  • Reputation
  • Reputation
  • Reputation
  • Reputation
  • Reputation
  • Reputation
  • да, проголосовал за git и bugzilla, естесснохотя на работе пользуемся prcroefe, cvs и bugzilla.но я необъективен - не пробовал mercurial и bazaar, а из bugtracking только bugzilla и trac юзал. да, проголосовал за git и bugzilla, естесснохотя на работе пользуемся prcroefe, cvs и bugzilla.но я необъективен - не пробовал mercurial и bazaar, а из bugtracking только bugzilla и trac юзал.
  • 各Faction(組織)からのキャラクターに対するの評判、信頼度のことです。Honorとは別です。 Faction毎のReputationが上昇することによって仲良くなり、攻撃されなくなったりRecipeやItemが買えるようになるでしょう。またその土地への移動(Wind Riderなど)にかかる料金も割引されます。
  • Reputation is a number between 0 and 20 that shows how a party is looked upon. It is used to determine certain characters' reactions, whether or not NPCs will stay in your party, how prices in stores are adjusted, whether or not Reputation Traps are activated, et cetera.
  • You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth by completing certain quests or killing certain creatures. Doing so will usually unlock special rewards or new quests to accomplish. You can also increase your reputation by doing repeatable reputation quests.
  • Reputation is an of players, staff and clubs in Football Manager and Championship Manager. It basically states how famous or well known a person or club is. A player or staff member with a high reputation is likely to have a high value and be wanted by big clubs. A club with a high reputation will be able to attract higher quality players than a club with a low reputation. The reputation attribute can be any number from 0 to 10000. In FM 09, a player will attain continental status with a reputation attribute above 5250 and worldwide status with a reputation attribute above 7500.
  • In the Freelancer Universe, the player's standing with various factions is determined by Reputation, a rough measure of one's standing with the various factions, shown in the form of a segmented bar. A player's reputation score with a particular faction determines how that faction's members will react to the player; thus, carefully cultivating a good reputation with the right groups is a vital strategy in Freelancer.
  • Reputation is determined by one's relationship with other Urbz. Reputation levels range from Level 0 to Level 100. The maximum reputation an Urb can have is 999. Rep is displayed on the HUD and when it gets to the big star, the Rep level will go up. Socializing with Urbz to build relationships will increase reputation. Rep is needed to get into VIP Rooms, go to new areas and get new items (Such as a new Skill Builder machine), and as well as seeing your Urb on posters.
  • Reputation is the opinion towards the player character of a specific group of people.
  • In a Minecraft world, each Player has a reputation with each Village they encounter.
  • Reputation is a character feature in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
  • You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth by completing certain quests or killing certain creatures (mostly bosses and mobs). Doing so will usually unlock special rewards or new quests to accomplish. You can also increase your reputation by doing repeatable reputation quests.
  • Reputation comes in four main forms. There is plain reputation, which is obtained by completing certain quests, Virtue is received from other players from level 40 and on, Charisma is obtained by using a cash shop item, and Regional Virtue which is obtained by turning in Diplomatic items to the regional agent. Obtaining points in these areas can help players access more unique quests and items. There is one other type, Credit, but not much is known about it.
  • This is how the reputation looks like: const char *reputation_text(const int rep) { if (rep == -1) return "-"; else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.95) return _("Spotless"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.85) return _("Excellent"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.75) return _("Honorable"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.55) return _("Questionable"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.30) return _("Dishonorable"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.15) return _("Poor"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.07) return _("Despicable"); else return _("Atrocious"); }
  • There are a number of groups you can ingratiate yourself with through adventuring. Completing certain quests or killing certain monsters gives you an increase in reputation. Having a good enough reputation enables you to purchase useful items from that group. The available reputations are: * Capital City (reputation) * Guardians of the Light * The Collectors * The Sandguard You start out with a reputation of Neutral with each group. It takes 1000 reputation points to advance to the next level, Friendly. The complete progression is as follows.
  • Reputation is attached to each region of the game. Players can check their current Reputation details from the Character interface (C). Select the “Reputation” tab for further information as the picture below shows. It displays the reputation states in each area including the amount of Reputation Points accumulated so far, the amount left for a higher level and current Reputation Level. File:Reputation interface.jpg
  • Reputation represents the public opinion of Aiden Pearce. It is represented by a meter in-game that can be accessed from the Statistics menu on Aiden's smartphone. Depending on the actions the player performs, Aiden may obtain a positive or negative reputation. The reputation is just a meter for how people feel about Aiden.
