  • Sancho
  • Sancho
  • Sancho
  • Sancho
  • Sancho
  • Sancho
  • Write the text of your article here!
  • Sancho is the Chiei Star in Suikoden.
  • Sancho (ジャガー, Jagā en japonés ?, Jaggle en inglés) es un personaje de The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Él tiene alrededor de 30 años de edad y vive en Ordon con su esposa, Pergie, y sus dos hijos, Malo y Talo. Sancho ayuda con la agricultura en la aldea, ademas sigue una carrera como carpintero. Él es testarudo pero un poco relajado, y a menudo se salta el trabajo para tomar siestas.
  • Sancho was part of Martello Paz's death squad sent to kill Felix Monatero. Sancho and several other mercenaries assisted Paz as he stormed the Supremo Hat Company building. While Paz's group attacked the building from the front, Sancho and his team assaulted the rear entrance of the building inside an SUV. Sancho and his group of mercenaries had killed a few gunmen when a gunner within the building's loading bay revealed himself, manning a .50-caliber machine gun. While Fierro managed to jump out the vehicle, Sancho, Septiembre, and Ramon were brutally shot to death. (Storm Force)
  • Sancho is a permanent ally in V. He joins the party at the start of Chapter 3.
  • He was following Theodore Bagwell. He was with 2 other guys in a car, but they took T-Bag's money and escaped. When they were in the desert, Sancho said that they need something to eat and he mentioned each other. Sancho attacked T-Bag, but Sancho accidentally fell on a rock when shoved by T-Bag, causing him to die.
  • Sancho, a Day Of The Dead inspired reinterpretation of Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Sancho Panza character, is artist Daniel Monahan's first release from Angels & Gringos. Each limited edition Urban Vinyl comes with several accessories: a Hat, Sarape, and Mandolin, and while Sancho is most impressive astride his ostrich, both figures can be displayed separately on a Bull/saddle accessory included with the set.
  • Sancho the Dog Eater is a huge and dangerous boar. He tends to attack dogs and eat their brains. He has killed many friends of Rocket and is generally very feared even by bears. He moves with two smaller followers called Butcho and Matcho in the Wakayama Prefecture. He claims the hot spring area to be his, though it belongs to the Koga dogs according to Tesshin. He is angered to find Ohu dogs in his bathing place and decides to kill and eat them. He manages to kill Jirō, a reckless minion of Kyōshirō before Weed shows up and kills him with his first (second in the anime) Zetsu Tenrō Battōga.
  • Die Asiatische Elefantenkuh Sancho (zuvor auch Sancel) lebt zusammen mit ihrer langjährigen Gefährtin Lakshmi im Zoosafari-Teil des Freizeitparks Fasanolandia im süditalienischen Fasano (Region Apulien). Sancho wurde etwa 1965 geboren. Ihr Herkunftsland ist vermutlich Indien. Einem Bericht ihres früheren Dresseurs Joseph "Gerry" Ferrandino vom Circo Nicolay Montecarlo zufolge war sie mit einem indischen Zirkus unterwegs, der wie der Circo Montecarlo in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten auftrat, wo sie die beiden Unternehmen trafen.
