  • Known Universe (Starfire)
  • The Known Universe, more colloquially known as the Knowniverse, refers to the region of outer space known to mankind. It is limited to the cluster of five star systems colonised by humans in the 29th century. The planet Benzaiten is the centre of the Known Universe, and the political, economic and cultural capital, and the first planet to be colonised by humans. Apart from Benzaiten, there are a further nine habitable planets, Raijin, Yosuzume, Yuki Onna, Kojin, Daikoku, Oinari, Tohuku and Sujin.
  • The Known Universe, more colloquially known as the Knowniverse, refers to the region of outer space known to mankind. It is limited to the cluster of five star systems colonised by humans in the 29th century. The Known Universe's systems are named after the five East Asian constellations, the White Tiger, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, Yellow Dragon and the Vermilion Bird. Most of the celestial bodies are also named after Gods, Godesses, and Mythical Creatures from Japanese Religion and Folklore. Culture is decdidadly Japanese dominated, Japanese is the lingua franca, traditions eminate from Japanese culture, and Shintoism is the dominant spirituality. The planet Benzaiten is the centre of the Known Universe, and the political, economic and cultural capital, and the first planet to be colonised by humans. Apart from Benzaiten, there are a further nine habitable planets, Raijin, Yosuzume, Yuki Onna, Kojin, Daikoku, Oinari, Tohuku and Sujin.