  • Convince him you work here
  • From: [[]] Have a conversation with him. Truth is on your side, after all. What could possibly go wrong? [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • 'I do apologise. No offence, what?'
Failure title
  • 'You seem to protest too much, my friend.'
  • 108
Failure description
  • […]'Why tell me this?[…]Only an escapee would feel the need to say that they were not an escapee.' He pins you down with a huge paw and before you know it, you're in a cage of your own. D---. You can pick the lock, but it's going to take a while.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Avoid becoming an exhibit yourself
Success description
  • […]The short-sighted tiger sheaths his claws, one by one, and apologises graciously enough. You can only be sure of his sincerity later, when you find a little purse waiting for you.
  • Have a conversation with him. Truth is on your side, after all. What could possibly go wrong?
  • From: [[]] Have a conversation with him. Truth is on your side, after all. What could possibly go wrong? [Find the rest of the story at ]