  • Sancho began life as Pancho, an unfinished strip by Nolan intended for an unpublished fanzine in the mid-90s. Nolan drew another Pancho strip, intended as a submission sample for publishers, in the early 2000s. Then, in 2003, he attended the Bristol Comics Expo and was inspired by a small press panel to start self-publishing. He and co-writer Ian Whelan (who made the decision to change the name to Sancho, as Pancho was "a fat guy's name") reworked the sample strip into a full-length story, "Sancho's Last Case", in which the elderly Sancho, now a hermit in Mexico, investigates the desecration of the corpse of his late friend Father Donatello Cagliore, which turns out to be connected to incidents he investigated in his younger days, told in flashback, including the one where he met his eleme
  • yes
Row 4 info
  • GDW volume 16, GDW ep 15
Row 7 title
  • Family
name japanese
  • サンチョ
Row 1 info
  • Wild Boar
Row 4 title
  • Last appearence
Row 2 info
  • Sancho's pack
Row 6 info
  • Disaster, Boar
  • yes
  • None
Row 1 title
  • Species
Fighting Style
  • Armored tank
Row 5 info
  • Deceased
Row 2 title
  • Affliation
comentario imagen
  • Sancho
Row 6 title
  • Name Meaning
  • None
Row 5 title
  • Status
  • Pushed on a rock
  • by Theodore Bagwell
Row 3 info
  • GDW volume 16, GDW ep 15
Row 3 title
  • First appearence
  • Sancho
Row 7 info
  • Matcho and Butcho
Box Title
  • Sancho the Dog Eater
  • Anime
  • Sancho
  • Unknown
  • 4
  • 21
  • Unknown
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Unknown
  • Unborn
  • 402
First Appearance
  • Dragon Quest V
  • Shot by Felix Monatero's gunner
  • Sancho
  • 1
  • Sancho
  • Sancho, as he appears in the anime.
  • 230
Voice Actor
  • None
  • 2.300000
  • ???cm
  • Unknown
  • left
Image size
  • 274
  • Unknown
  • 15
  • Daughter Rico
  • Fanart
  • Gallery
  • Sancho
Last Appearance
  • Mercenary
  • Cowboy
  • 160
Image File
  • Sancho001of8.jpg
  • Male
  • • Squire
  • SY 433
Japanese name
  • サンチョ
  • サンチョ
  • 2005
  • Hombre
  • 2
  • Sancho with T-Bag
wikipage disambiguates
  • Write the text of your article here!
  • Sancho, a Day Of The Dead inspired reinterpretation of Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Sancho Panza character, is artist Daniel Monahan's first release from Angels & Gringos. Each limited edition Urban Vinyl comes with several accessories: a Hat, Sarape, and Mandolin, and while Sancho is most impressive astride his ostrich, both figures can be displayed separately on a Bull/saddle accessory included with the set. Bridging the worlds of art toy and sculpture, this limited edition collectible (with three points of articulation) has been released in four understated colors so far - turquoise, canary, red-yellow, marigold, and a glow in the dark version - and future releases from the Angels and Gringos studio include Don Quixote himself and a "Beezle" character available later this year.
  • Sancho began life as Pancho, an unfinished strip by Nolan intended for an unpublished fanzine in the mid-90s. Nolan drew another Pancho strip, intended as a submission sample for publishers, in the early 2000s. Then, in 2003, he attended the Bristol Comics Expo and was inspired by a small press panel to start self-publishing. He and co-writer Ian Whelan (who made the decision to change the name to Sancho, as Pancho was "a fat guy's name") reworked the sample strip into a full-length story, "Sancho's Last Case", in which the elderly Sancho, now a hermit in Mexico, investigates the desecration of the corpse of his late friend Father Donatello Cagliore, which turns out to be connected to incidents he investigated in his younger days, told in flashback, including the one where he met his elemental sprite friend Tom Frost. The story ends with Sancho's self-sacrificial death. Sancho #1 was published in December 2004. Sancho #2, "Vampires of Dublin", published in 2005, took an anthology format. It included two stories of Sancho's younger days: "The Vampire's Midwife", in which Sancho and Tom Frost investigate the disappearance of the body of Bram Stoker in Dublin in 1986, by Nolan and Whelan; and "The Drowned Village", in