  • Wildcat
  • Wildcat
  • WildCat
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • The Wildcat fighter was introduced in the Confederation Navy around 2600. Each piece costed 50 million. Around 2630 they were already past their design limits with outdated engines and pilot experienced stress flaws. The fleet board begged the Senate Appropriations Committee for an additional 10 million for a Wildcat upgrade. As the project did not interested personally Senator Jamison More, he locked it in committee for several years, and thanks to financial cutbacks, the replacement was expected not earlier than 2637.
  • Wildcat is a main character in the Disney animated series, TaleSpin.
  • WildCat may refer to: * A reoccuring race. * A location found in Breath of Fire II. * A character and boss in Breath of Fire II.
  • Wildcat is a vernacular term or jargon with two definitions; one provincial and the other commercial.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Yamato Takeru | Fudo Myou | Yamato Takeru: Zero | Lu Bu File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Okita Soji | Nurarihyon | Marie Antoinette | Ra x 6th Angel | Fox Metal | Kai | Blue Lobster | Michelangelo | Aquarius Camus | Gordi & Bardi | Yamata no Orochi | Baal | Queen Butterflight File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: File:Scroll.png Tower: 22F | 27F | 28F | 38F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Time) | Dark (Carnage)
  • Wildcat, real name Ted Grant, was a superhero and member of the Justice League after the Thanagarian invasion.
  • The wildcat was a great, yellow beast that roamed the Land of Oz. It had ugly, yellow teeth and red eyes like balls of fire. In order to rescue the Queen of the Field Mice, the Tin Woodman chopped off the wildcat's head while it was chasing her.
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Wildcat is a character from the Disney animated television series TaleSpin. He is a clueless and gangly anthropomorphic lion who typically wears a mechanic's outfit. Despite his childlike personality, he is ultimately a mechanical genius. Wildcat has a special place in his heart for dinosaurs as they are his favorite animal, and is also fond of pets and toys. He is honest and truthful, at times too truthful to annoy Baloo.
  • Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 70 – 84 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): mag4_Dahl_Wildcat The Wildcat is a Legendary Submachine Gun manufactured by Dahl. Examples are on the talk page.
  • In order to rescue the Queen of the Field Mice, the Tin Woodman chopped off the wildcat's head while it was chasing her. To thank him, she and her mouse subjects helped him and the Scarecrow rescue the Cowardly Lion from the deadly field of Poppies. (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  • Wildcat is a Raven who appears in Armored Core and later in Armored Core: Nexus.
  • When the Empire of Japan invaded the United States territory of Hawaii in 1941, the Wildcat was the most advanced frontline fighter the US Navy had. Although the Wildcat was more heavily armed and armored, and it could out perform the Zero in a dive, it wasn't as maneuverable or as fast as the Japanese fighter. Wildcats were shot down out of the skies in large numbers. By 1943, the Hellcat had replaced the Wildcat as the Navy's front line fighter. The Wildcat was relegated to interceptor duty, taking on Japanese dive bombers and naval bombers.
  • Faction: G.I.Joe Species: Human Function: TANK/MISSILE SPECIALIST Rank: 1 - E-4/Spc/Army/Armor Wildcat, named after her old high school team and her fighting fury on the field, ended up joining the army for the thrill of handling heavy firepower and making loud explosions. There's nothing more enjoyable for her than to be rumbling down terrain blowing away Cobra tanks in a HAVOC. She loves to play with the latest vehicles and gadgetry. She has an unnatural knack for getting the most out vehicles and pushing them to their limits. She's had training in Infantry school, Advanced Infantry School, and Armor School. She's also a qualified expert in all sorts of artillery, including an assortment of handguns, machine guns including the M16A2, M4A1, and F2000, as well as the Dragon Anti-Tank Missi
  • Como huérfano, Ted Grant se convirtió en boxeador de peso pesado, y, finalmente, se enredó en sus planes directores de los siniestros. Como resultado, su mentor "Socker" Smith fue asesinado por un guante de boxeo cargado con una aguja de veneno por los administradores Grant Flint y Skinner.
