  • Dirinthrax
  • Dirin and Lim resumed their search and found Ryker unconscious, being hit during the battle of Frobwit and Radnor. The three of them approached and Dirin used the amulet to weaken Radnor, to Lim's surprise since it was hers. Then Radnor summoned Acia and with a gentle facade, he persuaded her to fetch the amulet from Dirin. Ryker tried to grasp it from him when Radnor hit him with an evil power. The amulet then fell to Lim who was revealed to be a woman, the rightful heir of the amulet and used it to destroy Radnor.
  • Dirin and Lim resumed their search and found Ryker unconscious, being hit during the battle of Frobwit and Radnor. The three of them approached and Dirin used the amulet to weaken Radnor, to Lim's surprise since it was hers. Then Radnor summoned Acia and with a gentle facade, he persuaded her to fetch the amulet from Dirin. Ryker tried to grasp it from him when Radnor hit him with an evil power. The amulet then fell to Lim who was revealed to be a woman, the rightful heir of the amulet and used it to destroy Radnor. After Randor was defeated, Thorman's spirit appeared in the sky and revealed that Dirin is Ducanthrax' descendant and should be by Lia's side, his granddaugter. He lifted the curse of the castle. Dirin stayed with Lia, and begged Frobwit farewell.