  • Confederate B7 Sith droid
  • On Mustafar in 19 BBY after the Sith Lord Darth Vader executed the Separatist Council, the Neimoidian Rear Admiral Garlen Mastigar contracted the Geonosians on Mustafar, the planet that Mastigar was blockading, asked the engineers to create the most powerful battle droid. Using B1 battle droid parts the engineers reconstructed the with lightsabers using byber crystals to substute for lightsaber crystals. The droids fought as marines on boarding ships during the navy battle above Mustafar they fought against the new Empire, and on the surface during the ground battle on Mustafar, killing hundreds of clones. However they were deactivated at the end of the battle. This defeat forced Mastigar to go into hiding again.
  • On Mustafar in 19 BBY after the Sith Lord Darth Vader executed the Separatist Council, the Neimoidian Rear Admiral Garlen Mastigar contracted the Geonosians on Mustafar, the planet that Mastigar was blockading, asked the engineers to create the most powerful battle droid. Using B1 battle droid parts the engineers reconstructed the with lightsabers using byber crystals to substute for lightsaber crystals. The droids fought as marines on boarding ships during the navy battle above Mustafar they fought against the new Empire, and on the surface during the ground battle on Mustafar, killing hundreds of clones. However they were deactivated at the end of the battle. This defeat forced Mastigar to go into hiding again.