  • Halfway through college, Grant’s father died, and his father’s debts consumed whatever savings he had. Unable to continue in his studies, Grant left school and tried to find gainful employment. Unfortunately, the pre-World War II American economy was unkind to Grant, and he failed repeatedly to find gainful work. One night, he happened upon two muggers assaulting a famous boxer, “Socker” Smith. With Grant’s help, Smith overcame the assailants, an act which earned Grant Smith’s gratitude. Grant joined Smith as a professional boxer under the management team of Flint and Skinner and proved himself championship material. He later became the undefeated heavyweight champion boxer.
  • As an orphan, Ted Grant took up a position as a heavyweight boxer, and eventually became tangled in his sinister managers' plans. As a result, his mentor "Socker" Smith was killed by a boxing glove loaded with a poison needle by Grant's managers Flint and Skinner. The dose was only intended to slow Smith, but the duo misjudged the potency. When Grant was arrested for the crime, Flint and Skinner, afraid he might know what had happened, arranged a hit on the young fighter. Ted Grant survived, but the policemen with him were dead. He became a fugitive and came upon a kid who was robbed of his Green Lantern comic. The kid, describing the mystery-man Green Lantern, inspired Ted to create a costume of a large black cat. He took the name of Wildcat and vowed to clear his name. He brought Flint a
  • Good
  • To make sure the Sea Duck is efficient for flight, design special new ways for planes
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Grants a speed boost to teammates.
  • "Jolly Molly Christmas"
Row 4 info
  • L. Frank Baum
  • Ted Grant
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • Evolution
  • Ascension
  • Hatcher
  • Christmas Hatcher
Row 1 info
  • Wild Cat
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • Experto boxeador, experto motociclista, agilidad nivel olímpico
Nombre del personaje
  • Wildcat
  • 30
  • His inventions going wrong, danger
Row 4 title
  • Created by
  • Pierce
  • Bounce
damage low
  • 30
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks upward and downward with 2 large elemental lasers.
  • Fires a large elemental sphere of energy.
  • Attacks in an X pattern with 4 large elemental lasers that rebound three times.
Row 2 info
  • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • Detective Comics #174
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • 8
JP Name
  • コルセア
  • ワイルドキャット
  • 鋼のサンタ少女 コルセア
  • 鋼の撃墜少女 コルセア
damage high
  • 241
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • AC Battle
  • Guard Freight Train
  • 13492
  • 20038
  • 20531
Strike shot
  • Rebound off enemies and dance across the battlefield!
  • Heart-locked and Loaded - 16 Turns
  • Time for a Dogfight! - 26 Turns
  • Watch the Skies! - 24 Turns
  • Leads teammates against the enemy per Air Force orders.
  • 君のハートにプレゼント - 16 Turns
  • Bill Finger Irwin Warsen
To Asc
  • 40
  • 335.230000
  • 371.800000
  • 399.300000
Row 3 info
  • Reilly & Britton
  • Sociedad de la Justicia de América
  • Legendary
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
To Evo
  • 30
  • Wildcat
Box Title
  • The Wildcat
  • Armored Core: Nexus
  • Armored Core
  • 25
  • Any
  • TaleSpin
  • Blue
  • blue
  • Inventing, toys, being with his friends
Voiced by
  • KIA
  • Long brown haired anthropomorphic lion with orange fur. Mostly wears mechanic overalls
  • Grey
  • black
  • N/A
  • Wildcat
  • Jolly, kind-hearted, inventive
  • What's new, pussycat?