  • Jede Mission und Kill verändert deinen Ruf. Einige Rufe sind wichtiger als andere. Als Freihändler kann man das Auktionshaus nicht mehr benutzen wenn man unter Gleichgültig ist.
  • The current rep system consists of only individual posts being able to be repped by using the "thumbs up" (+1 rep) or "thumbs down" (-1 rep) icons. As much as the original rep system was appreciated by some of the older members, this was the most peaceful solution. ...Why did we make a wiki entry for something everyone already knows.
  • Reputation is a feature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. There are 2 kinds of reputation: Tears and Blood. A hero can choose his calling to Dragon of Tears or Dragon of Blood.
  • Your reputation affects certain actions that can be done, and it affects how the Arcane Government treats you. Additionally, your nametag will be shown to others in the color of your reputation. Levels of reputation include (from bad to good): Tyrant - (-4000 Rep and lower) Villain - (-700 to -3999) Hostile - (-500 to -699) Unfriendly - (-160 to -499) Friendly - (160 to 499) Protector - (500 to 699) Hero - (700 to 3999) Legend - (4000+ Rep and higher)
  • Reputation is a stat in Far Cry 2. Unlike most stats in the game, reputation has an effect on the world around the player.
  • Reputation is the opinion of the public toward a person, a group of people, or an organization. It is an important factor in many fields, such as education, business, online communities or social status. Reputation can be considered as a component of the identity as defined by others. Reputation can encourage good behavior, as users seek good reputation and benefit from it. It follows that online reputation is becoming as valuable an asset as traditional reputation.
  • Reputation is a 2007 medieval comedy brickfilm by Colin Boyle. It is about a knight, Shawn, who wishes to gain a warrior's reputation and journeys to rescue a princess from a dragon. It was an entry into the Inventions, Discoveries and Extraordinary Achievements Contest and placed fifth overall.
  • Reputation in City of Heroes and City of Villains is associated with PvP wins. PvP Reputation is spread evenly between teammates that are close enough when the PC foe is defeated, and is awarded to the player/team that dealt the final blow. PvP Reputation degrades at the rate of 2.0 reputation per day. Gaining 100 Reputation grants the Forward Observer Badge. Gaining 400 Reputation grants the Disruptor Badge.
  • Reputation is an attribute that unlocks certain benefits for different .
  • The reputation mechanic in the Galaxy on Fire series measures how friendly or hostile Keith T. Maxwell is to a faction based on his actions towards it.
  • Reputation, to opowiadanie napisane przez Ari Marmella w 2012 roku.
  • Reputation is just how it sounds, reputation. You gain reputation by winning PvP matches, also known as Raids. Reputation is like your level of respect, you want as much of it as possible.
  • Reputation (RP) is a feature in Grand Theft Auto Online. It is the experience point system used to level up your online character. RP is an amount used to level the player up, and is rewarded for completing certain missions, jobs, tasks and other random things like killing players, losing wanted levels, completing daily objectives and collecting special cars.
  • Reputation is a form of score that allows the player to purchase class-specific gear or Starstones. It can be obtained by leveling up classes that are in respective reputations. It can be viewed in-game through the Backpack interface.
  • "Reputation" is a short story written by Ari Marmell that appeared in the magazine Star Wars Insider 136 in 2012. The story takes place eight years after the Invasion of Naboo and features the bounty hunter Cad Bane trying to forge a reputation for himself.
  • Reputation represents the general perception of the party as a force for either good or evil, it affects interaction and outcomes with the people you meet, how your party members treat you, as well as shop prices, there're many ways to manipulate reputation in game.