which Sancho and Tom defeat a demon who has flooded a village in Japan, by Nolan (this strip was later published in the small press section of the Judge Dredd Megazine #245 in January 2007). The rest of the stories have a vampiric theme, including Nolan's "Carmilla Devereaux", "Bloodied Streets" by Garvan Giltinan and Ceri Pashley, "The Early House" by Derek O'Connor and Nolan, and "The Beast and the Boy" by Whelan and Adam Kee. The third issue, "Return of the King", was published in November 2006. It retained the anthology format, but this time all the stories were about Sancho, contained within a framing sequence by Nolan and Whelan. "Resurrections and Revelatons", by Giltinan and Nolan, tells how Sancho quit the church after foiling an attempt to resurrect the depraved 11th century Pope Benedict IX in 1978 - an event that led to the death of Pope John Paul I. In "Far From Home", by Nolan and Charlie Gillespie, Sancho investigates the appearance of a World War II German U-Boat in the Australian outback. "Sins of the Father", by Nolan and Whelan, is a tale of Sancho's tragic childhood. "82 Comeback Special", by Nolan, Whelan and Davy Francis, involves zombie rock stars. Finally, in "The Return of the King", Nolan and Whelan bring Sancho back to life, his youth restored, ready for further adventures. Issue 4, "Carnivale of Curiosities", was published in 2008, with a cover by Declan Shalvey. "Big Trouble with Little People", by Nolan and Whelan, brings Sancho back to Ireland to investigate the disappearance of a group of American tourists. "Zom-Blogger", by Nolan, tells of a stag night in New York at a burlesque club with a difference. In "Out and About in Dublin", by Ed Berridge and Bryan Coyle, Sancho tracks battles a wannabe-vampire and two undead cockney gangsters in Dublin. "Mary Bateman's Hen", by Pádraig Ó Méalóid and Nolan, is the story of a 19th century Yorkshire witch. "A Meeting of Minds", a prose story by Giltinan, has a Dublin occult investigator encounter Sancho while investigating the case of a dead priest. Issue 5 was published in 2008, and featured five stories. "In Excess", by Michael Carroll and Nolan, sees Sancho investigate a series of mysterious deaths across decades. In "Riverboat Falls", by Whelan and Cian Tormey, Sancho hunts a family of zombies. "Toby Monster", by Whelan and Francis, is a parody murder mystery. Nolan's "Tales from the Hood" is a superhero story told in vox pops (which also appeared in the benefit anthology Sorry I can't take your call right now but I'm off saving the world). "Another Beginning", by Danielle Lavigne and Nolan, is about history repeating itself. The issue also features an inside cover illustration by Archie Templar.
  • Sancho is the Chiei Star in Suikoden.
  • Die Asiatische Elefantenkuh Sancho (zuvor auch Sancel) lebt zusammen mit ihrer langjährigen Gefährtin Lakshmi im Zoosafari-Teil des Freizeitparks Fasanolandia im süditalienischen Fasano (Region Apulien). Sancho wurde etwa 1965 geboren. Ihr Herkunftsland ist vermutlich Indien. Einem Bericht ihres früheren Dresseurs Joseph "Gerry" Ferrandino vom Circo Nicolay Montecarlo zufolge war sie mit einem indischen Zirkus unterwegs, der wie der Circo Montecarlo in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten auftrat, wo sie die beiden Unternehmen trafen. Da der italienische Zirkus seine beiden Elefanten bald nach Beginn der Reise in die arabischen Länder ab etwa 1986 verloren hatte, wurde laut Gerry Ferrandino in den Emiraten ein Tausch vollzogen, demzufolge der Circo Montecarlo dem indischen Zirkus einen Bären und einen Schimpansen überließ und dafür dessen beide Asiatischen Elefantenkühe, eben Sancho zusammen mit Lakshmi, erhielt. Dies soll etwa 1991 stattgefunden haben. Nachdem der Zirkus von Nicola Ferrandino, dem Vater von "Gerry", sich noch weitere Jahre im Ausland aufgehalten hatte, gab es bei der Rückkehr 1999 nach Italien Probleme wegen der Papiere für die beiden Kühe gemäß dem Washingtoner Artenschutzabkommen (CITES), die für sie nicht vorlagen. Daher wurden Sancho und die jüngere Lakshmi Ende Oktober 2000 im Zirkus mit einer großen Gruppe von Personen beschlagnahmt. Die