  • Curse Chakra State
  • A technique developed by Cynicus using his Essence. The technique allows Cynicus to mingle his own Chakra with that of the Essence of Orochimaru's Snake Techniques, effectively making chakra similar in construction to Orochimaru's. This replicates the first stage of Orochimaru's Juinjutsu, providing minor benefits similar to the stage one of the cursed seal of heaven. When exerted, markings will even appear on Cynicus. However, the Chakra is Cynicus' own, so there are no drawbacks to this technique. Additionally, when in this mode, techniques used cannot be copied by the wielder of a Dojutsu unless they have a similar power, and techniques that are effected by Essence use are automatically enhanced.
literal english
  • Curse Chakra State
jutsu classification
  • Chakra Flow
unnamed jutsu
  • No
jutsu class type
  • Supplementary
  • Cynicus Hirasaka
  • A technique developed by Cynicus using his Essence. The technique allows Cynicus to mingle his own Chakra with that of the Essence of Orochimaru's Snake Techniques, effectively making chakra similar in construction to Orochimaru's. This replicates the first stage of Orochimaru's Juinjutsu, providing minor benefits similar to the stage one of the cursed seal of heaven. When exerted, markings will even appear on Cynicus. However, the Chakra is Cynicus' own, so there are no drawbacks to this technique. Additionally, when in this mode, techniques used cannot be copied by the wielder of a Dojutsu unless they have a similar power, and techniques that are effected by Essence use are automatically enhanced. This technique is named similarly to the use of Orochimaru's Juinjutsu, which is sometimes named 'Cursed Chakra Mode', and has some related mechanics. However, it is named this because Cynicus sees this technique as a state in which he is a curse upon his foes, hence 'Curse Chakra State.'