  • Peace Requiem
  • The plan was tested early on when Seireitou Hyūga, unknowingly from Zoku's prodding, unleashed the plan on the world without the involvement of the Ten-Tails. While his plan at first seemed to be succeeding, it did not stop war from plaguing the world, causing it to ultimately fail. After forming the Kagekenin, Zoku himself revived the plan to be carried out with him at its behest. Unlike Obito Uchiha did during his Eye of the Moon Plan years earlier, Zoku did not declare war to achieve his goals, saying that to do so would be "boring" and take his focus off of the plan itself.
  • The plan was tested early on when Seireitou Hyūga, unknowingly from Zoku's prodding, unleashed the plan on the world without the involvement of the Ten-Tails. While his plan at first seemed to be succeeding, it did not stop war from plaguing the world, causing it to ultimately fail. After forming the Kagekenin, Zoku himself revived the plan to be carried out with him at its behest. Unlike Obito Uchiha did during his Eye of the Moon Plan years earlier, Zoku did not declare war to achieve his goals, saying that to do so would be "boring" and take his focus off of the plan itself.