  • Danni
  • Danni
  • Danni
  • Danni
  • Danni, labeled the Caffeine Crazy, is one of fourteen contestants appearing on Easy, Breezy, Beautiful. On her own, Danni is already off her rocker, but her obsession with coffee has led to quit a few zany ideas; like edible clothing. Also, given the opportunity, she can and will talk your ear off. Full Name (Age): Danielle "Danni" Johnston (21) Current Occupation: Barista Hobbies: Making coffee, drinking coffee, talking really fast, thinking out loud Favorite Fabric: Cotton
  • She is at the top level. She makes autobots by herself. She makes hotwheels to. She creates a Wii Game.
  • Danni... * plays Captain Jack Aubrey * likes Western comics, history, video games, and reading * ritually sacrifices small animals to Ray Bradbury for writing talent * likes bullet points
  • Danni es un personaje de la saga GTA, que aparece como secundaria en Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Hace una pequeña aparición en la gestión del local, en la que habla con Luis por celular. Es la representante de Kerry McIntosh.
  • Danni is the main character in Tales, a series created by SuperSpaniel101. She is also featured in a crossover, Stormy Eyes, which is an SSBB FanFic also by SuperSpaniel101.
  • Danno e la perdita di HP - punti vita inflitta con l'uso di un arma o di un incantesimo ad un personaggio e/o mostro.
  • Danni, kurz für Defense and navigation network intelligence, wurde von der Phoenix Space Corporation zeitgleich mit der Duress entwickelt, maßgeblich mitbeteiligt war Hades Military Industries. Ziel war es, ein intelligentes und vom Piloten unabhängiges System zur Verbesserung der Überlebenschancen in Kampfsituationen zu schaffen. Nach möglichkeit sollte das System in jeden Jäger eingesetzt werden. Das Ergebnis übertraf jedoch alle Anforderungen bei weiten. Der Vorgänger von Danni war Adam (Armament-Defense-and-Movement), das hauptsächlich in militärischen Großschiffen Verwendung fand.
  • In Season 2, Bray found her when he was looking for answers to the antidote, he stumbled upon a government building (Danni's fathers apartment) Danni held Bray at gunpoint with a crossbow and Bray explained what he was doing there. v · d · e In her first few appearance's Danni was seen as an outsider by the mallrats, as she was pushy and secretive, but after a while of settling into the tribe she was able to build trust and seemed keen to build a new world Danni was often seen as a replacement for Amber, both in joint leading the tribe with Bray.
Actor de Doblaje
  • Danni
  • Rampaging Runways center|200px
  • Blue
  • 15
  • Unknown
  • Black
  • ?
  • None
  • None
  • White
  • ?
  • Female
  • Co-leader of The Mallrats
  • Danni, labeled the Caffeine Crazy, is one of fourteen contestants appearing on Easy, Breezy, Beautiful. On her own, Danni is already off her rocker, but her obsession with coffee has led to quit a few zany ideas; like edible clothing. Also, given the opportunity, she can and will talk your ear off. Full Name (Age): Danielle "Danni" Johnston (21) Current Occupation: Barista Hobbies: Making coffee, drinking coffee, talking really fast, thinking out loud Favorite Fabric: Cotton
  • She is at the top level. She makes autobots by herself. She makes hotwheels to. She creates a Wii Game.
  • Danni... * plays Captain Jack Aubrey * likes Western comics, history, video games, and reading * ritually sacrifices small animals to Ray Bradbury for writing talent * likes bullet points
  • Danni es un personaje de la saga GTA, que aparece como secundaria en Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Hace una pequeña aparición en la gestión del local, en la que habla con Luis por celular. Es la representante de Kerry McIntosh.
  • Danni is the main character in Tales, a series created by SuperSpaniel101. She is also featured in a crossover, Stormy Eyes, which is an SSBB FanFic also by SuperSpaniel101.
