  • Looking backwards
  • From: [[]] 'Even the devils hurried to cower in whichever buildings were sturdiest today. Were my thoughts entirely of myself?' [Find the rest of the story at ]
Challenge information
  • Narrow, 1 *0 - very chancy *1 - chancy
Success title
  • For better and worse
Failure title
  • Shaking one's umbrella
Failure description
  • ' - I dashed to a lively trattoria where devils and vagabonds were discussing the price of kidneys. […] The fashion for contempt of the law worked in my favour for once...'
From Card/Storylet title
  • Day 1, Hurled from High Places
Success description
  • '- I leapt for an empty archway full of people […] I was doused in a new canon, which is usually fatal. The incubae twins […] told me that the storm respects firm bonds […] They were equally impressed and disgusted […]'
Failure summary
  • The storm dirties your boots. You clean them off in a trattoria, but no one cares.
  • 'Even the devils hurried to cower in whichever buildings were sturdiest today. Were my thoughts entirely of myself?'
Success summary
  • Your Commitment saves you from the storm, amusing and sickening twin incubae.
  • From: [[]] 'Even the devils hurried to cower in whichever buildings were sturdiest today. Were my thoughts entirely of myself?' [Find the rest of the story at ]