  • Cardassian uniforms
  • In comparison to other militaries, the Cardassians did not have much variation when it came to uniforms in that departmental and rank variations are not evident, with the exception of the legate's uniform (and even that is quite similar to the ordinary uniform). It also appears to serve both ordinary service and most ceremonial purposes; in other words, formal and informal variations do not seem to exist aside from the ancient uniform of the Honor Vigil.
  • In comparison to other militaries, the Cardassians did not have much variation when it came to uniforms in that departmental and rank variations are not evident, with the exception of the legate's uniform (and even that is quite similar to the ordinary uniform). It also appears to serve both ordinary service and most ceremonial purposes; in other words, formal and informal variations do not seem to exist aside from the ancient uniform of the Honor Vigil. The vast majority of Cardassian servicemen and women, from simple soldiers to officers, wore the same uniform. It was predominantly black (with charcoal-grey accents) and its distinctive tri-ribbed cuirass was comprised of a rubber-like memory material that provided the wearer with some degree of protection against shrapnel and low-level phaser fire. The cuirass could not fully shield its wearer against the effects of a full-intensity blast, however, though it may have played a role in saving the life of Gul Tayben Berat during a Maquis-affiliated assassination attempt. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--"Flash", The Thirteenth Order) The cuirass is designed not to hamper the free movement of the Cardassian head, and thus has a much wider neckline than seen in many humanoid clothing styles, in order to avoid encumbering the neck ridges. The non-Cardassian members of the Thirteenth Order who have worn the uniform found this slightly awkward given the exposure of skin that is not normally exposed on their own peoples' uniforms. However, the uniform still fit snugly, as the undershirt's material clung closely to the body, and the cuirass was largely held in place by its fit in the half-sleeves. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order) The gold writing on the cuirass--referred to as the cuirass inscription--states the individual's rank and ship or base of origin. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order) Other equipment commonly regarded as part of the uniform are the wrist-worn communicator and universal translator ("wristcomm"), and the sidearm of some officers--a disruptor pistol worn on a holster that hangs from a belt and is also secured with a leg strap. Regulation hair for men is a slicked-back style that usually comes to just below the chin in length (though this style is by cultural pressure worn by all Cardassian men as a tribute to Tret Akleen). (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions background essay--"Cousins We Could Have Been: Cardassians and How to Draw Them") Men from ethnic backgrounds that allow them to grow facial hair must shave. Women in uniform keep their hair long, but in braided pigtails. In both cases, high-ranking officers, including guls, have been known to get away with exceptions to the rules, such as Gul Macet's facial hair, and Gul Rebek's braids, which instead of hanging loose, circle around her head and secured in the back with a pin with the sigil of her Order. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions--The Thirteenth Order) Although the same military regulation is in place in the Sigils and Unions: Catacombs of Oralius universe, the civilian conformity is not seen. Some civilians adopt these military cuts by choice as a fashion statement, but it is by no means mandatory in the SigCat universe.