  • College Roomies from Hell
  • What was that sound just now? Oh, nothing, just the Freshman dorm exploding... CRFH, formerly titled College Roomies From Hell!!!, is a Web Comic by Maritza Campos; it has run since 1999, and was one of the flagship series on the Keenspot comics portal.
  • What was that sound just now? Oh, nothing, just the Freshman dorm exploding... CRFH, formerly titled College Roomies From Hell!!!, is a Web Comic by Maritza Campos; it has run since 1999, and was one of the flagship series on the Keenspot comics portal. Three mismatched guys end up reluctantly rooming together when after showing up late to get a replacement apartment, and find themselves (and the three equally mismatched girls across the hall) thrown head-first into Planet Eris, with super-powered mutations, Cthulhu, were-coyotes, genies, mad scientists, and oh yes, the imminent birth of the Anti-Christ, just for starters. To call this series strange is an understatement; yet somehow, despite a severe case of Cerebus Syndrome, it all seems to hang together and remain funny.