  • Who's Your Daddy?
  • Who's Your Daddy?
  • "Who's Your Daddy?" is a song by the heavy metal band Lordi. It was released in 2006, as part of the album entitled The Arockalypse.
  • "Who's Your Daddy?" is a second single from The Arockalypse
  • "Who's Your Daddy?" is the first segment of the 50th episode of The Fairly OddParents.
  • "Who's Your Daddy?" is the first episode of Season Two of George Lopez. Written by Lee Shallat-Chemel, the episode, which was directed by Rachel Sweet, originally aired ABC-TV on October 2, 2002.
  • Who's Your Daddy? is a song By Toby Keith {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
  • Who's Your Daddy? was a short-lived (and controversial), one episode only reality series where a woman tries to chose her real life birth father from among eight men in order to win $100,000.
  • Det. Rush investigates the 1991 double murder of married illegal immigrants from Cambodia who were shot to death in their apartment and found by their 6-year old daughter. The now-teenage girl brings the case to Lilly after she discovers a bracelet once owned by her mother is for sale on the internet. The probe reveals that the parents had dark secrets unknown to their daughter.
  • Who's Your Daddy? on Lordin singlejulkaisu ja kappale vuodelta 2006. Kappaleesta on tehty myös musiikkivideo. Kappale kohosi Suomen single-listalla parhaimmillaan ykkössijalle. Singlestä on myös tehty Special Edition-versio Saksaan, joka sisältää enemmän kappaleita kuin Suomen versio. Kappaleen musiikkivideo sijoittuu high schoolin tyhjään juhlasaliin, jonne Lordi ilmestyy. "Who's your daddy" on myös suosittu englanninkielinen sanonta, jonka sanoja vaatii sanonnan kohteelta kunnioitusta. Sanonnalla saattaa olla seksuaalinen sävy.
  • Who's Your Daddy is a second season episode of House which first aired on May 16, 2006. An old friend of House shows up with his newly found daughter, who has survived Hurricane Katrina. House agrees to take the case only to try to convince his friend that the young woman is lying to him. This episode finished 3rd in Facebook's poll of the best episodes of the series which was completed in April, 2012.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
episode no
  • 2.220000
diff2 drums
  • no
diff2 guitar
  • no
iOS guitar
  • no
diff bass
  • 1
  • Combat
iOS guitar pro
  • no
diff2 vocals
  • no
iOS keys pro
  • no
Prev Ep
  • Just the Two of Us!
diff2 harmonies
  • no
iOS vocals
  • no
diff bass pro
  • no
iOS drums
  • no
diff harmonies
  • 1
diff2 keys
  • no
diff2 bass pro
  • no
diff guitar pro
  • no
iOS bass pro
  • no
iOS band
  • no
iOS bass
  • no
diff2 keys pro
  • no
iOS keys
  • no
diff keys
  • no
diff2 guitar pro
  • no
diff vocals
  • 1
diff guitar
  • 3
diff2 band
  • no
force RBB
  • yes
diff drums
  • 3
iOS drums pro
  • no
harmonies nr
  • 3
diff2 drums pro
  • no
force RB
  • yes
diff band
  • 1
iOS harmonies
  • no
diff drums pro
  • 3
diff keys pro
  • no
diff2 bass
  • no
  • 50.0
Next Ep
  • Homewrecker
  • Unleashed
  • Who's Your Daddy?
  • Country
  • 10
  • 2002-10-02
  • 2003-10-10
  • 2004-06-18
  • 2004-10-31
  • 2006-05-16
  • --10-10
  • --06-18
  • Curious about the truth about his dad, George tells Angie that he must search to find out if he's still alive, which he later discovers in "Who's Your Daddy?" the Season 2 opening episode.
  • Different dads for Timmy
  • yes
force LRB
  • yes
  • English
  • 50
  • Yes
  • 5
art direction
  • Achievements & New Paths
music direction
  • Who's Your Daddy?
  • Group PvM
  • Allison Liddi
  • Defeat Vorago whilst holding your pet rock for the whole kill.
  • 201
  • 1
  • 4
  • 5
  • 19
  • Who's Your Daddy?
Episode Name
  • Who's Your Daddy?