  • Boxing
  • Spectacular hand-to-hand combatant
elementchance high
  • 4
elementchance low
  • 1
  • TaleSpin
  • -
  • Continues being Higher for Hire's mechanic
  • Flight / Null Gravity Barrier
  • Flight / Null Damage Wall
  • Wildcat
  • Wildcat
  • Dahl
  • mag4_Dahl_Wildcat
  • His tools
  • 6
  • Unranked
  • Concordi
  • #000044
Real Name
  • Ted Grant
  • Orange
  • Intelligence
  • A Houseboat in Cape Suzette
  • 230
  • 348
  • 349
  • 1508
  • 2391
  • Mechanic at Higher for Hire
  • 9575
  • 15015
  • 15194
  • Raven
  • Female
  • Male
  • Human
  • Red AC
  • 8
  • -
rateoffire low
  • 6.900000
accuracy low
  • 0
accuracy high
  • 65.800000
magazine high
  • 84
magazine low
  • 70
rateoffire high
  • 16.300000
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • When the Empire of Japan invaded the United States territory of Hawaii in 1941, the Wildcat was the most advanced frontline fighter the US Navy had. Although the Wildcat was more heavily armed and armored, and it could out perform the Zero in a dive, it wasn't as maneuverable or as fast as the Japanese fighter. Wildcats were shot down out of the skies in large numbers. Although tactics were developed to give the Wildcat an edge over the Zero by Lieutenant John Thach, the Wildcat still performed poorly against the Zero. During the first attempt to retake the islands, although these tactics resulted in several Zeros being shot down, Wildcats were still slaughtered by the Japanese fighters. By 1943, the Hellcat had replaced the Wildcat as the Navy's front line fighter. The Wildcat was relegated to interceptor duty, taking on Japanese dive bombers and naval bombers. See also Inconsistencies in Turtledove's Work#Inconsistencies in Days of Infamy
  • Halfway through college, Grant’s father died, and his father’s debts consumed whatever savings he had. Unable to continue in his studies, Grant left school and tried to find gainful employment. Unfortunately, the pre-World War II American economy was unkind to Grant, and he failed repeatedly to find gainful work. One night, he happened upon two muggers assaulting a famous boxer, “Socker” Smith. With Grant’s help, Smith overcame the assailants, an act which earned Grant Smith’s gratitude. Grant joined Smith as a professional boxer under the management team of Flint and Skinner and proved himself championship material. He later became the undefeated heavyweight champion boxer. In 1941, Flint and Skinner decided to improve their revenues from the gambling circuit by fixing a championship bout between Grant and Socker Smith. They placed a needle containing a sedative in Grant’s boxing glove, assuming that a hard blow from Grant would inject the sedative and knock Smith out. Flint, however, overdosed the needle; when Grant struck Smith, the older boxer was killed from the overdose. Grant was arrested, but his implicators feared he would reveal incriminating evidence to the police. They arranged an “accident” in which the car carrying Grant was forced over an embankment, and the police officers (and presumably Grant) were killed. Grant survived but was blamed for his own “escape.” A fugitive from justice, Grant wandered aimlessly, trying to think of a way to clear his name. He happened upon a small child who had been robbed of comic book that featured Green Lantern. Unfamiliar with mystery-men, Grant listened as the child described the popular hero. Inspired by Green Lantern, Grant fashioned a costume imitating a large black cat, and took the code-name of Wildcat. As Wildcat, Grant tracked Flint and Skinner to their hideouts and forced each of them to confess. He then turned himself in as Grant after bringing the two criminals to the law as Wildcat. Satisfied by the justice that he had delivered as Wildcat, Grant vowed to continue on as the feline mystery-man. As Ted Grant, he remained a professional sports figure and strove to become a personal role model for disadvantaged children. As was the habit of the time, Grant picked up a Man Friday in the form of Hiram “Stretch” Skinner of Corn Corners, Iowa. Skinner (no relation to the original Skinner) was a private investigator, allowing Grant access to a certain amount of casework as an occasional tagalong and frequent rescuer of Skinner. The lanky detective was something of a yokel, never quite grasping that Grant and Wildcat were one and the same. Nevertheless, the two were an effective team throughout World War II. Skinner’s ultimate fate is unknown. During World War II, Wildcat was a member of the loosely-organized All-Star Squadron. Early in 1942, Wildcat was accosted by a mystical being who had taken the form of Joe Morgan, the boxing champ who had trained Grant in his college days. Morgan had been victimized by an alien radiation that had split him into three magically-powered entities and provoked him to seek vengeance against Grant. As Wildcat, Grant was intercepted by All-Star Squadron members Green Lantern, the Flash, and Wonder Woman, from whom he learned that Morgan had attacked two others, the