  • Arkham Sanitarium
  • The Arkham Sanitarium is an insane asylum named after the town of Arkham and it is a prominent location in the mythos of Lovecraft and those who followed in his footsteps and is depicted as an extremely sinister ward for those who are deeply disturbed and/or insane - by today's standards, Arkham would be seen as inhuman yet, it was, sadly, based somewhat on fact in the sense up until fairly recently in history asylums were run as prisons rather than hospitals and patients were often subjected to abuse or left to fend for themselves in harrowing circumstances.
  • The Arkham Sanitarium is an insane asylum named after the town of Arkham and it is a prominent location in the mythos of Lovecraft and those who followed in his footsteps and is depicted as an extremely sinister ward for those who are deeply disturbed and/or insane - by today's standards, Arkham would be seen as inhuman yet, it was, sadly, based somewhat on fact in the sense up until fairly recently in history asylums were run as prisons rather than hospitals and patients were often subjected to abuse or left to fend for themselves in harrowing circumstances.