  • Możesz zyskać lub stracić korzyść, znaną również jako reputacja, z wieloma różnymi frakcjami w Azeroth poprzez wypełnienie określonych zadań lub zabijanie niektórych stworzeń. Zwykle powoduje to odblokowanie nagród specjalnych lub nowych zadań do wykonania. Można także zwiększyć swoją reputację na wiele różnych sposobów, między innymi:
  • Different types of reputation can be earned through different means, for example Xian Xiang reputation can be earned by killing cloud spirits in Sulin Garden. This reputation, like others, is a Country reputation, and earned by killing different monsters for different reputations. This allows you to buy rare/semi-rare items from the Treasurers in the relative town. To join a country you must be at least level 20 and have more than 1000 reputation in the country you want to join. Talk to the Census Minister of the country you wish to join. Theory:
  • Reputation, auch bekannt als Ansehen oder Ruf, ist ein Begriff, der benutzt wird um zu beschreiben, wie bekannt und geachtet ein Charakter bei NPCs ist. Das Reputations-Level variiert je nach Stadt; man kann zum Beispiel in Windurst sehr bekannt sein, aber ein Niemand in Bastok. Das Ansehen-Level bestimmt, welche Aufträge man beginnen kann; NPCs zögern komplett Fremden zu vertrauen und geben erst nur die unbedeutenden Aufträge. Man erhält Ansehen durch das Erledigen von Aufträgen, was zu mehr Aufträgen führt, die wiederum mehr Ansehen geben. Bei einem guten Ruf fühlen sich NPCs wohler und sind eher dazu geneigt, schwierigere Aufgaben zu vergeben, die auch bessere Belohnungen mit sich bringen. Weiterhin ist zu sagen, dass Händler dazu neigen, bessere Preise anzubieten, wenn man ein hohes An
  • Reputation in Two Worlds is effected by all of the Hero's decisions in the immediate and future course of the game. If the Hero kills a villager, the rest of them won't cooperate with the Hero and they might get aggressive. The Hero's behavior will also change the opinions of various guilds. The hero's guild rating can be found in the Reputation menu (F5). There are 10 levels within the guilds ranks to rise up through with 1 being a 'nobody' whilst 10 being highly respected. Certain guild quests within the game will not become available until a minimum guild ranking has been achieved.
  • Reputation is a measure of how one creature feels towards another. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 100, sometimes thought of as "percent friendly". A reputation of 0 to 10 indicates hostility, 90 to 100 indicates friendliness, while 11 to 89 indicates neutrality. Reputation is tracked both on the faction level and on the personal level. These two reputations are added together to determine the reaction of a specific creature.
  • Reputation is a new system introduced in Battlefield Hardline that replaces the Upgrade Path system in Battlefield 4. Players are awarded the option of choosing from two specializations, known as perks, upon reaching a certain level of threshold in the reputation system. Threshold levels are obtained by completing team actions but, unlike the Upgrade Path system, reputation is dependent on the player itself and not their squad. If the player is killed before reaching the next threshold, it will subsequently be reset for that threshold.
  • Reputation eli luottamus kertoo, millaisissa väleissä olet eri ryhmien kanssa. Jotkut ryhmät antavat palkintoja isoilla reputationtasoilla. Voit valita joissain ryhmissä, oletko heidän kanssaan sodassa. Jos olet, voit hyökätä ryhmän kimppuun.
  • Reputation is a points system controlled by when players visit another player's property, or when completing some special reputation missions and achievements. The number of reputation points received is based on how long visitors stay. The higher the reputation a property had, the higher the property would be ranked. The higher-ranked properties were shown on earlier pages then others, making them more well-known.
  • Reputation is earned by collecting and consuming one of three types of token or trophy (green, blue, purple), each with a different base value associated to it. Once the consumable is used, the granted points will be applied to your legacy's Reputation meter for whichever faction was associated with the given trophy. Tokens can be earned through a variety of different means, including completing daily and weekly missions of variable types, digging up reputation trophies with your Seeker Droid and finding reputation trophies in specific Cartel Packs.
  • Reputation is a measurement much similar to fame that shows a pirate's activity. Reputation works very similarly to fame, but is calculated for pirates as well as for crews and flags. As defined by the release notes, the four types of reputation are: It has the same nine levels as fame which are: * Aspiring * Obscure * Rumored * Noted * Established * Renowned * Celebrated * Eminent * Illustrious Please note that reputation diminishes over time and must be kept up by continually performing related actions.
story name
  • Reputation
  • yes
  • yes
  • *Mradhe *Mynock *Nashtah
  • through
  • by perculia 2013/10/13 12:18 PM
  • by Apr 16th 2012 at 3:00PM
  • by Jul 18th 2012 at 6:30PM
  • by Luci Jan 17 2013 04:54 PM
  • by perculia 2011/07/10 4:26 PM
Running Time
  • 360.0
  • Previously required .
  • Previously required .
  • Previously there was a flat 10% discount starting at .
  • Previously there was a flat 10% discount starting at .
  • A bug was fixed in which discounts were not given with flightmasters and repairs.