Atom and the Guardian. The Guardian, the Atom, and Wildcat had all trained with Morgan, but each had sworn off professional athletics to pursue other interests. The trio ultimately confronted Morgan and defeated him with the help of the All-Star Squadron. After his defeat, Morgan regained his senses and begged forgiveness of those he had assaulted. As the alien radiation fled his body, Morgan died at the side of his former pupils. In the latter part of World War II, the Justice Society of America contacted Wildcat to help with a case involving a disillusioned youth who wanted to avoid service in the war. He was also contacted shortly after the war to help promote public acceptance of disabled veterans. At or around this time, Wildcat was awarded full membership in the Justice Society. While most of Wildcat’s adventures resulted from Skinner’s hired casework, he did encounter the occasional super-villain. Notable among these was the Yellow Wasp. The origins of the Wasp are unknown, though his appearance was certainly alien. Whether this was a function of his physical condition or various appliques is uncertain. The Wasp employed a variety of insect motifs in his crimes, such as stinging poisons and waxy adhesives. The Wasp’s main goals were robbery and the acquisition of material gain, but he was largely foiled by Wildcat and Skinner. Without a doubt, one of Wildcat’s most ambitious foes was the Huntress. A former heroine known as the Tigress turned professional thief, the Huntress resented the way criminals were tracked by the law and resolved to turn the tables. She created a private zoo and captured Wildcat, as well as many local politicians, to serve as game in her own private hunt. Wildcat escaped her traps and defeated the Huntress, sending her to prison. After several individual forays against Wildcat, the Huntress joined the Injustice Society of the World. There she met “Crusher” Crock, also known as the Sportsmaster with whom she ultimately became romantically involved. Whatever her criminal activities, the Huntress became a regular inmate in any of several federal penitentiaries. Wildcat had already entered a period of retirement before the House Un-American Activities Committee meetings in 1951 disbanded the JSA. Grant also retired from boxing some years later, an undefeated heavyweight champion. Grant returned to active duty as Wildcat when he joined Starman and Black Canary I against the newlywed criminal duo of the Huntress and the Sportsmaster. When the JSA reformed, Wildcat again became a regular member. Wildcat never married but did have a brief affair at some point in the 1960s with a woman known as “Irina,” and a child was born. The Yellow Wasp kidnapped the boy, whose fate (and that of Irina) remain unknown. After his retirement from sports, Grant opened a gym that trained aspiring fighters in a variety of martial arts techniques. Among his trainees was Dinah Laurel Lance, Black Canary’s daughter. Wildcat again resumed his membership with the Justice Society in the mid-1960
  • The Wildcat fighter was introduced in the Confederation Navy around 2600. Each piece costed 50 million. Around 2630 they were already past their design limits with outdated engines and pilot experienced stress flaws. The fleet board begged the Senate Appropriations Committee for an additional 10 million for a Wildcat upgrade. As the project did not interested personally Senator Jamison More, he locked it in committee for several years, and thanks to financial cutbacks, the replacement was expected not earlier than 2637.
  • Wildcat is a main character in the Disney animated series, TaleSpin.
  • WildCat may refer to: * A reoccuring race. * A location found in Breath of Fire II. * A character and boss in Breath of Fire II.
  • As an orphan, Ted Grant took up a position as a heavyweight boxer, and eventually became tangled in his sinister managers' plans. As a result, his mentor "Socker" Smith was killed by a boxing glove loaded with a poison needle by Grant's managers Flint and Skinner. The dose was only intended to slow Smith, but the duo misjudged the potency. When Grant was arrested for the crime, Flint and Skinner, afraid he might know what had happened, arranged a hit on the young fighter. Ted Grant survived, but the policemen with him were dead. He became a fugitive and came upon a kid who was robbed of his Green Lantern comic. The kid, describing the mystery-man Green Lantern, inspired Ted to create a costume of a large black cat. He took the name of Wildcat and vowed to clear his name. He brought Flint and Skinner to justice, as the villains were forced to confess and Grant's name was cleared. Wildcat continued to fight against crime. He became a member of the Justice Society of America and the All-Star Squadron. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Ted's legs were shattered by an out-of-control Red Tornado and he was told he would never walk again, but he soon discovered he had a god-daughter, Yolanda Montez, who took on the costumed identity of Wildcat.