  • In Season 2, Bray found her when he was looking for answers to the antidote, he stumbled upon a government building (Danni's fathers apartment) Danni held Bray at gunpoint with a crossbow and Bray explained what he was doing there. v · d · e In her first few appearance's Danni was seen as an outsider by the mallrats, as she was pushy and secretive, but after a while of settling into the tribe she was able to build trust and seemed keen to build a new world Danni was often seen as a replacement for Amber, both in joint leading the tribe with Bray. During series two, she established the beginnings of a judicial system for the kids and drafted a bill of rights. It was discovered by Ellie that Danni's father was one of the scientists responsible for creating the virus. Danni had tried to keep this secret but Bray managed to find out about it and not long after thanks to Ellie's and Jack's research the rest of the Mallrats came to know of Danni's past. Despite blaming herself for her fathers part in the virus, the Tribe accepted her as one of the Mallrats and she takes a joint leadership role within the group. With the help of Bray she bands together the Tribal leaders of the city to try and bring some order to the chaos around them. However as the Chosen close in, things get shaky and Danni was last seen at the end of series two when she went to a meeting of tribe leaders in the city. The meeting was taken over by the Chosen, and Danni was taken prisoner. The Mallrats had found this out, and they managed to get Danni back. But Lex insisted on not allowing the chosen to escape this time, so Lex goes ahead in a buggy and Bray and the Mallrats head to the beach and cut the chosen off to try and stop them escaping with Trudy and Brady but they were out numbered. There is a fight but with the chosen having triple figures of people in the fight the mall rats are soon rounded up as prisoners sat on the sand. Trudy steps off a horse and as the Guardian shouts "Almighty Zoot Hear me, It is done." Danni stands up and yells "NO!" she ran forward and was knocked out with a hit in the stomach and across her back by a chosen Guard. In Series 3, she is taken away with the other tribe leaders and the Guardian tells Bray she was executed.
  • Danno e la perdita di HP - punti vita inflitta con l'uso di un arma o di un incantesimo ad un personaggio e/o mostro.
  • Danni, kurz für Defense and navigation network intelligence, wurde von der Phoenix Space Corporation zeitgleich mit der Duress entwickelt, maßgeblich mitbeteiligt war Hades Military Industries. Ziel war es, ein intelligentes und vom Piloten unabhängiges System zur Verbesserung der Überlebenschancen in Kampfsituationen zu schaffen. Nach möglichkeit sollte das System in jeden Jäger eingesetzt werden. Das Ergebnis übertraf jedoch alle Anforderungen bei weiten. Danni ist eigentlich ein "nur" ein Computerchip mit integrierten Speicherbänken, die Standardkapazität liegt bei etwa 2500 IPO (internal program orders). Danni kann jedoch weitaus mehr, das System ist direkt mit den Verteidigungs- und Triebswerkssystemen des Schiffes verbunden und optimiert - vom Piloten völlig unbemerkt - sämtliche Verbindungen. Danni kann Funksignale registrieren und identifizieren, Intersystemsprungpunkte durch die Navigationssensoren aufspüren und diese sogar bis zu einem bestimmten Grad verfolgen. Der Vorgänger von Danni war Adam (Armament-Defense-and-Movement), das hauptsächlich in militärischen Großschiffen Verwendung fand. Eine Besonderheit von Danni ist die Möglichkeit, die Speicherbänke des Systems (regelmäßig) nicht zu löschen, sondern als "Basis" für eine Art von "Bewusstseinsfindung" zu nutzen. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Hand: Danni erkennt die persönlichen Vorlieben oder Reiserouten des Piloten, aktiviert auch ohne Befehl Autopiloten oder übernimmt auch komplexere Abwehrmanöver. Danni überwacht die Vitalzeichen des Piloten (Anmerkung: das Militär geht einen Schritt weiter, jeder Pilot trägt einen "Bio-Chip" unter der Haut am Hals, dieser sendet Daten direkt an den Bordrechner des Jägers/Großschiffs) und leitet im Notfall selbstständig Landungen ein. Danni sollte im Jahre 201 TST eigentlich als Standardsystem in jedem neuproduzierten Schiff eingesetzt werden, einige Firmen (darunter Telca) lehnten dies jedoch mit der Begründung ab, das man Danni auch zur Spionage einsetzen und somit Daten der Computersysteme aus Fremdjägern kopieren könnten. Tatsächlich ist es möglich, Teile von Danni auf ein MACS zu kopieren und diese Programme dann gewissermaßen als "Diagnoseprogramme" zu verwenden. Danni wird alle 4 Monate automatisch mit einem Update versorgt, dieser Service ist kostenlos. Der Preis für Danni variiert sehr stark, Basisversionen gibt es ab 550 Credits, in der Duress ist das System übrigens serienmäßig integriert.
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