  • WoW Juju
  • Bornakk
  • Bornakk
  • *Chris Salt *Colin Boyle
  • 12
  • *Cad Bane *Palpatine *Unidentified Hutt enforcer *Unidentified Trandoshan (Skar'kla Consortium) *Unidentified Weequay security chief *Akris Ur'etu
  • c. 24 BBY
  • *Blast door *Force pike *Hold-out blaster *Lightsaber **Long-handle lightsaber *LL-30 blaster pistol *Monofilament cable *Portable sensor field *Slugthrower *Thermal detonator
  • *Raid on the Skar'kla Consortium
  • Der Ruf des Jägers
Release Date
  • 2012-09-04
  • Reputation
  • *Comedy *Fantasy
  • wowinsider
  • wowheadnews
  • Townies greeting Sims nicely and rudely based on their reputation
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • 60.0
  • English
  • While we haven't discussed reputation factions for Wrath of the Lich King, I can explain that from a design philosophy we prefer to NOT give players more experienced players a distinct advantage when it comes to new content. If you take The Burning Crusade as an example, there was no reputation that gave you an edge in Outland or would speed you further. Based on this example I wouldn't think the current Argent Dawn faction would be re-used for Northrend.
  • While we haven't discussed reputation factions for Wrath of the Lich King, I can explain that from a design philosophy we prefer to NOT give players more experienced players a distinct advantage when it comes to new content. If you take The Burning Crusade as an example, there was no reputation that gave you an edge in Outland or would speed you further. Based on this example I wouldn't think the current Argent Dawn faction would be re-used for Northrend.
  • 250
  • dbkwik:resource/YslcEINSKPDlZVsARQLljg==
  •|desc=Patch 5.4: Mists of Pandaria Reputation Guides and Shaohao Guide
  •|desc=What makes a "good" reputation grind?
  •|desc=Pandaria faction tabards don't grant reputation
  •|desc=Reputation Calculator
  •|desc=MoP Tokens and Darkmoon Bonus added to Repcalc
  •|desc=The Exalted: An Overview of all Reputations
  • *Bothese *Durasteel *Greel wood *Jedi apparel *Slingball
  • Reputation
  • *Grav-crane *Skiff *Speeder
  • 8
  • *Bothan *Duros *Human **Corellian *Hutt *Rodian *Trandoshan *Twi'lek *Weequay
  • Re: What is the rep in lich king?
  • Re: What is the rep in lich king?
Created for
  • IDEA Contest
  • wowjuju
  • The requirement for Heroic Keys has been lowered to .
  • The requirement for Heroic Keys has been lowered to .
  • Vendor Discounts: All vendors, flightmasters, and repairs with an associate faction now give discounts at all levels above neutral: .
  • Vendor Discounts: All vendors, flightmasters, and repairs with an associate faction now give discounts at all levels above neutral: .
  • Reputation rewarded for killing mobs will no longer automatically deprecate. This means trivial mobs will continue to give out their full amounts of reputation on kill for the majority of cases in the game .
  • 230
  • 240
  • 308
  • 2007
Published in
Directed By
  • Colin Boyle
  • Knight Shawn and his companion, Beetroot
  • *Bounty hunter *Galactic Republic **Galactic Senate ***Supreme Chancellor *Jedi Order **Jedi *Skar'kla Consortium *Tagge Company *Trade Federation
  • *Coruscant *Outer Rim Territories
wikipage disambiguates
Brickfilm Name
  • Reputation
Watch Now
  • да, проголосовал за git и bugzilla, естесснохотя на работе пользуемся prcroefe, cvs и bugzilla.но я необъективен - не пробовал mercurial и bazaar, а из bugtracking только bugzilla и trac юзал. да, проголосовал за git и bugzilla, естесснохотя на работе пользуемся prcroefe, cvs и bugzilla.но я необъективен - не пробовал mercurial и bazaar, а из bugtracking только bugzilla и trac юзал.
  • 各Faction(組織)からのキャラクターに対するの評判、信頼度のことです。Honorとは別です。 Faction毎のReputationが上昇することによって仲良くなり、攻撃されなくなったりRecipeやItemが買えるようになるでしょう。またその土地への移動(Wind Riderなど)にかかる料金も割引されます。
  • Reputation is a number between 0 and 20 that shows how a party is looked upon. It is used to determine certain characters' reactions, whether or not NPCs will stay in your party, how prices in stores are adjusted, whether or not Reputation Traps are activated, et cetera.
  • You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth by completing certain quests or killing certain creatures. Doing so will usually unlock special rewards or new quests to accomplish. You can also increase your reputation by doing repeatable reputation quests.