  • 50.0
  • 2017-04-18
  • 2002
  • Male
  • Toby Keith
Guest Star
  • DLC
  • Kerry Ehrin
  • 8.500000
  • FF
  • 1991-07-19
  • 7
solo guitar
  • yes
  • "Who's Your Daddy?" is a song by the heavy metal band Lordi. It was released in 2006, as part of the album entitled The Arockalypse.
  • "Who's Your Daddy?" is a second single from The Arockalypse
  • "Who's Your Daddy?" is the first segment of the 50th episode of The Fairly OddParents.
  • "Who's Your Daddy?" is the first episode of Season Two of George Lopez. Written by Lee Shallat-Chemel, the episode, which was directed by Rachel Sweet, originally aired ABC-TV on October 2, 2002.
  • Who's Your Daddy? is a song By Toby Keith {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
  • Who's Your Daddy? was a short-lived (and controversial), one episode only reality series where a woman tries to chose her real life birth father from among eight men in order to win $100,000.
  • Det. Rush investigates the 1991 double murder of married illegal immigrants from Cambodia who were shot to death in their apartment and found by their 6-year old daughter. The now-teenage girl brings the case to Lilly after she discovers a bracelet once owned by her mother is for sale on the internet. The probe reveals that the parents had dark secrets unknown to their daughter.
  • Who's Your Daddy? on Lordin singlejulkaisu ja kappale vuodelta 2006. Kappaleesta on tehty myös musiikkivideo. Kappale kohosi Suomen single-listalla parhaimmillaan ykkössijalle. Singlestä on myös tehty Special Edition-versio Saksaan, joka sisältää enemmän kappaleita kuin Suomen versio. Kappaleen musiikkivideo sijoittuu high schoolin tyhjään juhlasaliin, jonne Lordi ilmestyy. "Who's your daddy" on myös suosittu englanninkielinen sanonta, jonka sanoja vaatii sanonnan kohteelta kunnioitusta. Sanonnalla saattaa olla seksuaalinen sävy.
  • Who's Your Daddy is a second season episode of House which first aired on May 16, 2006. An old friend of House shows up with his newly found daughter, who has survived Hurricane Katrina. House agrees to take the case only to try to convince his friend that the young woman is lying to him. This episode finished 3rd in Facebook's poll of the best episodes of the series which was completed in April, 2012. One of the hidden themes at this point in the series (which is finally revealed in Birthmarks, but is hinted at as early as Season One's Paternity) is House's uncertainty about his own paternity. Whether the plight of the patient in this episode was a conscious effort to play up this theme for it's final reveal or just a lucky happenstance, it is arguable that the part of House represented by the patient is this very same uncertainty. However, the argument that this theme was known to the writers and producer at this point but remained intentionally hidden is bolstered by House's attempts to convince Cuddy not to accept an anonymous sperm donor. Having been uncertain about his own paternity, in retrospect, he's desperate to avoid another child being born into this world not knowing for certain anything important about his father. Although this episode received mixed reviews on its premiere, in retrospect it provides two other important parts of the development of House's character (as well as developing an important aspect of Cuddy's character). First, House's backstory to this point is largely clouded in mystery. Although we have met his parents and his ex-girlfriend, at this point we still don't know much about House's life prior to the series. In this episode, for the first time, we meet someone other than Wilson who thinks of House as his friend and, in some way, House also thinks of as a friend. As they interact, we once again learn that House's personality now is pretty much as it has always been despite the intervention of disability and drugs. His old friend Dylan is used to how House acts and how he's supposed to act around House and their nearly 30 year separation has not affected their ability to relate to each other in the least. For his part, House still thinks of Dylan as the perfect fool, and as the episode progresses, we see that House is right that nothing much has changed. Despite this, and House's noted failure to suffer fools gladly, we still see House being willing to protect his old friend, if in his own unique way. Perhaps more importantly we see that House is capable of putting aside his sarcastic self to really relate to another human being, in this case Cuddy. Despite numerous opportunities to have fun at her expense, House seems genuinely concerned about her welfare and even the welfare of her yet to be born baby. By the end of their interaction, we see both parties coming very close to letting Huddy finally take it's course - Cuddy figures that perhaps the reason House doesn't want her to mate with another man is because he wants her instead. Despite this opportunity, House realizes it's the wrong moment and reminds her that relationships should be started between people who like each other, and that's not him.
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