  • Tardis
  • The TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) is written in all upper case letters—this convention was popularised by the Doctor Who novelisations of the 1970s.
  • What follows is a look at the various representations and notable uses of the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) throughout fan productions. For the TARDIS used in the BBC series, see the TARDIS index files page here.
  • The TARDIS, or Timey-wimey And Related Doohickeys In Space, was a type of starship that was capable of traveling through time and space. It could look like anything, from ordinary blue phone boxes to starfighters, and was often bigger on the inside than on the outside. The Mist Hunter was a TARDIS. There was also a variation that could only go to where the pilot has already been. It was known as a Re-TARDIS.
  • De TARDIS is het voertuig dat de Doctor en ook andere Time Lords gebruikten om mee te reizen door tijd en ruimte. De afkorting TARDIS staat voor "Time And Relative Dimension In Space". De TARDIS is groter aan de binnenkant, of, zoals Clara Oswald het stelde, 'Kleiner aan de buitenkant.' De TARDIS ziet er aan de buitenkant uit als een politiehokje.
  • Eine TARDIS, Tardis oder auch TT-Capsule (engl. Timetravel Capsule) ist ein Raumschiff in dem Time Lords durch Raum und Zeit reisen.
  • In some parts of the multiverse, sentient TARDISes are known to exist. None have appeared in HQ yet, but it is probably only a matter of time. The Doctor's TARDIS is OOC-resistant and aware of PPC agents, because most of the time Sues forget that she is an extremely powerful piece of sufficiently advanced technology and somewhat telepathic. If a Sue has a TARDIS of her own, or the Doctor's TARDIS is Character Replaced, the resulting machine is called a SUEDIS (Suvian Upstaging Exemplar Dimension In Style).
  • The TARDIS, an acronym for Time And Realitive Dimension In Space, was a space-time vehicle used by the Time Lords and still used by the Doctor. The Time Lords traveled throughout space and throughout time in these ships. It is most known for the transcendental engineering, the fact that a TARDIS is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, a trademark of Time Lord science.
  • The TARDIS (full name RETARDIS) or TURDIS as it is now called is essentially a self-propelled time machine that utilities the scientific principles of its main source of power, that is, a pile of crap. Inside the machine is said to be bigger than the outside, but this is probably a hallucination caused by inhaling of noxious fumes emanating from the endless cesspit below. Certainly all incarnations of the Doctor who have used it previously have all been either crazy or exhibited signs of chemical poisoning.
  • The TARDIS was a development of the Time Lord civilization of an alternate reality.
  • The TARDIS (Traumatic Ass-Raping Discontinuity Isolator-Stripper) was a Scun-designed time machine which looked like a phone booth (a phonetics booth which is used in grammar schools for pupils who haven't learned to enunciate properly yet). A lindworm professor named Smaug used it to travel to the past and met with Jono Renfield and Refan d'Zarnagon whom he took with him to various eras in the history of the Land of the Living. Remonian academics who heard Refan and Jono's story named it the Bogus Journey, not believing in something as preposterous as time travel. It's still unknown to this day if TARDIS was real or just the figment of drugged Refan and Jono's imagination.
  • The TARDIS (abbreviation for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space) was a spacecraft and time machine that was utilized by the Guardian Captain Lewis. (Star Trek: Unity (fan film series)) In 2387, the TARDIS was discovered by Captain Puto and Captain Lewis on Iconia during their search for the Elementux device. Upon entering the box, the pair were transported by the pre-programmed time machine first to Earth in 2008 where they collected an ancient fob watch as well as new friends Becky & Jade, then to the planet Exo III. There, Lewis subsequently adopted his previous persona of "The Doctor" from looking into the fob watch, and he took possession of the TARDIS, which was then kept on board the USS Odyssey-A, hidden from Starfleet's knowledge. At the conclusion of the Time War in 2389, Lew
  • The TARDIS is up and downy stuff in a big blue box. It is a product of the advanced technology of the Time Lords. A properly piloted TARDIS can transport its occupants to any point in time and any place in the universe. The unpredictability of the TARDIS's guidance system has often been a plot point in the Doctor's travels. In The Doctor's Wife the TARDIS reveals that much of this "unpredictability" was actually intentional on its part in order to get the Doctor "where he needed to go" as opposed to where he "wanted to go". D'awwwwwwww.
  • Le nom TARDIS est un acronyme qui signifie Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space (ou, pour la version française, Temps A Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter Spatiale). Il est utilisé pour première fois dans l'épisode An Unearthly Child par Susan Foreman (elle dit l'avoir inventé) et est connu des autres Timelords même si certains d'entre eux (notamment dans les épisodes The Deadly Assassin et The Pirate Planet) préfèrent appeller leur vaisseau TT Capsule (TT signifiant probablement Time Transport). C'est le cas, par exemple, de Romana.
