  • Gather evidence... with a camera!
  • From: [[]] What a marvellous device! If only it didn't weigh as much as a child. A stout child, one raised on beef and radishes. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Modern investigation
Failure title
  • Too prudent
  • 84
Failure description
  • If the Prudent Photographer's rivals are stealing his technology, they're being very careful about it. He's probably just paranoid. Now, he's accusing you of stealing his ideas! Ungrateful swine.
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Eye and the Camera
Rare Success description
  • Getting into the rivals' office is easy. Carrying forty pounds of photographic equipment at the same time is more challenging. You look around and...what are these? Photographs of a sunset over trees. A steamer on a calm sea. Windswept hills...
Rare Success title
  • Thinking upwards
Success description
  • Getting into the rivals' office is easy. Carrying forty pounds of photographic equipment at the same time is more challenging. You take photographs of anything that looks suspicious, and escape before the flashes call attention. The evidence point...
  • What a marvellous device! If only it didn't weigh as much as a child. A stout child, one raised on beef and radishes.
  • From: [[]] What a marvellous device! If only it didn't weigh as much as a child. A stout child, one raised on beef and radishes. [Find the rest of the story at ]