  • Thousand
  • 1,000
  • One thousand is a number equal to 1000, or 103. The term came from Old English "þusend," from Proto-Germanic "thusundi", which was likely an indefinite number meaning "many". A thousand is used as a base in the widely used -illion naming system, since all -illions are powers of a thousand. One thousand sheets of paper is called a bundle.
  • Thousand is a number that appears often in the scriptures and hymns.
  • 1,000
  • One thousand is a number equal to 1000, or 103. The term came from Old English "þusend," from Proto-Germanic "thusundi", which was likely an indefinite number meaning "many". A thousand is used as a base in the widely used -illion naming system, since all -illions are powers of a thousand. One thousand sheets of paper is called a bundle.
  • Thousand is a number that appears often in the scriptures and hymns.