  • The TARDIS (/ˈtɑːdɪs/ (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) is a time machine and spacecraft in the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who and its associated spin-offs. A TARDIS is a product of the advanced technology of the Time Lords, an extraterrestrial civilisation to which the programme's central character, the Doctor, belongs. A properly maintained and piloted TARDIS can transport its occupants to any point in time and any place in the universe. The interior of a TARDIS is much larger than its exterior ("It's bigger on the inside"), which can blend in with its surroundings using the ship's "chameleon circuit". TARDISes also possess a degree of sentience (which has been expressed in a variety of ways ranging from implied machine personality and free will through to t
  • Tardis time and relative dimension in space A.K.A Doctor who The t.v show This is our guild. its named after the t.v show doctor who. the tardis is a time machine slash spaceship that is bigger on the inside than on the outside. I am the second command in the guild and my sister is the leader. my name is verdauga and the leader/my sisters name is ladykaltag. we are currently not a very strong guild and we only have 12 members. We also require people to be bonta or a free to play who supports bonta. no brakmars or brakmar supporters allowed. we also require that u always give 5% experience to the guild.
  • "TARDIS" was an acronym that Susan purportedly devised. Susan defined the acronym with both the singular dimension (TV: "An Unearthly Child") and the plural dimensions. (AUDIO: The Beginning) "I made up the name TARDIS from the initials — Time And Relative Dimension In Space." (TV: "An Unearthly Child") Susan claimed to have come up with the acronym while in her first trip inside such a ship, (AUDIO: The Beginning) although another account stated that she only thought of it while on 1963 Earth. (PROSE: Time and Relative)
  • Ladykaltag
  • La majorité des histoires dans lesquelles le Docteur est présent
  • An Unearthly Child
  • man kann durch die Zeit reisen
Geschaffen von
  • den Time Lords
Vehicle Name
  • The overwhelming majority of stories where the Doctor is present
  • Time Lords
  • Rosal
  • An Unearthly Child
  • fast in jeder Story mit dem Doctor
  • 12
  • None
  • y
  • One to six
  • Row_of_TARDISes.jpg
Erste Benutzung
  • An Unearthly Child
  • The TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) is written in all upper case letters—this convention was popularised by the Doctor Who novelisations of the 1970s.
  • What follows is a look at the various representations and notable uses of the TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) throughout fan productions. For the TARDIS used in the BBC series, see the TARDIS index files page here.
  • The TARDIS is up and downy stuff in a big blue box. It is a product of the advanced technology of the Time Lords. A properly piloted TARDIS can transport its occupants to any point in time and any place in the universe. The interior of a TARDIS is much larger than its exterior, which can blend in with its surroundings using the ship's chameleon circuit. The Doctor's TARDIS is stuck looking like a police telephone box from the 1960's. The Fourth Doctor tried to repair it in Logopolis and the Sixth Doctor fixed it in Attack of the Cybermen and it materialises as a pipe organ and a tomb among other things. Sixie later ate the circuit and the TARDIS became a police box again. The unpredictability of the TARDIS's guidance system has often been a plot point in the Doctor's travels. In The Doctor's Wife the TARDIS reveals that much of this "unpredictability" was actually intentional on its part in order to get the Doctor "where he needed to go" as opposed to where he "wanted to go". D'awwwwwwww. It was also revealed in The Doctor's Wife that inside the TARDIS is a bitey mad lady called Sexy who the Doctor has been secretly banging for years. You also see more of the TARDIS in other stories like Castravacuum and Journey to the Bottom of the TARDIS.
  • The TARDIS, or Timey-wimey And Related Doohickeys In Space, was a type of starship that was capable of traveling through time and space. It could look like anything, from ordinary blue phone boxes to starfighters, and was often bigger on the inside than on the outside. The Mist Hunter was a TARDIS. There was also a variation that could only go to where the pilot has already been. It was known as a Re-TARDIS.
  • De TARDIS is het voertuig dat de Doctor en ook andere Time Lords gebruikten om mee te reizen door tijd en ruimte. De afkorting TARDIS staat voor "Time And Relative Dimension In Space". De TARDIS is groter aan de binnenkant, of, zoals Clara Oswald het stelde, 'Kleiner aan de buitenkant.' De TARDIS ziet er aan de buitenkant uit als een politiehokje.