  • Reputation is an of players, staff and clubs in Football Manager and Championship Manager. It basically states how famous or well known a person or club is. A player or staff member with a high reputation is likely to have a high value and be wanted by big clubs. A club with a high reputation will be able to attract higher quality players than a club with a low reputation. The reputation attribute can be any number from 0 to 10000. In FM 09, a player will attain continental status with a reputation attribute above 5250 and worldwide status with a reputation attribute above 7500.
  • In the Freelancer Universe, the player's standing with various factions is determined by Reputation, a rough measure of one's standing with the various factions, shown in the form of a segmented bar. A player's reputation score with a particular faction determines how that faction's members will react to the player; thus, carefully cultivating a good reputation with the right groups is a vital strategy in Freelancer.
  • Reputation is determined by one's relationship with other Urbz. Reputation levels range from Level 0 to Level 100. The maximum reputation an Urb can have is 999. Rep is displayed on the HUD and when it gets to the big star, the Rep level will go up. Socializing with Urbz to build relationships will increase reputation. Rep is needed to get into VIP Rooms, go to new areas and get new items (Such as a new Skill Builder machine), and as well as seeing your Urb on posters.
  • Reputation is the opinion towards the player character of a specific group of people.
  • Reputation is a new system introduced in Battlefield Hardline that replaces the Upgrade Path system in Battlefield 4. Players are awarded the option of choosing from two specializations, known as perks, upon reaching a certain level of threshold in the reputation system. Threshold levels are obtained by completing team actions but, unlike the Upgrade Path system, reputation is dependent on the player itself and not their squad. If the player is killed before reaching the next threshold, it will subsequently be reset for that threshold. Once a round has ended, the reputation threshold is reset and does not carry over to the next round. Players can receive Reputation Boosts through Battlepacks. These boosts can then be used to speed up the progression between each specialization. As of the 1.04 Patch, players can now customize reputation tier specializations in the customization menu to use upon reaching the required threshold of the reputation system.
  • Reputation is a measurement much similar to fame that shows a pirate's activity. Reputation works very similarly to fame, but is calculated for pirates as well as for crews and flags. As defined by the release notes, the four types of reputation are: It has the same nine levels as fame which are: * Aspiring * Obscure * Rumored * Noted * Established * Renowned * Celebrated * Eminent * Illustrious Please note that reputation diminishes over time and must be kept up by continually performing related actions. Pirates with the celebrated-level trophy in the relevant category may place the conqueror's sword rack, explorer's shelf, patron's card table and magnate's treasure chest furniture items, while pirates with any illustrious-level trophy may wear the notorious corsair's hat and notorious corsair's coat clothing items. Note that any pirate may purchase these items - the trophy is necessary only for placement or wearing - and it's necessary only to have the trophy itself - the pirate's actual reputation at the time is irrelevant.
  • In a Minecraft world, each Player has a reputation with each Village they encounter.
  • Reputation is a character feature in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
  • Reputation eli luottamus kertoo, millaisissa väleissä olet eri ryhmien kanssa. Jotkut ryhmät antavat palkintoja isoilla reputationtasoilla. Voit valita joissain ryhmissä, oletko heidän kanssaan sodassa. Jos olet, voit hyökätä ryhmän kimppuun. Vaiheet * Hated(Vihattu)Pelin huonoin reputationvaihe. Hyökkäävät snut nähdessää, ei voi kommunikoida. * Hostile(Vihamielinen)Toiseksi huonoin reputation. Hyökkäävät nähdessään, ei voi kommunikoida. * Unfriendly(Epäystävällinen)Kolmanneksi huonoin reputation. Ryhmä ei hyökkää kimppuusi, mutta et voi kommunikoida heidän kanssaan. (Useat unfriendly-factionit tarvitsevat jonkun tehtäväketjun ennen kuin voit keskusstella heidän kanssaan. Esimerkkeinä Mag'har ja Sporeggar.) * Neutral(Neutraali) Lähes kaikki alkavat tästä. Voi puhua ja käyttä heidän palvelujaan. Ei vielä rep. esineitä. * Friendly(Ystävälline)Hyvä reputation. Antaa -5% alennuksen korjauksista ja tavaroista. Northrendissä saat Tabardin tällä tasolla. Jotkut ryhmät myyvät esineitä tällä tasolla. * Honored(Kunnioitettu) Antavat -10% alennuksen. Outlandissa saat ostettua HC instanssien avaimet tällä tasolla. * Revered(Arvostettu)Toiseksi paras reputation. Oikeuttaa melko hyviin palkintoihin, ja antaa -15% alennuksen. * Exalted(Ylistetty)Paras reputation. -20% alennus, ja saat käyttöösi kaikki tehtävät ja esineet, myös ryhmän uniikit ratsut ja Outland-tabardit.
