, il a maintenant un dard, qui peut infliger cinquante points de dégâts à Samus. Il a désormais l'apparence d'une guêpe gigantesque. Son unique point faible est son dard. Si Imago plante son dard mortel, il va lui aussi subir quelques dégâts. Samus en rencontre un sur Zebes dans un passage secret non loin de Ridley.
  • Imago possess all of the capabilities of your standard Drone, but have slightly less health and fight more aggressively, eschewing cover for rapid aggression. You don't need to prioritize them over other Drones, but you shouldn't ignore them either. If you seal a nest with an explosive while Imago are still emerging from it, you'll kill them instantly, regardless of health. Frag grenades are your best option for this, due to their availability; always keep a few on hand for this purpose.
  • Imago is a three stage non-elemental boss fight that takes place in the Divine Tree right before the Dragoons fully reach the Moon That Never Sets, that lays within the heart of the Divine Tree. It awakens after Kongol's landing shakes it from its slumber before it crawls off-screen, only to later confront the team. It drops Moon Serenade, Sun Rhapsody and Healing Rain after battle.
  • Imago es una enorme criatura insectoide alada de alto poder y que aparece en Metroid: Zero Mission en la Tierra de Ridley, en Zebes. Es la fase evolutiva final de un tipo de criaturas llamadas Larvas Gigantes, una vez han pasado por una etapa intermedia de capullo.
  • Imago was a boss encountered in Metroid: Zero Mission. It was a giant bee-like creature encountered in Ridley's Lair that attacked Samus Aran for destroying its eggs. In the Japanese website of Zero Mission, the Imago and its previous forms are given the title Giant Evolving Bug.
  • Imago is a planet within communications range of Earth.
  • Post-Lambent Pandemic
  • Desconocida, mutación
  • true
  • Arte Oficial de Imago
  • Zebes
  • Su abdomen
  • Embestidas y ataques con su aguijón
  • 300
  • Imago
  • none
  • Metroid: Zero Mission
  • Yellow
  • Energy Tank near molted skin , access to Ridley's Lair , Super Missiles
  • "The Mirror-Man from Planet Imago"
  • Imago
Location name
  • Imago
  • Milky Way
  • Imago's fully mature form in Metroid: Zero Mission.
  • Abdomen
  • 13000
  • Items
  • *Bolo Grenade *Boltok Pistol *Gnasher Shotgun *Hammerburst II *Mark 2 Lancer Assault Rifle
  • Imago
  • Imago_CA.jpg
  • Ramming, Stingers
  • 2500
  • 12000
  • Caterpillar: 6000
  • Imago:
  • Pupa:
  • Divine Tree
  • Norfair as larva, Ridley's Lair as adult
  • The Imago race makes its first appearance their larva form called Kiru Giru, being the fifth boss Samus faces in the game on her journey through Nofair. Samus later encounters three more of these larva-staged bosses. The last one of this trio is ensnared in a family of vines, and Samus cuts it down. However, the fall through the ground instantly kills it on impact. In Ridley's Lair, Samus watches the evolution of the third and final Imago as she becomes a bee-like monster, and a final battle erupts.
  • thumb|200px Imago est le quatrième et dernier stade d'évolution des Kiru Giru. Contrairement aux autres formes, il a maintenant un dard, qui peut infliger cinquante points de dégâts à Samus. Il a désormais l'apparence d'une guêpe gigantesque. Son unique point faible est son dard. Si Imago plante son dard mortel, il va lui aussi subir quelques dégâts. Samus en rencontre un sur Zebes dans un passage secret non loin de Ridley.
  • Imago possess all of the capabilities of your standard Drone, but have slightly less health and fight more aggressively, eschewing cover for rapid aggression. You don't need to prioritize them over other Drones, but you shouldn't ignore them either. If you seal a nest with an explosive while Imago are still emerging from it, you'll kill them instantly, regardless of health. Frag grenades are your best option for this, due to their availability; always keep a few on hand for this purpose.
  • Imago is a three stage non-elemental boss fight that takes place in the Divine Tree right before the Dragoons fully reach the Moon That Never Sets, that lays within the heart of the Divine Tree. It awakens after Kongol's landing shakes it from its slumber before it crawls off-screen, only to later confront the team. It drops Moon Serenade, Sun Rhapsody and Healing Rain after battle.
  • Imago es una enorme criatura insectoide alada de alto poder y que aparece en Metroid: Zero Mission en la Tierra de Ridley, en Zebes. Es la fase evolutiva final de un tipo de criaturas llamadas Larvas Gigantes, una vez han pasado por una etapa intermedia de capullo.
  • Imago was a boss encountered in Metroid: Zero Mission. It was a giant bee-like creature encountered in Ridley's Lair that attacked Samus Aran for destroying its eggs. In the Japanese website of Zero Mission, the Imago and its previous forms are given the title Giant Evolving Bug.
  • Imago is a planet within communications range of Earth.
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