  • Nonverbal spell
  • A nonverbal spell is a spell which is performed without saying the incantation out loud. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry begins teaching nonverbal magic to students in their sixth year in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Transfiguration; the students are expected to use spells nonverbally from then on.
  • A nonverbal spell is a spell that lacks a verbal component, so it can be cast while silenced. The nonverbal spells included in Neverwinter Nights are clarity, ethereal visage, lesser dispel, and ray of enfeeblement. In addition, any spell cast with the silent spell (or automatic silent spell) feat is treated as a nonverbal spell.
  • A nonverbal spell is a spell which is performed without saying the incantation out loud. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry begins teaching nonverbal magic to students in their sixth year in Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and Transfiguration; the students are expected to use spells nonverbally from then on.
  • A nonverbal spell is a spell that lacks a verbal component, so it can be cast while silenced. The nonverbal spells included in Neverwinter Nights are clarity, ethereal visage, lesser dispel, and ray of enfeeblement. In addition, any spell cast with the silent spell (or automatic silent spell) feat is treated as a nonverbal spell.