  • You can gain or lose favor, otherwise known as reputation, with many of the several different factions in Azeroth by completing certain quests or killing certain creatures (mostly bosses and mobs). Doing so will usually unlock special rewards or new quests to accomplish. You can also increase your reputation by doing repeatable reputation quests.
  • Reputation comes in four main forms. There is plain reputation, which is obtained by completing certain quests, Virtue is received from other players from level 40 and on, Charisma is obtained by using a cash shop item, and Regional Virtue which is obtained by turning in Diplomatic items to the regional agent. Obtaining points in these areas can help players access more unique quests and items. There is one other type, Credit, but not much is known about it.
  • This is how the reputation looks like: const char *reputation_text(const int rep) { if (rep == -1) return "-"; else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.95) return _("Spotless"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.85) return _("Excellent"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.75) return _("Honorable"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.55) return _("Questionable"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.30) return _("Dishonorable"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.15) return _("Poor"); else if (rep > GAME_MAX_REPUTATION * 0.07) return _("Despicable"); else return _("Atrocious"); }
  • There are a number of groups you can ingratiate yourself with through adventuring. Completing certain quests or killing certain monsters gives you an increase in reputation. Having a good enough reputation enables you to purchase useful items from that group. The available reputations are: * Capital City (reputation) * Guardians of the Light * The Collectors * The Sandguard You start out with a reputation of Neutral with each group. It takes 1000 reputation points to advance to the next level, Friendly. The complete progression is as follows.
  • Reputation is attached to each region of the game. Players can check their current Reputation details from the Character interface (C). Select the “Reputation” tab for further information as the picture below shows. It displays the reputation states in each area including the amount of Reputation Points accumulated so far, the amount left for a higher level and current Reputation Level. File:Reputation interface.jpg
  • Reputation represents the public opinion of Aiden Pearce. It is represented by a meter in-game that can be accessed from the Statistics menu on Aiden's smartphone. Depending on the actions the player performs, Aiden may obtain a positive or negative reputation. The reputation is just a meter for how people feel about Aiden.
  • Jede Mission und Kill verändert deinen Ruf. Einige Rufe sind wichtiger als andere. Als Freihändler kann man das Auktionshaus nicht mehr benutzen wenn man unter Gleichgültig ist.
  • The current rep system consists of only individual posts being able to be repped by using the "thumbs up" (+1 rep) or "thumbs down" (-1 rep) icons. As much as the original rep system was appreciated by some of the older members, this was the most peaceful solution. ...Why did we make a wiki entry for something everyone already knows.
  • Reputation is a feature in Might & Magic: Heroes VI. There are 2 kinds of reputation: Tears and Blood. A hero can choose his calling to Dragon of Tears or Dragon of Blood.
  • Your reputation affects certain actions that can be done, and it affects how the Arcane Government treats you. Additionally, your nametag will be shown to others in the color of your reputation. Levels of reputation include (from bad to good): Tyrant - (-4000 Rep and lower) Villain - (-700 to -3999) Hostile - (-500 to -699) Unfriendly - (-160 to -499) Friendly - (160 to 499) Protector - (500 to 699) Hero - (700 to 3999) Legend - (4000+ Rep and higher)
  • Reputation is a stat in Far Cry 2. Unlike most stats in the game, reputation has an effect on the world around the player.
  • Reputation is a measure of how one creature feels towards another. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 100, sometimes thought of as "percent friendly". A reputation of 0 to 10 indicates hostility, 90 to 100 indicates friendliness, while 11 to 89 indicates neutrality. Reputation is tracked both on the faction level and on the personal level. These two reputations are added together to determine the reaction of a specific creature. Feeling friendliness to a creature will cause an immediate drop in personal reputation towards anyone who is seen attacking that creature, resulting in hostility towards the attacker. Seeing a creature considered hostile will generally trigger a fight with that creature (or flight from it), although this can be changed through scripting. A neutral reaction type causes neither combat nor a reaction to the other being attacked. For players, reaction types and the PvP setting affect the color of the highlight creatures receive when the mouse is hovered over them. Hostile creatures are red, neutrals blue, and friends green.
  • Reputation is the opinion of the public toward a person, a group of people, or an organization. It is an important factor in many fields, such as education, business, online communities or social status. Reputation can be considered as a component of the identity as defined by others. Reputation can encourage good behavior, as users seek good reputation and benefit from it. It follows that online reputation is becoming as valuable an asset as traditional reputation.
