  • Tarot (Marvel)
  • She was ostensibly killed by Sentinels under the command of Trevor Fitzroy. She reappeared later as a member of the second Hellions team. It appears her resurrection and life force was somehow bound to King Bedlam, though this was never fully explained. On M-Day she lost her mutant powers, along with King Bedlam. Apparently since King Bedlam's powers kept her alive, when he lost his powers, she died again.
  • She was ostensibly killed by Sentinels under the command of Trevor Fitzroy. She reappeared later as a member of the second Hellions team. It appears her resurrection and life force was somehow bound to King Bedlam, though this was never fully explained. On M-Day she lost her mutant powers, along with King Bedlam. Apparently since King Bedlam's powers kept her alive, when he lost his powers, she died again. Her death was short-lived as she, along with all other deceased Hellions, were resurrected by Selene and Eli Bard using the Transmode virus. She was able to use again her powers on that occasion, although the statement that designed her depowered.