  • Rikert
  • Rikert was a student attending a Lyran high school. He applied to the sole scholarship awarded by the Iron Fang County for film school, wishing to use the scholarship on the University of Culat, the Cardassian Union's sole film school. In the event he failed to get into film school, he'd apply for the dual MD/MSc program there with medical physics for a master's degree, as well as all the MD/MSc programs in the Lyran Star Empire that allowed one to do medical physics. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Generational Ghosts")
  • Rikert was a student attending a Lyran high school. He applied to the sole scholarship awarded by the Iron Fang County for film school, wishing to use the scholarship on the University of Culat, the Cardassian Union's sole film school. In the event he failed to get into film school, he'd apply for the dual MD/MSc program there with medical physics for a master's degree, as well as all the MD/MSc programs in the Lyran Star Empire that allowed one to do medical physics. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Generational Ghosts") He was also quite adept at using magnetic resonance imaging, using it to prescribe triclenidil for gallstones. He was advised by both Blythe and Mandy Guilmain to consider MD/PhD programs as well. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Ancient Horrors") As a member of the Nomad Experiment, he got into Metro University in early decision. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: "Express Delivery")