Kühe wurden mit zwei Kränen auf LKWs verladen und in den Bioparco in Italiens Haupstadt Rom gebracht, begleitet von Waldhütern und Nicola Ferrandino. Bei Ankunft im Biopark sollen sie nach Angaben des dortigen Tierarztes mit drei Tonnen untergewichtig gewesen sein, was von Zirkusseite bestritten wurde. Zudem wurde ihr Zustand in der Leiterin des Tierrechtsbüros in Rom als schwach bezeichnet, mit Zeichen von Leiden und Misshandlung, mit krummen und vernarbten Beinen, was auch den Einsatz in der Forstwirtschaft in Indien zurückgeführt wurde, ehe sie in den indischen Zirkus kamen, wo sie dauerhaft angekettet und auf einem Lastwagen eingesperrt gewesen sein sollen. Im Biopark trafen die beiden beschlagnahmten Kühe, die bis zu einer weiteren Entscheidung dort untergebracht werden sollten, auf die beiden alteingesessenen Kühe Nelly und Sofia, die schon seit 1972 in Rom lebten, sowie die ebenfalls aus einem Zirkus stammenden Baby. Der Afrikanerbulle Calimero war wegen der erwarteten Ankunft der beiden Anfang Oktober 2000 nach Basel abgegeben worden. Allerdings scheinen sich die Kühe nicht gut vertragen zu haben. Es gab sogar schwere Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den Kühen, was zur Entscheidung führte, die später in den Zoo gekommen Elefantinnen abzugeben. So wurden zunächst a, 10.06.2002 Sancho und Lakshmi nach Fasano abgegeben, Baby ging 2003. Die beiden Kühe vom Circo Nicolay Montecarlo trafen in der Zoosafari Fasano auf weitere Elefantenkühe und den Afrikanerbullen Java. Allerdings ist die Elefantenanlage dort, die nur mit dem Fahrzeug mit etwas Abstand zu besichtigen ist, mit Trockengräben und Elektrozäunen in vier (ursprünglich drei) Teilgehege untergliedert, so dass Lakshmi und Sancho dort wieder unter sich sind, aber wohl Kontaktmöglichkeiten über den Graben hinweg haben. Zu den Kühen dort gehört eine Gruppe von drei Asiatinnen, Robin, Ringo und Bambi, die zusammenleben, sowie die Zweierkonstellation einer Asiatin namens Batman zusammen mit der Afrikanerin Aida.
  • Sancho the Dog Eater is a huge and dangerous boar. He tends to attack dogs and eat their brains. He has killed many friends of Rocket and is generally very feared even by bears. He moves with two smaller followers called Butcho and Matcho in the Wakayama Prefecture. He claims the hot spring area to be his, though it belongs to the Koga dogs according to Tesshin. He is angered to find Ohu dogs in his bathing place and decides to kill and eat them. He manages to kill Jirō, a reckless minion of Kyōshirō before Weed shows up and kills him with his first (second in the anime) Zetsu Tenrō Battōga. Sancho's skull breaks and he falls dead into the water. His minions flee the scene in fear.
  • Sancho (ジャガー, Jagā en japonés ?, Jaggle en inglés) es un personaje de The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Él tiene alrededor de 30 años de edad y vive en Ordon con su esposa, Pergie, y sus dos hijos, Malo y Talo. Sancho ayuda con la agricultura en la aldea, ademas sigue una carrera como carpintero. Él es testarudo pero un poco relajado, y a menudo se salta el trabajo para tomar siestas.
  • Sancho was part of Martello Paz's death squad sent to kill Felix Monatero. Sancho and several other mercenaries assisted Paz as he stormed the Supremo Hat Company building. While Paz's group attacked the building from the front, Sancho and his team assaulted the rear entrance of the building inside an SUV. Sancho and his group of mercenaries had killed a few gunmen when a gunner within the building's loading bay revealed himself, manning a .50-caliber machine gun. While Fierro managed to jump out the vehicle, Sancho, Septiembre, and Ramon were brutally shot to death. (Storm Force)
  • Sancho is a permanent ally in V. He joins the party at the start of Chapter 3.
  • He was following Theodore Bagwell. He was with 2 other guys in a car, but they took T-Bag's money and escaped. When they were in the desert, Sancho said that they need something to eat and he mentioned each other. Sancho attacked T-Bag, but Sancho accidentally fell on a rock when shoved by T-Bag, causing him to die.
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