  • Reputation is a 2007 medieval comedy brickfilm by Colin Boyle. It is about a knight, Shawn, who wishes to gain a warrior's reputation and journeys to rescue a princess from a dragon. It was an entry into the Inventions, Discoveries and Extraordinary Achievements Contest and placed fifth overall.
  • Reputation in City of Heroes and City of Villains is associated with PvP wins. PvP Reputation is spread evenly between teammates that are close enough when the PC foe is defeated, and is awarded to the player/team that dealt the final blow. PvP Reputation degrades at the rate of 2.0 reputation per day. Gaining 100 Reputation grants the Forward Observer Badge. Gaining 400 Reputation grants the Disruptor Badge.
  • Reputation is an attribute that unlocks certain benefits for different .
  • The reputation mechanic in the Galaxy on Fire series measures how friendly or hostile Keith T. Maxwell is to a faction based on his actions towards it.
  • Reputation is earned by collecting and consuming one of three types of token or trophy (green, blue, purple), each with a different base value associated to it. Once the consumable is used, the granted points will be applied to your legacy's Reputation meter for whichever faction was associated with the given trophy. As points are collected, players will gain new ranks associated with that faction. There is a weekly cap for gaining reputation points for all factions, though this restriction is on a per-character basis (for those players with more than one character in a legacy) and is not shared between all characters in a legacy. All factions begin at the Outsider rank and once players have collected enough points they will reach legend status, the highest achievable rank with any faction. Once this rank is reached, players will no longer be able to unlock reputation trophies they collect. Trophies cannot be sold or traded to other users but can be sold to vendors. Tokens can be earned through a variety of different means, including completing daily and weekly missions of variable types, digging up reputation trophies with your Seeker Droid and finding reputation trophies in specific Cartel Packs.
  • Reputation, to opowiadanie napisane przez Ari Marmella w 2012 roku.
  • Different types of reputation can be earned through different means, for example Xian Xiang reputation can be earned by killing cloud spirits in Sulin Garden. This reputation, like others, is a Country reputation, and earned by killing different monsters for different reputations. This allows you to buy rare/semi-rare items from the Treasurers in the relative town. To join a country you must be at least level 20 and have more than 1000 reputation in the country you want to join. Talk to the Census Minister of the country you wish to join. Theory: This is not noted in any of the forums of World of Kungfu; however, reputation points seem to drastically affect the drop rate of items. Ex. Qin reputation affects the drops from normal monsters on maps that give you Qin rep. points. If you pay attention as your building your reputation points you will see the drops change and more frequently you will get drops as your reputation builds up. This would also affect the rate at which you finish a school quest. If we calculate, the reputation points for each map, as well as slaughter, collection, and crafting all of them can go to a maximum of 1 million points, ex. 200,000/999,999(note: you will only see that reputation points can reach 1mil when you have reach a Famous status for that reputation build, which is 200k) . Country points can only get to a maximum of 100k unless you are joined to that country, then you can reach upwards to 200k. To calculate the drop rate that would be achieved 1mil / 100k = 10%, 1mil / 200k = 20%. When a loot rate charm or server wide event for x2 loot rate, take your percentage that you have with reputation points and x2 it. Ex. 10% x2 = 20%, 20% x2 = 40%.
  • Reputation is just how it sounds, reputation. You gain reputation by winning PvP matches, also known as Raids. Reputation is like your level of respect, you want as much of it as possible.
  • Reputation in Two Worlds is effected by all of the Hero's decisions in the immediate and future course of the game. If the Hero kills a villager, the rest of them won't cooperate with the Hero and they might get aggressive. The Hero's behavior will also change the opinions of various guilds. The hero's guild rating can be found in the Reputation menu (F5). There are 10 levels within the guilds ranks to rise up through with 1 being a 'nobody' whilst 10 being highly respected. Certain guild quests within the game will not become available until a minimum guild ranking has been achieved. The Guilds within Antaloor are: * The Brotherhood - A guild of fighters initially created to defend against the dwarves of the north, now they defend against evil, mainly the Taint. * The Giriza - A crime syndicate in Antaloor that nobody admits to knowing about. If you need to do something shady or find a unique item, usually belonging to someone else, they might just have it. * The Merchants Guild - Originally an organisation for helping fellow traders it soon became a source of supplying protection for travelling merchants. * The Society - The mages guild are a dedicated group to finding the secrets of magic. They are currently investigating the Taint whom they believe to be associated with the Necromancers. * The Necromancers - Once calling themselves members of the Society they have now been banished by society in relation to the Taint. Now calling themselves The Enlightened they secretly toil away in the knowledge of black magic to reemerge as a new power in Antaloor. Being a bounty hunter in the game, the Hero does not join any guilds per se but may accept guild job offers.