  • The TARDIS (/ˈtɑːdɪs/ (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) is a time machine and spacecraft in the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who and its associated spin-offs. A TARDIS is a product of the advanced technology of the Time Lords, an extraterrestrial civilisation to which the programme's central character, the Doctor, belongs. A properly maintained and piloted TARDIS can transport its occupants to any point in time and any place in the universe. The interior of a TARDIS is much larger than its exterior ("It's bigger on the inside"), which can blend in with its surroundings using the ship's "chameleon circuit". TARDISes also possess a degree of sentience (which has been expressed in a variety of ways ranging from implied machine personality and free will through to the use of a conversant avatar) and provide their users with additional tools and abilities including a telepathically-based universal translation system. In the series, the Doctor pilots an apparently unreliable, obsolete TT Type 40, Mark 1 TARDIS. Its chameleon circuit is broken, leaving it stuck in the shape of a 1960s-style London police box after a visit to London in 1963. The Doctor's TARDIS was for most of the series' history said to have been stolen from the Time Lords' home planet, Gallifrey, where it was old, decommissioned and derelict (and, in fact, in a museum). However, during the events of "The Doctor's Wife" (2011), the ship's consciousness briefly inhabits a human body named Idris, and she reveals that far from being stolen, she left of her own free will. During this episode, she flirtatiously implies that she "stole" the Doctor rather than the other way around, although she does also refer to him as her "thief" in the same episode. The unpredictability of the TARDIS's short-range guidance (relative to the size of the Universe) has often been a plot point in the Doctor's travels. Also in "The Doctor's Wife", the TARDIS reveals that much of this "unpredictability" was actually intentional on its part in order to get the Doctor "where [he] needed to go" as opposed to where he "wanted to go". Although "TARDIS" is a type of craft rather than a specific one, the Doctor's TARDIS is usually referred to as "the" TARDIS or, in some of the earlier serials, just as "the ship", "the blue box", "the capsule" or "the police box". The eleventh incarnation of the Doctor is also known to have referred to her as "Sexy", a name she actually adopts as her preferred address in "The Doctor's Wife", much to the Doctor's embarrassment. Doctor Who has become so much a part of British popular culture that not only has the shape of the police box become more immediately associated with the TARDIS than with its real-world inspiration, the term "TARDIS-like" has been used to describe anything that seems to be bigger on the inside than on the outside. The name TARDIS is a registered trademark of the British Broadcasting Corporation.
  • Eine TARDIS, Tardis oder auch TT-Capsule (engl. Timetravel Capsule) ist ein Raumschiff in dem Time Lords durch Raum und Zeit reisen.
  • Tardis time and relative dimension in space A.K.A Doctor who The t.v show This is our guild. its named after the t.v show doctor who. the tardis is a time machine slash spaceship that is bigger on the inside than on the outside. I am the second command in the guild and my sister is the leader. my name is verdauga and the leader/my sisters name is ladykaltag. we are currently not a very strong guild and we only have 12 members. We also require people to be bonta or a free to play who supports bonta. no brakmars or brakmar supporters allowed. we would like more members so come on to dofus and contact ladykaltag. we also require that u always give 5% experience to the guild. thanks. bye. P.s were a rosal server guild. signed, Verdauga, (second in command) Date posted, 3-3-07 PLZ JOIN OUR GUILD WE NEED PPLS. ALSO NOTICE WE ARE A ROSAL SERVER GUILD
  • In some parts of the multiverse, sentient TARDISes are known to exist. None have appeared in HQ yet, but it is probably only a matter of time. The Doctor's TARDIS is OOC-resistant and aware of PPC agents, because most of the time Sues forget that she is an extremely powerful piece of sufficiently advanced technology and somewhat telepathic. If a Sue has a TARDIS of her own, or the Doctor's TARDIS is Character Replaced, the resulting machine is called a SUEDIS (Suvian Upstaging Exemplar Dimension In Style).