  • Wildcat is a vernacular term or jargon with two definitions; one provincial and the other commercial.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Yamato Takeru | Fudo Myou | Yamato Takeru: Zero | Lu Bu File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: Okita Soji | Nurarihyon | Marie Antoinette | Ra x 6th Angel | Fox Metal | Kai | Blue Lobster | Michelangelo | Aquarius Camus | Gordi & Bardi | Yamata no Orochi | Baal | Queen Butterflight File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: File:DarkIcon.png Dark: File:Scroll.png Tower: 22F | 27F | 28F | 38F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Time) | Dark (Carnage)
  • Wildcat, real name Ted Grant, was a superhero and member of the Justice League after the Thanagarian invasion.
  • The wildcat was a great, yellow beast that roamed the Land of Oz. It had ugly, yellow teeth and red eyes like balls of fire. In order to rescue the Queen of the Field Mice, the Tin Woodman chopped off the wildcat's head while it was chasing her.
  • Faction: G.I.Joe Species: Human Function: TANK/MISSILE SPECIALIST Rank: 1 - E-4/Spc/Army/Armor Wildcat, named after her old high school team and her fighting fury on the field, ended up joining the army for the thrill of handling heavy firepower and making loud explosions. There's nothing more enjoyable for her than to be rumbling down terrain blowing away Cobra tanks in a HAVOC. She loves to play with the latest vehicles and gadgetry. She has an unnatural knack for getting the most out vehicles and pushing them to their limits. She's had training in Infantry school, Advanced Infantry School, and Armor School. She's also a qualified expert in all sorts of artillery, including an assortment of handguns, machine guns including the M16A2, M4A1, and F2000, as well as the Dragon Anti-Tank Missile, LAW rocket, M-203, M-303, and M-79 Grenade Launcher. Wildcat was last seen: Sat May 08 08:54:40 2004
  • Como huérfano, Ted Grant se convirtió en boxeador de peso pesado, y, finalmente, se enredó en sus planes directores de los siniestros. Como resultado, su mentor "Socker" Smith fue asesinado por un guante de boxeo cargado con una aguja de veneno por los administradores Grant Flint y Skinner. thumb|leftLa dosis sólo se pretendía frenar Smith, pero el dúo juzgado mal la potencia. Cuando Grant fue arrestado por el crimen, Flint y Skinner, temieron de que descubriera que había pasado, organizó una pelea contra el joven luchador. Ted Grant sobrevivió, pero los policías que le defendieron estaban muertos. Se convirtió en un fugitivo y se encontró con un niño que fue despojado de su cómic de Linterna Verde. El chico, que describe el misterio del hombre Linterna Verde, inspiró a Ted para crear un disfraz de un gato negro grande. Él tomó el nombre de Wildcat y se comprometió a limpiar su nombre. Trajo Flint y Skinner a la justicia, como los villanos se vieron obligados a confesar y el nombre de Grant fue absuelto. Wildcat siguió luchando contra el crimen. Categoría:Personajes Categoría:Héroes Categoría:Personajes del comic Categoría:Aliados Categoría:Vigilantes Categoría:Esbozos
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Wildcat is a character from the Disney animated television series TaleSpin. He is a clueless and gangly anthropomorphic lion who typically wears a mechanic's outfit. Despite his childlike personality, he is ultimately a mechanical genius. Wildcat has a special place in his heart for dinosaurs as they are his favorite animal, and is also fond of pets and toys. He is honest and truthful, at times too truthful to annoy Baloo.
  • Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 70 – 84 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): mag4_Dahl_Wildcat The Wildcat is a Legendary Submachine Gun manufactured by Dahl. Examples are on the talk page.
  • In order to rescue the Queen of the Field Mice, the Tin Woodman chopped off the wildcat's head while it was chasing her. To thank him, she and her mouse subjects helped him and the Scarecrow rescue the Cowardly Lion from the deadly field of Poppies. (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  • Wildcat is a Raven who appears in Armored Core and later in Armored Core: Nexus.
is Inhabitants of
is Enemies of
is Friends of
is Owner of
is workers of
is AltID of