  • Reputation (RP) is a feature in Grand Theft Auto Online. It is the experience point system used to level up your online character. RP is an amount used to level the player up, and is rewarded for completing certain missions, jobs, tasks and other random things like killing players, losing wanted levels, completing daily objectives and collecting special cars.
  • Reputation, auch bekannt als Ansehen oder Ruf, ist ein Begriff, der benutzt wird um zu beschreiben, wie bekannt und geachtet ein Charakter bei NPCs ist. Das Reputations-Level variiert je nach Stadt; man kann zum Beispiel in Windurst sehr bekannt sein, aber ein Niemand in Bastok. Das Ansehen-Level bestimmt, welche Aufträge man beginnen kann; NPCs zögern komplett Fremden zu vertrauen und geben erst nur die unbedeutenden Aufträge. Man erhält Ansehen durch das Erledigen von Aufträgen, was zu mehr Aufträgen führt, die wiederum mehr Ansehen geben. Bei einem guten Ruf fühlen sich NPCs wohler und sind eher dazu geneigt, schwierigere Aufgaben zu vergeben, die auch bessere Belohnungen mit sich bringen. Weiterhin ist zu sagen, dass Händler dazu neigen, bessere Preise anzubieten, wenn man ein hohes Ansehen besitzt. Die Formel, die benutzt wird um die Preise basierend auf den Ruf zu bestimmen ist komplex, aber im Allgemeinen ist der Unterschied 40% für Items unter 1.000 Gil und fällt auf etwa 20% für teurere Items. Es können Ausnahmen auftreten. Jede Stadt hat einen Ruf-Prüfer (unten aufgelistet), der sagen kann, wie bekannt man etwa in dieser Stadt ist. Die Rede, die diese NPCs geben, unterscheidet sich je nach Ansehen-Level, dass man besitzt. Diese Reden sind unten aufgelistet. Wenn man schnell Ansehen benötigt, gibt es so genannte Schnell-Ansehen-Aufträge, die man machen kann um seinen Ruf schnell zu steigern
  • Reputation is a form of score that allows the player to purchase class-specific gear or Starstones. It can be obtained by leveling up classes that are in respective reputations. It can be viewed in-game through the Backpack interface.
  • Możesz zyskać lub stracić korzyść, znaną również jako reputacja, z wieloma różnymi frakcjami w Azeroth poprzez wypełnienie określonych zadań lub zabijanie niektórych stworzeń. Zwykle powoduje to odblokowanie nagród specjalnych lub nowych zadań do wykonania. Można także zwiększyć swoją reputację na wiele różnych sposobów, między innymi: * wykonując zadania związane z daną frakcją, w tym powtarzalne zadania. * zabijając określone stworzenia. * przechodząc odpowiednie lochy nosząc na sobie frakcyjny tabard czempioński. * używając nakazów zakupywanych na Srebrzystym Turnieju (dostępne na poziomie 80) lub Stopionym Froncie (poziom 85).
  • "Reputation" is a short story written by Ari Marmell that appeared in the magazine Star Wars Insider 136 in 2012. The story takes place eight years after the Invasion of Naboo and features the bounty hunter Cad Bane trying to forge a reputation for himself.
  • Reputation is a points system controlled by when players visit another player's property, or when completing some special reputation missions and achievements. The number of reputation points received is based on how long visitors stay. The higher the reputation a property had, the higher the property would be ranked. The higher-ranked properties were shown on earlier pages then others, making them more well-known. Reputation on properties is a short-lived accumulation of points - properties will quickly shed points in proportion to the amount of reputation they have, until they are reduced slowly to 0 again - unless more visitors arrive. Personal reputation (stored in the passport) is a cumulative total, which adds all reputation points which the Minifigure earns, whether or not it is currently active. For example, a Minifigure could have 100,000 reputation, while only having one property with 1,000 current reputation, and without having logged on for six months.
  • Reputation represents the general perception of the party as a force for either good or evil, it affects interaction and outcomes with the people you meet, how your party members treat you, as well as shop prices, there're many ways to manipulate reputation in game.
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