  • JR "Bob" Dobbs
  • Dobb's purported powers include being able to sell anything to anyone, being able to flirt with without blinking, and be able to blow stuff up with his lazer-vision eyes by installing state-of-the-art brain-code like: Pshew!. According to Subgenius lore, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs has also come back from the dead several times (beating Jesus's record). If you're a "real" Christian, a Mormon, or a member of the world's other major religious cults, at some point in your life you will realize that "Bob's" book is just as credible as yours.
  • Dobb's purported powers include being able to sell anything to anyone, being able to flirt with without blinking, and be able to blow stuff up with his lazer-vision eyes by installing state-of-the-art brain-code like: Pshew!. According to Subgenius lore, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs has also come back from the dead several times (beating Jesus's record). If you're a "real" Christian, a Mormon, or a member of the world's other major religious cults, at some point in your life you will realize that "Bob's" book is just as credible as yours.