  • Le nom TARDIS est un acronyme qui signifie Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space (ou, pour la version française, Temps A Relativité Dimensionnelle Inter Spatiale). Il est utilisé pour première fois dans l'épisode An Unearthly Child par Susan Foreman (elle dit l'avoir inventé) et est connu des autres Timelords même si certains d'entre eux (notamment dans les épisodes The Deadly Assassin et The Pirate Planet) préfèrent appeller leur vaisseau TT Capsule (TT signifiant probablement Time Transport). C'est le cas, par exemple, de Romana. Certains exclus de Gallifrey, comme les soeurs de Karn, qui vivait en marge de la société, connaissaient aussi cet acronyme. (TV: The Brain of Morbius). A noter que l'acronyme TARDIS peut également signifier Tethered Aerial Release Developed In Style (en français, Transport Aérien Révolutionnaire Développé avec Infiniment de Style). Dans ce cas, il fait référence non pas au vaisseau Timelord mais à la montgolfière réalisée par Jackson Lake alors qu'il se prenait pour le Docteur (DW : The Next Doctor). Le Douzième Docteur a expliqué une fois à Osgood que l'acronyme du TARDIS pouvait parfois changer. (TV: The Zygon Inversion)
  • "TARDIS" was an acronym that Susan purportedly devised. Susan defined the acronym with both the singular dimension (TV: "An Unearthly Child") and the plural dimensions. (AUDIO: The Beginning) "I made up the name TARDIS from the initials — Time And Relative Dimension In Space." (TV: "An Unearthly Child") Susan claimed to have come up with the acronym while in her first trip inside such a ship, (AUDIO: The Beginning) although another account stated that she only thought of it while on 1963 Earth. (PROSE: Time and Relative) The First Doctor expressed familiarity with the term when Susan first said the word "TARDIS" aloud, which Susan didn't believe. (AUDIO: The Beginning) Although some Time Lords, like Castellan Spandrell (TV: The Deadly Assassin) and Romana I, (TV: The Pirate Planet) utilised the more generic name "TT capsule", others were perfectly familiar with Susan's supposed acronym. (TV: The Three Doctors, The Name of the Doctor, PROSE: Lungbarrow, AUDIO: Human Resources) Some beings on the fringes of Time Lord society, like the Sisterhood of Karn, also knew the acronym without being prompted by the Doctor or his companions. (TV: The Brain of Morbius) There was a slight discrepancy as to the precise meaning of the acronym. Though Susan described it as "dimensions" when recalling her initial trip in the TARDIS, (AUDIO: The Beginning) while on 20th century Earth, she referred to it as the singular "dimension". (TV: "An Unearthly Child") Vicki pluralised the "dimension" when she explained the term to Steven, making it "Dimensions". (TV: "The Watcher") This interpretation seemed to hold for a time, being used by several subsequent companions and Doctors. (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan, The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve, The War Machines, The Wheel in Space, The War Games, The Creature from the Pit, Four to Doomsday, Delta and the Bannermen) Nevertheless, the singular Dimension, may have been "more correct", as the Doctor's fifth, (TV: Frontios) eighth, (TV: Doctor Who) ninth (TV: Rose) and tenth incarnations (TV: Smith and Jones) consistently preferred the singular form, as did the Doctor's TARDIS itself when its matrix was transplanted into Idris (TV: The Doctor's Wife) and Rose Tyler. (TV: Turn Left) The "dedication plaque" in the Doctor's TARDIS also referred to the ship as "Time and Relative Dimension in Space", favouring the singular form. (TV: Amy's Choice) The Twelfth Doctor once claimed to Osgood that he made up the term TARDIS from the initials, "Totally and Radically Driving in Space". Osgood also mentioned that she had heard "a couple of different versions" of what TARDIS stood for. (TV: The Zygon Inversion)
  • The TARDIS, an acronym for Time And Realitive Dimension In Space, was a space-time vehicle used by the Time Lords and still used by the Doctor. The Time Lords traveled throughout space and throughout time in these ships. It is most known for the transcendental engineering, the fact that a TARDIS is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, a trademark of Time Lord science.
  • The TARDIS (full name RETARDIS) or TURDIS as it is now called is essentially a self-propelled time machine that utilities the scientific principles of its main source of power, that is, a pile of crap. Inside the machine is said to be bigger than the outside, but this is probably a hallucination caused by inhaling of noxious fumes emanating from the endless cesspit below. Certainly all incarnations of the Doctor who have used it previously have all been either crazy or exhibited signs of chemical poisoning.
  • The TARDIS was a development of the Time Lord civilization of an alternate reality.
  • The TARDIS (Traumatic Ass-Raping Discontinuity Isolator-Stripper) was a Scun-designed time machine which looked like a phone booth (a phonetics booth which is used in grammar schools for pupils who haven't learned to enunciate properly yet). A lindworm professor named Smaug used it to travel to the past and met with Jono Renfield and Refan d'Zarnagon whom he took with him to various eras in the history of the Land of the Living. Remonian academics who heard Refan and Jono's story named it the Bogus Journey, not believing in something as preposterous as time travel. It's still unknown to this day if TARDIS was real or just the figment of drugged Refan and Jono's imagination.
  • The TARDIS (abbreviation for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space) was a spacecraft and time machine that was utilized by the Guardian Captain Lewis. (Star Trek: Unity (fan film series)) In 2387, the TARDIS was discovered by Captain Puto and Captain Lewis on Iconia during their search for the Elementux device. Upon entering the box, the pair were transported by the pre-programmed time machine first to Earth in 2008 where they collected an ancient fob watch as well as new friends Becky & Jade, then to the planet Exo III. There, Lewis subsequently adopted his previous persona of "The Doctor" from looking into the fob watch, and he took possession of the TARDIS, which was then kept on board the USS Odyssey-A, hidden from Starfleet's knowledge. At the conclusion of the Time War in 2389, Lewis used the time machine to return his crew, including Laura Lee and his regenerated clone to their proper times, before leaving the machine on Unity Starbase. (Star Trek: Unity (fan film series))
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